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Commissioner Muchanga at Africa Mining Summit 2018: “African Union Commission is keenly engaging with the Private Sector in order to have a frank dialogue for mutual benefits and shared value along the minerals value chains”

Commissioner Muchanga at Africa Mining Summit 2018: “African Union Commission is keenly engaging with the Private Sector in order to have a frank dialogue for mutual benefits and shared value along the minerals value chains”

October 09, 2018

Gaborone, Botswana – 09 October 2018. The Department of Trade and Industry of the African Union Commission in partnership with GRV Global, an Event Management Company and the Government of Botswana organized the fourth Edition of the Africa Mining Summit under the theme: “The Advancement of the Africa Mining Vision (AMV) through technologies”. The Summit comprises of a two-day conference which includes, Keynote presentations and panel discussions on all aspects related to the Continent’s ongoing mining and minerals efforts. Africa Mining Summit enables more networking and face time through one-on-one round table as well as Business to Business (B2B) discussions, longer refreshment and lunch breaks, dedicated networking and exhibiting zones, a cultural dinner and pre-scheduled match making meetings. The Event brings together suppliers around the world who are looking to sell to the mining corporates, mining corporates who seek investment, investors who want to strike deals and African Government Ministers and Private Sector who engage all groups to discuss new opportunities in their respective countries and Africa as a whole.

While welcoming participants, Mr. Andrew Dowel, CEO of GRV Global, expressed his gratitude to the African Union Commission for the partnership and for steadfastly supporting GRV Global’s efforts in producing the Africa Mining Summit. He pointed out that mining companies operate in complex geographies where they face increasing challenges in responding to regulatory and compliance requirements. He emphasized the fact that mining companies are also required to adapt to changing market conditions while adopting new innovations as they seek to produce more for less cost. Mr. Dowel welcomed the Africa Mining Vision which, he said, set the vision of the continent in terms of mineral resources development. The GRV Global’s CEO explained that the Africa Mining Vision seeks to actively promote the integration of Africa’s mining sector into national economic and social activities. “We need to think outside the box in order to maximize the continent’s resources wealth”, he concluded.

In his Keynote Address, H.E. Amb. Albert M. Muchanga, Commissioner for Trade and Industry of the African Union Commission thanked the Government and the people of the Republic of Botswana for their hospitality and their outstanding generosity. He began his speech with a warning on climate change indicating that the Mining in Africa should be done responsibly for sustainable development. “Gobal warming is real and we need to be environmental friendly”, he warned. The Commissioner informed the Conference that Africa has been open for investments for a while and mining in Africa has been going on for centuries however, unfortunately Africa’s openness has led to vulnerability resulting into capital and illicit financial flows stating that Africa loses in excess of US$100billiuon annually. “Africa is open for business. It is our duty to put an end the illicit financial flows”, he insisted. Commissioner Muchanga also explained to the Conference that the Africa Mining Summit is happening at a critical time when the African Union Assembly adopted and launched the most ambitious and biggest Free Trade Area in the world, the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). He emphasized that the establishment of the AfCFTA will bring concrete opportunities to market players in the African mining and related sectors as it will create an integrated market of 1.2 billion people supported by an aggregate economy of about US$3.4 trillion. He highlighted the key role that can be played by the mineral resources in the social and economic structural transformation of Africa to lead into win-win situation and inclusive growth. “We all know how the sector can create skilled and decent and non-skilled employment for the young people and wealth for countries”, he mentioned. Ambassador Muchanga also pointed out that African Union Commission sees great scope in the summit mobilizing investments and providing solutions to the challenges facing the mining industry in Africa. According to him, the Africa Mining Summit is as a vehicle in mobilizing the Private Sector to implement the Africa Mining Vision (AMV). He recalled key deliverables of the Mineral Wealth Conference 2018 held from 2-3 October in Kampala, Uganda where the Association of Chamber of Mines and other Mining Associations in Africa (ACMMAA) and the Association of Women in Mining in Africa (AWIMA) Members reviewed and adopted their respective constitutions as well as elected their New Office bearers. He also indicated that African Union Commission is keenly engaging with the Private Sector not only in the minerals sector but also in other sectors in order to have a frank dialogue for mutual benefits and share value along the value chains. “We need to see value addition and downstream beneficiation taking place in our countries. We need to see upstream beneficiation along global and regional minerals supply and value chains”, he concluded.

Before he declared the Summit open, Hon. Eric Mothibi Molale, Minister of Mineral Resources, Green Technology and Energy Security of the Republic of Botswana, expressed his gratitude to the African Union Commission for co-hosting the fourth Africa Mining Summit for the second time. He recalled the theme of the Africa Mining Summit 2018 and explained that Botswana is a preferred destination for investments. He indicated that Botswana is doing well based on rules of law. According to the Honourable Minister, foreign investors should be driven by Good Conduct. He informed the Conference that Botswana has developed six national priorities including, among others, Human Capacity, Social Development, sustainable use of Mineral Resources and Good Governance. “All our Mineral Resources are exploited for the benefit of our citizens. It is a win-win situation that encourages Foreign Direct Investment”, he stated. Hon. Molale underlined that Botswana has put in place the ease of business which, he said, reduces bureaucracy and avoid corruption. “This enables investors to do business without fear and encourage growth”, he underscored. Hon. Molale also indicated that Africa must be determined to ensuring future export of fully beneficiated mineral resources onto world seaborne markets but admitted that this will continue to depend largely on the logistical infrastructure establishment through international and local investment in the Continent. He stressed on the need to have Regional Value Chains giving an example of Botswana which is a Diamond processing Hub for the region not only for Botswana.

The Africa Mining Summit 2018 was attended by High Level Political Authorities from across Africa including the Minister of Mines and Mineral Resources of Sierra Leone, the Minister of Lands and Natural Resources of Ghana, the Deputy Minister of Mines and Mining Development of Zimbabwe and the Permanent Secretariat of National Minerals Commission of the Ministry of Mines and Quarries of Burkina Faso.


For further information, please contact Mr. Frank Dixon Mugyenyi, Senior Industry Advisor - Email:

Media contacts:

Patient Atcho, Department of Trade and Industry – Tel: + 251 929335250 - Email: and Esther Azaa Tankou, Directorate of Information and Communication, AUC Tel. +251 911361185, E-mail:

For further information: Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: I Web Site: I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

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