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AU Media Fellows attend the third Africa Media Convention (AMC)

AU Media Fellows attend the third Africa Media Convention (AMC)

July 01, 2024

The African media landscape is undergoing a dynamic transformation. At the forefront of this change are the AU Media Fellows, a select group of journalists and content creators chosen for their commitment to development-focused storytelling. This year, their journey takes them to the heart of the continent's media conversation: the Africa Media Convention (AMC).

Under the theme: "The African Media We Want: Enhancing Freedom, Innovation, and Environmental Sustainability in a Dynamic World,", the third edition of the premier annual continental media event, brought together AU organs, UNESCO, other UN institutions, journalists and other media workers, media organizations, civil society, the academia, policymakers, and others. For AU Media Fellows, this is a chance to connect with established figures in the field. Networking opportunities can lead to invaluable mentorship, potential collaborations, and a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing African media.

The AU Media Fellowship is built on the idea of promoting Agenda 2063, the African Union's blueprint for continental transformation. The AMC provides a platform for them to share their knowledge and expertise with other journalists. Workshops, panel discussions, and presentations can spark new ideas and inspire others to embrace innovative storytelling techniques to address Africa's pressing issues.

The Information and Communication Directorate (ICD) and UNESCO to attend the AMC held in Accra, Ghana, below are some of there stories.

Read: How APRM Is Championing African Governance, Gender Inclusion and Media Freedom. Article by Nila YasminAU Media Fellow, Uganda

Read: Why media literacy matters now more than ever: Insights from the third African media convention held in Ghana – Article by Cecelia Maundu, AU Media Fellow, Kenya

Read: Africa’s bid to improve journalists’ working environment - New Vision Official - Article by David Muhkouli – AU Media Fellowship Mentor

Read: AU, UNESCO Seek Action On 100 Million Out-Of-School Children and Climate Change, AI Put African Media On The Spot   - Afeez Hanafi – AU-AWIM Migration award 2020 winner – Nigeria.

The African Union Media Fellowship Programme (AUMF) comprises of 20 journalists and content creators from across Africa, with backgrounds in audio-visual, print, and digital journalism. This flagship AU initiative aims to transform African media by fostering ethical journalism, challenging prevailing narratives, and promoting collaboration among media professionals for cross-border coverage. The programme also engages policymakers to enhance media influence and impact.

For further media inquiries, please contact:

Janet Faith Adhiambo Ochieng | Communication Officer- Agenda 2063 | Information and Communication. Directorate | African Union Commission | E-mail:

Information and Communication Directorate, African Union Commission I E-mail: I Web: au. int | Addis Ababa, Ethiopia | Follow Us: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube





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