An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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Executive Council Tenth Ordinary Session


1 EX.CL/Dec.315 (X)
Decision on the Report of the Status of the
OAU/AU Treaties - Doc. EX.CL/296 (X) 1
2 EX.CL/Dec.316 (X)
Decision on the Report on the Specialized
Technical Committees - Doc. EX.CL/297(X) 1
3 EX.CL/Dec.317 (X)
Decision on the Proposed Amendments to
the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly of
the Union, the Executive Council and the
Permanent Representatives’ Committee,
and the Statutes of the Commission
Doc. EX.CL/298 (X) 1
4 EX.CL/Dec.318 (X)
Decision on the Report of the Task Force
on Africa’s Strategic Partnerships with the
Emerging Powers of the South
Doc. EX.CL/304 (X) 1
5 EX.CL/Dec.319 (X)
Decision on the Situation of Refugees,
Returnees and Displaced Persons in Africa
Doc. EX.CL/299 (X) 2
6 EX.CL/Dec.320 (X)
Decision on the African Charter on
Democracy, Elections and Governance
Doc. EX.CL/301(X) 1
7 EX.CL/Dec.321 (X)
Decision on the First Conference of African
Union Ministers’ Responsible for
Hydrocarbons (Oil and Gas)
Doc. EX.CL/311 (X) 2
8 EX.CL/Dec.322 (X)
Decision on the Implementation of the
AMCEN 11 Work Programme for the
Biennium 2007 to 2008
Doc. EX.CL/312 (X) 1
9 EX.CL/Dec.323 (X)
Decision on Africa-EU Ministerial
Conference on Migration and Development
Doc. EX.CL/313 (X) 1

10. EX.CL/Dec.324 (X)
Decision on the Africa-EU Plan of Action on
Trafficking in Human Beings Especially
Women and Children – Doc. EX.CL/313 (X) 2
11. EX.CL/Dec.325 (X)
Decision on the Report of the Second
Extraordinary Session of the Conference of
Ministers of Education of the African Union
Doc. EX.CL/314 (X) 1
12. EX.CL/Dec.326 (X)
Decision on Palestine and the Middle East
Doc. EX.CL/321 (X) 3
13. EX.CL/Dec.327 (X)
Decision on the Special Session of the AU
Conference of Ministers of Health
Dedicated to Sexual and Reproductive
Health and Rights in Africa
Doc. EX.CL/316 (X) 2
14. EX.CL/Dec.328 (X)
Decision on the Pan-African Cultural
Congress (PACC) – Doc. EX.CL/317 (X) 2
15. EX.CL/Dec.329 (X)
Decision on the Establishment of the
African Union Financial Institutions
Doc. EX.CL/308 (X) 1
16. EX.CL/Dec.330 (X)
Decision on the Elaboration of an African
Statistics Charter – Doc. EX.CL/308 (X) 1
17. EX.CL/Dec.331 (X)
Decision on the Relationship between the
African Union Commission and the
Regional Economic Communities (RECs) –
Doc. EX.CL/308 (X) 1
18. EX.CL/Dec.332 (X)
Decision on Africa-Europe Dialogue
Doc. EX.CL/320 (X) 1
19. EX.CL/Dec.333 (X)
Decision on Private Sector Development
Doc. EX.CL/302 (X) 1
20. EX.CL/Dec.334 (X)
Decision on the African Union Satellite
Based Global Private Network Project
(VSAT) 1
21. EX.CL/Dec.335 (X)
Decision on the Contribution of Member
States 2

22. EX.CL/Dec.336 (X)
Decision on the Outcome of the Meeting of
Governmental Experts on Early Warning
and Conflict Prevention
Doc. EX.CL/300 (X) 1
23. EX.CL/Dec.337 (X)
Decision on Free Movement of Persons in
Africa 1
24. EX.CL/Dec.338 (X)
Decision on the Report of the Interim
Economic, Social and Cultural Council
25. EX.CL/Dec.339 (X)
Decision on the High-Level African
Regional Conference on the Contribution of
Nuclear Energy to Peace and Sustainable
Development 1
26, EX.CL/Dec.340 (X)
Decision of the Tenth Ordinary Session of
the Executive Council on the Budget for
2007 1
27. EX.CL/Dec.341 (X)
Decision on the Report of the Chairperson
on the Strengthening of the Commission
Doc. EX.CL/328 (X) 1
28. EX.CL/Dec.342 (X)
Decision on Improvement of the Conditions
of Service of the Staff of the Commission
and Other Organs 1
29. EX.CL/Dec.343 (X)
Decision on the Fourth International
Conference on Highly Pathogenic Avian
Influenza, (Bamako, 6 – 8 December 2006)
Doc. EX.CL/327 (X) Add.2 1
30. EX.CL/Dec.344 (X)
Decision of the 21ST Activity Report of the
African Commission on Human and
Peoples’ Rights – Doc.EX.CL/322 (X) 2
31. EX.CL/Dec.345 (X)
Decision on Candidatures within the
International System 2
32. EX.CL/Dec.346 (X) Decision on the Modalities for the Elections
of the Members of the Commission 1

33. EX.CL/Dec.347 (X) Decision on the Report of the Extraordinary
Conference of Ministers of Science and
Technology – Doc. EX.CLl/315 (X) 1

Thursday, January 25, 2007 - 11:00

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