An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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PAN-African Statistical Training Centre (PANSTAT)


Mandates, Missions and Roles

Complementing existing African schools and universities in statistics and demography training, the mandate, missions and roles of the center are structured around the following elements:

  • Coordination and harmonization of training in statistics and demography in Africa.
  • Accrediting body of Schools and Training Centers: On the basis of a framework defining harmonized standards and curriculum, as an accrediting body, the Center will have to evaluate Schools of Statistical Training in Africa and ensure Accreditation in Statistical Training in Africa in collaboration with the Association of African Statisticians.
  • Capacity building, training and research in statistics and demography
  • Supervision of Certification: the Center will oversee the certification of Diplomas in Statistical Schools and Universities and undertake regular evaluations of Training Centers and Schools in order to adapt training programs to the needs and requirements of the labor market.
  • Validity and recognition of diplomas: The Center will also have to come closer to the African and Malagasy Center for Higher Education (CAMES), UNESCO and the Ministries of the Higher Education of the Member States for the recognition and validation of diplomas to be created in the new channels. Certificates and diplomas recognized by the Center must be recognized by the member countries and give rise to advances and / or subsidies at the country level.
  • Mobility: Facilitate the mobility of students and teachers and remove language barriers between mainland statisticians.

Department Resources

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January 01, 2025

Supply Chain Management Division Operations Support Services Directorate
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia