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Ahead of the STC on Migration, Refugees and IDPs, Member States validating Policy Documents

Ahead of the STC on Migration, Refugees and IDPs, Member States validating Policy Documents

October 25, 2021

The African Union (AU) in collaboration with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and the United Republic of Tanzania organized the Workshop of Senior Officials of AU Member States and RECs to validate the Draft Policies on the Prevention of Trafficking in Persons (TIP) and Prevention of Smuggling of Migrants (SOM) in Africa. The Workshop kicked off on 6 October, in Zanzibar, Tanzania.

During the opening ceremony Mr. Sabelo Mbokazi, Head of the Division of Labor, Employment and Migration of the Health, Humanitarian Affairs & Social Development (HHS) Department of the African Union Commission (AUC) delivered opening remarks on behalf of Her Excellency Amira Elfadil Mohammed Elfadil, Commissioner for Health, Humanitarian Affairs & Social Development (HHS) and extended thanks to the people and Government of the United Republic of Tanzania for hospitality and facilitation provided for the success of the workshop. He took the participants through the main objectives of the validation workshop.  Mr. Sabelo Mbokazi added further “There are reports of many vulnerable young African citizens being trafficked, sometimes on very dangerous migratory routes for various reasons. These cases include women and children and in some cases, other categories like the old people and albinos”. Mr. Sabelo Mbokazi noted that victims face sexual exploitation and forced labor, working in different low-level jobs like construction, domestic workers, agriculture and manufacturing, among others.

 “However, over time, human trafficking and smuggling has evolved, with tremendous evidence of emerging challenges such as tactical changes by the perpetrators to beat the Member States national protection and prevention regimes. Increasing level of poverty and the protracted nature of many conflicts in some African States has not only been the main root of human mobility and migration, but also contributed to the rise of the numbers of persons being trafficked or smuggled across the continent,” noted Mr. Sabelo Mbokazi.  .

Mr. Sabelo Mbokazi concluded by underscoring the emphasis for AU Member States to work together towards the “4-Ps” principles: Prevention; Protection; Prosecution; and Partnerships to effectively and efficiently combat Human Trafficking and Smuggling of Migrants.

In his welcoming remarks during the workshop, Hon. Dr. Khalid Salum Mohamed, Minister of State in the Second Vice President’s Office, Policy Coordinator and House Representative, Zanzibar formally welcomed all participants on behalf of the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania and expressed his delight that the workshop is taking place in Zanzibar.

He said that the government of Tanzania is happy to express satisfaction with the remarkable efforts the AU Commission is undertaking especially in issues related to African migrants,  and will spare no efforts to make the workshop successful. Hon. Dr. Khalid Salum Mohamed concluded by urging the participants of the meeting to  come up with strong recommendations and solid policies and legal instruments to sustainably support AU Member States and RECs in addressing Trafficking in Persons and other forms if irregular migration in Africa.

Dr. Qasim Sufi, the IOM Chief of Mission (CoM) in the United Republic of Tanzania in Zanzibar in his opening statement commended the commitment shown by AU Member States and the African Union Commission to assess the Ouagadougou Action Plan to Combat Trafficking in Human Beings, Especially Women and Children, and chart a revision process that has culminated in the drafting of the two forward looking policy documents on addressing human trafficking and migrant smuggling. He said that IOM continues to collaborate with the African Union and its Member States towards strengthening national capacities, improving evidence base policy making, enhancing awareness, and empowering vulnerable populations against the risks of human trafficking and migrant smuggling. “This workshop has a key role to play in enriching the draft policy documents with Member States collective knowledge of available resources, and approaches for improved response including strengthened cross-border collaboration,” concluded Dr. Qasim Sufi.

Participants will share and exchange regional, national and imperative case studies and experiences on the prevention of trafficking mechanisms that can foster the draft policies, which are to submit to the 4th Ordinary Session of the Specialised Technical Committee (STC) on Migration, Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons, which will take place this year.

Further information should be directed to:

Mr. Geoffrey Wafula| Migration Coordinator at the Department of Health, Humanitarian Affairs & Social Development | Email:

For further media inquiries, please contact:

1. Mrs. Wynne Musabayana | Head of Communication Division| Information and Communication Directorate | African Union Commission | E-mail: |   

2. Mr. Gamal Eldin Ahmed A. Karrar | Senior Communication Officer | Information and Communications Directorate | E-mail:

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