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Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) Continental TVET Expert-Advisory Group

Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) Continental TVET Expert-Advisory Group

May 29, 2017 to June 30, 2017


The need to strengthen technical and vocational education and training (TVET) through scaled up investments, the establishment of a pool of high-quality TVET centres across Africa, greater links with industry and alignment to labour markets has become urgent. This is with a view to improve the skills profile, employability and entrepreneurship of especially youth and women, and closing the skills gap across the continent. The long-term challenges and possibility to grow and prosper in a rapidly evolving world requires skills that prepare young people for decent jobs, so that they can thrive and participate fully in society.

One of the major socio-economic development concerns of many African governments is the growing problem of youth unemployment and underemployment. Without job-related skills, young people and adults cannot benefit from employment opportunities that offer a decent income. Supporting the youth to acquire employable skills through TVET programmes has therefore become a key development strategy of many countries. It is within this framework that the African Union Commission has developed a continental strategy to revitalize TVET in Africa. The Strategy is grounded on an approach based on a Paradigm Shift with an emphasis on skills for job creation, and draws on recent regional and international initiatives aimed at promoting TVET to foster youth employment.


The African Union Commission is launching the process to renew the composition of the Continental TVET Expert - Advisory Group. The team of experts will guide member states in the formulation of national TVET policies, establishment of training coordination structures and implementation bodies that will be able to manage the TVET policy. This is also to ensure a coordinated implementation of the Continental TVET Strategy in tandem with overarching continental and global policies - Agenda 2063, the Youth Charter and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Scope of Work

The continental expert working group will work to catalyze the implementation of TVET strategy. It will be charged with advising, assisting, supporting and advocating for the strengthening and scaled up investments, greater links with industry and alignment to labour markets. This is with a view to improving the skills profile, employability and entrepreneurship prospects of young people and closing the skills gap across the continent. It will also provide an additional layer of accountability as part of monitoring and evaluation of implementation progress in Member States.

Specifically, the working group is expected to provide technical advice and intellectual support for implementation of the TVET strategy at both continental and National Level through contributing to the following;
o Continuing the process of identification of good practices that can be replicated and support the production of case studies illustrating benefits of competency based training, as well as involvement of industry-led bodies in promoting skill development
o Identification of strategic partnerships for promoting TVET programme linkages with industry, for nurturing innovation hubs and attracting venture capital for young entrepreneurs
o Development of programmes for building and encouraging youth entrepreneurship through appropriate capacity building and reward systems.
o Development and dissemination of knowledge products including policy briefs on skills development and employment landscape in Africa.

Composition and Profile of the members

This call for expressions of interest is open to individuals holding the nationality of a Member State of the African Union (AU). The continental TVET Experts-Advisory Group will be composed of 20 members, drawn from experts in Vocational Education and Training, Foundations and Partners in Work Force Development, and the Private Sector/Employers. Membership is based on the expressed willingness & commitment to contribute to the agenda of the above mentioned program on a voluntary basis. Thus the role will not be remunerated but, group members will be given DSA and reimbursed for normal travel expenses in line with the applicable rules and procedures of the AU.

While the membership selection process will focus primarily on the qualifications of the members in terms of knowledge and experience, the African Union Commission will endeavour to achieve, to the extent possible, an appropriate geographical, linguistic and gender balance, and representation of all relevant stakeholders.

Members of the TVET Expert Group shall be appointed by the Commissioner, Human Resources, Science and Technology (HRST) and serve for four years.

Frequency of Meetings

It is expected that the experts will meet virtually at least once every quarter. Additional meetings of the whole group may be held, depending on business need, and might take the form of a formal meeting, visit or consultation. In addition, business will be conducted via correspondence and smaller bilateral expert meetings. Some meetings may be conducted virtually via video, or telephone, conferencing.

Programme of work and reporting

The annual programme of work will be prepared by the Expert Group on the basis of the responsibilities and tasks as described under “Scope of Work” of the current EOI. The programme of work will be in conformity with the relevant AUC policies and frameworks.

The Expert-Advisory Group is responsible for producing annual progress reports, submitted to the AUC in advance of the Specialized Technical Committee Meetings (STC) of Education Science and Technology and Youth Culture and Sports respectively.

Submission procedure and closing date

Persons or stakeholders meeting the basic selection criteria of a TVET/skills development expert or practitioner, or an entrepreneur or employer of TVET graduates and wishing to apply for a position on the Continental TVET Expert - Advisory Group are invited to submit their expression of interest attaching a detailed curriculum vitae and a motivation letter (2 pages maximum). Women are particularly encouraged to apply.

Applications must be submitted by email to not later than Friday 30th June 2017 with the subject line as Expression of Interest.

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