Conflict Resolution, Peace & Security
The African Union leads policy making and implementation of decisions aimed at ensuring that Africa achieves Aspiration 4 of Agenda 2063 which aspires for “ A peaceful and secure Africa” through the use of mechanisms that promote a dialogue-centred approach to conflict prevention and resolution of conflicts and establishing of a culture of peace and tolerance nurtured in Africa’s children and youth through peace education. The Agenda 2063 flagship initiative of Silencing the Guns by 2020 is at the core of activities being put in place to ensure Africa is a more peaceful and stable continent.
The key AU Organ for promoting peace and security on the continent is the Peace & Security Council (PSC) which is the standing decision-making organ of the AU for the prevention, management and resolution of conflicts. It is a collective security and early warning arrangement intended to facilitate timely and efficient responses to conflict and crisis situations in Africa. It is also the key pillar of the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA), which is the framework for promoting peace, security and stability in Africa.
The Department of Peace and Security of the African Union Commission (AUC) supports the PSC in carrying out its responsibilities under the PSC Protocol and leads the AUC activities related to peace, security and stability across the continent. The Department supports various peace and security offices and missions and works with special representatives appointed by the AUC Chairperson in the area of peace and security.
The Department oversees the African Centre for the Study and Research on Terrorism and also advocates for the signing and ratification by member states of the various AU treaties in the areas of peace and security
Find out more about the work of the AU on conflict resolution and maintaining peace on the continent by visiting Peace & Security Department
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