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Technical meeting on Harmonization Work Plan for the 2018 Second Semester of the AU-STC 8 on Public Service, Local Government, Urban Development and Decentralization

Technical meeting on Harmonization Work Plan for the 2018 Second Semester of the AU-STC 8 on Public Service, Local Government, Urban Development and Decentralization

May 16, 2018

Addis Ababa16 May 2018 - A two-day Technical meeting on the Harmonization of the Work Plan for the 2018 Second Semester of the AU-STC 8 on Public Service, Local Government, Urban Development and Decentralization took place on 16 May 2018 in Rabat, Kingdom of Morocco. The meeting is in accordance with the decision of the recent Bureau Meeting held on 27-29 March 2018 in Rabat, Kingdom of Morocco.
The meeting’s overall objective was to consolidate the flagship programmes of the STC8 and its three Sub committees in line with its strategic long-term vision as per the Agenda 2063 and other global agendas for implementation during the second semester of 2018.

In his address, Mr. Jean Pierre Elong Mbassi, General Secretary of the UCLGA, first welcomed the participants to the meeting before stating that the technical meeting of Rabat was decided by the Bureau of the AU-STC 8 during its meeting held on March 29, 2018, in Rabat, Kingdom of Morocco. He highlighted the importance of this meeting which is to generate a strategic vision of the STC8 putting in place a short-term action plan for 2018 as well as a long term strategic plan for the future. He hopes that this meeting will meet and fulfil the aspirations of the decision of the Bureau meeting through an outcome document that is more comprehensive and synergistic, which if well implemented will bring a positive impact to the African Citizenry. He then wished everyone a successful deliberation during this meeting.

Mr. Mbari Calixte Aristide, representing the Director of Political Affairs of the African Union Commission, prevented by other professional constraints, expressed the regret of the Secretariat for his delayed arrival at the meeting of facts of the constraints of flight. He then expressed his heartfelt thanks to the UCLGA for his strong support for the organization of the technical meeting and in particular for the support and the warm welcome offered to all the participants since their arrival this beautiful city of Rabat. He finally announced the availability of the STC 8 Secretariat to support the conduct of the meeting in the light of the members of the Bureau of AU-STC 8 before wishing the participants fruitful deliberations.

Finally, Mr. Abasse Olossoumaré, Representative of the Chairperson of the AU-STC 8 in his speech thanked the Secretary General of UCLGA for his support in organizing this technical meeting. He further encourages everyone to actively participate in this meeting as its conclusions will be of pertinence to the implementation of the mandate of the STC8.
He then confirmed the clarification made by the UCLGA Secretary General of the context of the technical meeting before and officially opened meeting open.

For further information, please contact Mr. Issaka Garba Abdou, Head of the STC8 Secretariat at and Cc
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