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AU Continental Technical Experts’ Consultation on Strengthening Synthetic Drug Supply Reduction Towards Addressing Drug Trafficking and Advancing Crime Prevention, Criminal Justice and Rule of Law in Africa

AU Continental Technical Experts’ Consultation on Strengthening Synthetic Drug Supply Reduction Towards Addressing Drug Trafficking and Advancing Crime Prevention, Criminal Justice and Rule of Law in Africa

July 19, 2023 to July 22, 2023


AU Continental Technical Experts’ Consultation on Strengthening Synthetic Drug Supply Reduction Towards Addressing Drug Trafficking and Advancing Crime Prevention, Criminal Justice and Rule of Law in Africa


What:  AU Continental Technical Experts’ Consultation on Strengthening Synthetic Drug Supply Reduction Efforts towards Addressing Drug Trafficking and Advancing Crime Prevention, Criminal Justice and Rule of Law in Africa.

When: 19 - 22 July 2023

Where: Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire

Who:   The African Union Commission, Department of Health, Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development.  

Why: Illicit drug trafficking continues to thrive in Africa posing new challenges to international counternarcotic efforts, as well as a variety of emergent threats to the continent and beyond. Illicit drug trafficking and related organized crime are dynamically evolving and have become increasingly transnational, and complex with criminals increasingly exploiting new and emerging information communication technologies.

The nexus and the negative impact of illicit drug trafficking and related crime in Africa are well documented[1] which inhibit the achievement of 2030 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and also the African Union’s Agenda 2063[2]. Illicit drug trafficking and related crime undermine the rule of law, human rights, socio-economic development, public health & security, the environment and cultural heritage.  Illicit drug trafficking has been associated with terrorist financing, illegal financial flows, trafficking in small and light weapons, migrant smuggling, poverty, violence and other related organized crime.

Novel strategies or adaptations of existing ones may be required to track emergent drug flow patterns, dismantle major criminal syndicates involved in such trafficking, and prevent future hotspots from emerging.


The objectives of the continental technical experts’ consultation are to:

  1. To promote inter-agency collaboration and strengthen mechanisms for real-time intelligence exchange systems among national drug supply reduction focal points and intergovernmental experts.
  2. Expose the technical experts to the Pan African Epidemiology Network on Drug Use (PAENDU) supply reduction data collection tool and important variables that will be included to ensure effective data collection.
  1. Understand the current trends on illicit drug trafficking in Africa with a special focus on synthetic drugs, related organized crime and the number of arrests due to drug related offences based on data from Member States.
  1. Share best practices, protocols, and drug policy frameworks to facilitate appropriate Transnational Organized Crime (TOC) data flows to agencies conducting screening and interdiction operations to disrupt TOC activities at critical points of the supply chain in Member States.

Expected outputs:

  1. Clear understanding of the nature, context and impact of drug trafficking and related crimes, collaboration and strengthened mechanism for real time intelligence exchanges including road map for interventions.
  1. Pilot test the PAENDU data collection form and determine its utility regarding its effectiveness in the field.
  1. Reviewed situation of drug trafficking and related organized crime, existing responses and emerging threats, role of policy advocacy, research and data collection on drug trends, priority areas for intervention and mitigating impact.
  1. Developed work plan of identified priority areas, for implementation in subsequent years in order to improve responses to countering drug trafficking and related challenges to human security.

Participation at the event:

The consultation is expected to bring together over 100 International participants namely: technical experts and independent consultants from Law Enforcement Agencies, INTERPOL, AFRIPOL, UNODC, EUROPOL, INL, World Customs, Drug Enforcement Officers from all AU Regions and Member States, and Regional Economic Communities (RECs).

Representatives of the media are invited to cover the consultation. The Programme is attached.


For further information, please contact:

Dr Ruth Akinola I Head of Social Welfare, Drug Control and Crime Prevention Division | Health, Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development | African Union Commission Tel: +251 115 517 700 | E-mail: | Addis Ababa, Ethiopia|

King David Cartey I Strategic Communication Expert | Health, Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development | African Union Commission Tel: +251 115 517 700 | E-mail: | Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Gamal Ahmed I Information and Communication Directorate, African Union Commission I E-mail:
Web: | Addis Ababa, Ethiopia | Follow Us: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube



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