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Statement by H.E. Dr. Aisha L. Abdullahi on AU-Human Rights Memorial (AU-HRM) Third Consultative Meeting of Experts, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 11 April 2013
Statement by Commissioner for Social Affairs at the 21st Session of the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACERWC), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 15 April 2013
Statement by Commissioner for Social Affairs at the 21st Session of the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACERWC), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 15 April 2013
Statement by H.E. Dr. Aisha L. Abdullahi , Commissioner for Political Affairs delivered On Her Behalf by Dr. Mamadou Dia, Ag. Director Department of Political Affairs, At the Opening Ceremony of the 53rd Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human
Statement by H.E. Dr. Aisha L. Abdullahi , Commissioner for Political Affairs delivered On Her Behalf by Dr. Mamadou Dia, Ag. Director Department of Political Affairs, At the Opening Ceremony of the 53rd Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (Achpr), Banjul, The Gambia, 9 April 2013
Honourable Justice Lamin Jorbateh, Attorney General and Minister of Justice of the Republic of The Gambia Honourable Madam Catherine Dupe Atoki, Chairperson of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights
Honourable Justice Sophia Akuffo, President of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights
Honourable Commissioners of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights
Honourable Representative of the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child
Honourable Ministers and Heads of Delegation, Delegates of State Parties to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights
Excellencies Ambassadors and Members of the Diplomatic Corp
Distinguished Representatives of the African National Human Rights Institutions
Distinguished Representatives of UN Agencies
Distinguished Representatives of Civil Society and Non-Governmental Organizations
Dr. Mary Maboreke, Secretary to the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights
Distinguished Guests
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am deeply honoured and delighted to be back in the Republic of The Gambia, the smiling coast of Africa, at a historic time when we are to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Organization of the African Unity (OAU) by celebrating our Pan Africanism and African Renaissance. It is indeed a privilege to be among distinguished delegates and participants on such a momentous occasion during this 53rd Ordinary Session of the African Commission.
Allow me also to take this opportunity to express on behalf of the Commissioner for Political Affairs, our heartfelt appreciation to the Government and People of the Republic of the Gambia for the warm hospitality and welcome since we arrived in Banjul and for hosting this important ordinary session of the African Commission.
Madam Chairperson Mrs. Dupe Atoki and Members of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, I would like to congratulate you, for your unrelenting efforts and dedication to the promotion and protection of human peoples’ rights on the continent. We appreciate your diligence and efforts to hold this 53rd Ordinary Session, here in the Republic of The Gambia which in no small measure enhances the effectiveness of the African Human and Peoples’ Rights System in general and the work of the Commission in particular, as the key custodian of the Continental Human and Peoples’ Rights Agenda. I would also particularly like to recognize and thank members of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights Secretariat for their hard work behind the scenes and even more importantly to all delegates and participants for their attendance of this session.
Excellencies, Honorable Commissioners and Distinguished Delegates
You will recall that the African Heads of State and Government during the AU Summit of January 2011 dedicated 2012 as the Year of Shared Values in Africa. This was their ingenious way of bringing to light the importance of the African Shared Values in consolidating Africa’s integration. In the same vein, the 16th AU Summit adopted the African Governance Architecture and its Platform to support AU Member States in their efforts to promote democracy, good governance, human rights and the rule of law. Within this context, the launch of the African Governance Platform in June of 2012 in Lusaka, Zambia marked not only a new beginning in our working methods, but also a future which inspires a lot of hope in deepening democratic governance in our systems of government in Africa.
The Department of Political Affairs is humbled but proud of the progress that has been made thus far in consolidating democracy and good governance on the continent. The launch of the African Governance Platform, is a unique opportunity to strengthen capacity and deepen our understanding of issues of human and peoples’ rights, democracy and governance, which constitute our African Shared Values.
Excellencies, Honorable Commissioners and Distinguished Delegates
As we move ahead with the agenda of the continental integration based on African Shared Values, it is important to reflect on best practices and lessons learnt so far, and one of those lessons is that the respect for human rights is an important element towards the attainment of peace and sustainable development. Equally important is the fact that achieving peace and security is premised on a culture of respect for human rights, but above all, the promotion and protection of human rights is a collective responsibility.
In the same vein, the African Union Commission is monitoring the human rights situations in Mali, Central African Republic, Guinea Bissau and other parts of the Continent. In fact and for the first time in the history of the AU, a human rights observers’ mission has been deployed to Mali as part of AFISMA, the African Union Peacekeeping Mission in Mali.
While the African Union is taking the lead, the success so far cannot be achieved without the contribution of all stakeholders involved in the promotion and protection of human and peoples’ rights, an important component of which is the Civil Society Organisations (CSOs). I therefore wish to thank members of CSOs who diligently participate in the sessions of the Commission and lead the noble fight for humanity at all levels.
Excellencies, Honorable Commissioners and Distinguished Delegates
The Department of Political Affairs continues the effort of implementing the Human Rights Strategy for Africa, which was adopted in April 2011, here in Banjul, The Gambia. The Strategy is meant to address current weaknesses in the human rights system in Africa, as well as to bring about convergence in the workings of the human rights institutions and actors on the continent thereby helping to strengthen and facilitate the development and coordination of human rights promotion and protection. Implementing the Action Plan of the Stagey will pave the way for an enhanced coordination among the various stakeholders, in particular the AU and its organs, Regional Economic Communities’ (RECs) Courts and Tribunals in addition to the National Human Rights Institutions and the wider African CSOs.
It is also pertinent to note that, the Strategy also focuses on issues related to Transitional Justice, which has become a major area of focus our quest to deal with issues of post conflict reconstruction and development. The Department of Political Affairs is collaborating with AU Organs, partners and other stakeholders to finalize the development of an AU Transitional Justice Policy Framework for Africa.
Excellencies, Honorable Commissioners and Distinguished Delegates
I will conclude by reiterating the African Union Commission’s support to the work of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, and in the wisdom and foresight of its Chairperson and Members.
Once again, I would like on behalf of the African Union Commission to express our appreciation to the Government and peoples of the Republic of The Gambia and the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights for organizing this very important meeting, and invite you to contribute your ideas and suggestions on how we can move forward together and make this Session a success.
I thank you.
Statement by H.E. Dr. Mustapha Sidiki Kaloko Commissioner for Social Affairs at the Opening Session of the Ministers’ Meeting 9th Ordinary Session of the Labour and Social Affairs (LSAC), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 11 April 2013
Statement by H.E. Dr. Mustapha Sidiki Kaloko, Commissioner for Social Affairs, at the Opening Session of the Ministers’ Meeting 9th Ordinary Session of the Labour and Social Affairs (LSAC), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 11 April 2013
Your Excellences, Hon. Ministers
Your Excellencies, Ambassadors here present,
Esteemed Social Partners,
Esteemed International Partners,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is my pleasure to open the first Session of the Labour and Social Affairs Commission. Before going further allow me to extend to all present here, warm greetings from Her Excellency, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, who, as you know, takes the well-being of the people of the Continent very seriously, especially social development issues, and in this case the well-being of workers, creation of decent jobs and employment for youth, women and persons with disabilities. What separates this meeting from other AU Ministerial Conferences is the tripartite nature of its composition. It provides a unique opportunity and a forum for workers, employers and government to interact and seek common ground.
This year we are celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the OAU-AU under the theme “Pan Africanism and African Renaissance”, five decades after the creation of our continental organization. It provides an opportunity to take stock of events over the past 50 years and to form a vision of labour markets in Africa for the next 50 years.
Over the last fifty years, we have listened to a lot of rhetoric on labour market issues and challenges. It is now time for us to act upon that rhetoric. Since the period of structural adjustment programmes, the labour and employment sector has borne the bulk of the cost of regulatory framework reforms and downsizing of labour market institutions. It has been, and still hard for African countries to work toward effective labour institutions after years of drastic structural adjustment reforms. In the area of demographic dividends, the gains were not translated into improved labour market outcomes proportionately to the sustainable high economic growth rate of the last two decades.
On average more than 70% of the workforce is engaged in the informal economy and rural sector activities in our Member States. The labour market institutions do not address the needs of the workers in these sectors in terms of social protection, skills development, employment services and workforce management, productivity improvement, social dialogue and knowledge development through appropriate research and survey programmes. To a great extent, these challenges also apply to Small and Medium Sized Enterprises which are poorly covered by the services offered by the labour market institutions, in particular the labour inspection and public employment services.
Your Excellences, Ladies and Gentlemen,
We should strive to ensure that in the next 50 years, all workers, whatever their sectors, have access to decent work, decent income, appropriate social protection regimes, better working and living conditions. We should also strive to fulfill our commitment to reduce youth and women unemployment by 2% per year. This will require bold steps towards well-functioning labour markets with developed and effective market institutions to cater for labour inspection, social protection, social dialogue, placement services, labour market information, policy planning, including monitoring and evaluation.
To this effect, we cannot escape the necessity to rethink the missions, roles and desirable outcomes of labour market institutions in Africa and make them work for poverty alleviation, social cohesion and inclusive pro-poor growth, focusing on outcomes of the growth process that seek to benefit all strata of the society.
The Africa Union, in particular the Labour and Social Affairs Commission, has the responsibility, in collaboration with key international partners, to provide clear leadership in the debate on labour market reforms in the continent and to make these markets more responsive to the quest for a sustainable inclusive growth. We need to look beyond the 10% of workers in the modern sector, listen to the overwhelming majority of the workforce in the informal economy and rural sector, and join our efforts in bringing them progressively into the mainstream economy to secure decent jobs for them.
Indeed, the Informal Economy is an area where Africa can be creative in developing innovative job market systems, be among the leading regions of the world and contribute to the conceptual, policy and technical work at global level. It is our responsibility to engage in such work. We could establish an observatory on the informal economy which could be to the establishment of the African Centre of the Informal Economy.
Advocating for inclusive pro- job growth combined with employment and social protection, the Labour and Social Affairs Commission convenes at an opportune time when the international community has embarked on consultations in putting together the post-2015 development agenda. The LSAC has the distinct opportunity to contribute significantly to this process by ensuring that job creation, productive employment, decent work and social protection are adequately reflected in the post 2015 Development.
Your Excellences, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Two more areas and challenges deserve our attention. Firstly, Africa is still the least productive region in the world, lagging far behind other regions. According to the 2012 AUC-ECA MDGs Report. This situation will worsen unless vigorous measures are taken to address it. It is, therefore, imperative to look into the critical challenge of productivity by further engaging in the implementation of the AU Productivity Agenda for Africa.
The second challenge is the increasing trend of regional and inter-regional labour migration. The Regional Economic Communities have taken remarkable steps towards the construction of regional integrated labour markets in Africa, facilitating among other things, international recruitment, portability of social benefits-pension, health and other benefits. The Commission and the RECs should take advantage of these steps and engage in implementing the relevant provisions of the AU Migration Policy Framework. In so doing, account should also be taken of the ILO Conventions on Migration of workers and the policies of the International Organization on Migration.
Your Excellences, Ladies and Gentlemen,
I wish to conclude by affirming that the Commission stands ready to ensure the implementation of the decisions taken by the 9th Ordinary Session of the Labour and Social Affairs Commission, in collaboration with the RECs and international partners.
I thank you for your kind attention.
Opening Remarks by Prof. Jean-Pierre Ezin, Commissioner for Human Resources, Science and Technology at the Workshop on Establishment of a Continental Accreditation Agency for Higher Education in Africa, 10 – 11 April 2013, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Opening Remarks by Prof. Jean-Pierre Ezin, Commissioner for Human Resources, Science and Technology at the Workshop on Establishment of a Continental Accreditation Agency for Higher Education in Africa, 10 – 11 April 2013, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Statement of Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma Chairperson of the African Union Commission On the occasion of the Handover Ceremony of the 50th Anniversary Torches to the Member States
Statement of Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma Chairperson of the African Union Commission
On the occasion of the Handover Ceremony of the 50th Anniversary Torches to the Member States
Your Excellency, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Ethiopia and Chairperson of the Executive Council;
Your Excellencies, Ministers from Member states and visiting Ministers
Commissioners of the AUC
Executive Secretary of the ECA
Heads of all the AU and UN Organs
Members of the Permanent Representatives Committee
Partners and citizens here gathered
Distinguished guests,
Ladies and gentlemen
Members of the press,
At the onset, allow me to welcome you all to Addis Ababa. This city is of historical significance since it hosted the first major milestone in our journey towards total emancipation. The convening of thirty-two independent states in the Conference of Independents African States in May 1963, remains perhaps one of the most important statements undertaken by Africans towards self determination and prosperity.
Almost fifty years on from that watershed moment, we are favoured with the opportunity to reflect on the road travelled by Africans towards securing unity, prosperity and peace. The bouquet of events and milestones, at the Union, REC, Member State and Non State Levels, which have been developed will assist us to reflect on critical actions required to secure continental unity, shared prosperity, and lasting peace.
We ought to ultimately “harness the natural and human resources of our continent to the total advancement of our peoples in all spheres of human endeavour”, as envisaged by the OAU Charter of 1963.
These reflections are opportune because the year 2013 has been declared the Year of Pan Africanism and the African Renaissance. It is our view that this year has the potential of being a watershed year, since never before in our history has so much been in our favour. Never before have we had so much potential and growth. Never before, has the continent been favoured with such a young, vibrant and relatively more educated population. It is these comparative advantages that must be turned into meaningful opportunities towards a shared prosperity and lasting peace.
Through the symbolic lighting of these torches, which we send to all our member states today, we hope that the flame of hope shall shine through the continent. We have therefore encouraged our member states to consider popularising the AU and the torches in their nations. The torches symbolise our desire to reverse the current story line of despair into the real narrative of opportunity and potential. These torches are also a symbol of our collective will to brighten Africa’s future. These torches are a symbol of our achievements with regard to development, democracy and governance. These torches are a symbol of our pride to belong to Africa.
The commemoration of the fifty years of the OAU also coincides with the tenth year of the existence of the African Union (AU), which we constituted so as to promote “an integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in global arena”.
Given the historic nature of this event, the 50th Anniversary Commemoration will therefore facilitate and celebrate African narratives of past, present and future. We hope to enthuse and energize the African population and use their constructive energy to accelerate a forward-looking agenda of Pan-Africanism and Renaissance in the 21st century.
To effectively develop this forward-looking agenda we will engage all sectors of our societies here and in the diaspora. We have adopted thematic focus areas in our year-long programme, to provide a platform for focused programmatic discussion. These themes recognise the areas in which we have recorded progress. These themes also facilitate for the recognizing of the challenges we face. The themes, which are currently being projected on the screens in this hall include: Regional Integration, Education and Human Resources, as well as Health and Women.
The impact of the main events (from 19 to 27 May) and the yearlong activities will be assessed against the extent to which we are able to promote and define Pan African Values. These values will underpin the African Agenda over the next five decades. For that reason, I hope that all delegations will bring these messages back home so that, in unison, with each African from within and outside the continent, we memorably celebrate the golden jubilee of the OAU-AU.
Finally, before I invite, H. E. Teodros Adhanom, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Ethiopia and Chairperson of the Executive Council to light the torch of the Golden Jubilee on behalf of the Council, I would like to recall the words of one of the greatest sons of the soil Chinua Achebe (who sadly recently passed on):
“Nobody can teach me who I am. You can describe parts of me, but who I am and what I need is something I have to find out myself”.
Consequently, the current realities and futures of Africa can only and must be developed by Africans for Africans. In so doing we must emphasise solidarity, unity, shared prosperity and lasting peace.
Together, let’s arise for One Africa in peace and prosperity.
Ensemble, mobilisons-nous pour une Afrique unie dans la paix et la prospérité
Juntos mobilizemo-nos para uma África unida na paz e prosperidade
Linan had, maahan min ajili Ifrikriya mutahida yassu duha assalamu waliz dihar
I thank you.
Statement by H. E. Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma Chairperson of the African Union Commission at the Executive Council Fourteenth Extraordinary Session, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 8 April 2013
Statement by H. E. Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma
Chairperson of the African Union Commission
Your Excellency, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and Chairperson of the Executive Council;
Your Excellencies, Ministers from Member States;
Executive Secretary of the ECA;
Heads of AU and UN Organs;
Excellencies Members of the Permanent Representatives Committee;
Excellencies from other Diplomatic missions
Distinguished Guests;
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is a great honor for me to address Your Excellencies at the 14th Extraordinary Session of the Executive Council, which is convened to deliberate on crucial issues ahead of the celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the establishment of our pan-African Organization – the OAU and now AU. I would like to thank you all for finding time to attend this Session. I will restrict my remarks to the issues on the agenda today.
The first matter before this session of the Executive Council is the 3rd African Union Commission Strategic Plan (2014-2017).
The AU Summit of July 2012 decided that we must develop an AU-wide plan, in order to provide greater coherence in the actions and initiatives of the AU organs, Member states, RECs and other key continental stakeholders.
This plan is being developed as Agenda 2063, requiring widespread consultations and alignment of Member states, RECs and other continental strategies, to meet the vision of an integrated, people-centred and prosperous Africa at peace with itself. This will be presented to the January 2014 Summit for consideration. The logical thing would have to been to wait for this overarching framework, before starting with the AUC Strategic Plan,
The policy organs decided against extending the AUC 2nd Strategic Plan (2009-2012) for another year, and the Commission therefore proceeded with the development of AUC 3rd Strategic Plan for 2014-2017, which will adjusted once the AU-wide framework is adopted.
I want to take the opportunity to thank the Sub Committee on Programmes and Events, and the PRC as a whole for detailed work done on the Strategic Plan. The outcomes of the work between the Commission and the PRC will be presented to you today.
The 3rd Strategic Plan takes an outcomes-based approach, focusing on the impact that we need to make in each of the five pillars and priority areas of our work. We recommend that this session of the Executive Council also enriches and adopts this framework.
At the same time, we recognize that we must strengthen the indicators and improve on the mainstreaming of gender and youth in the Draft Plan. The Commission working with the PRC will ensure that this is adequately addressed in the final Strategic Plan to be proposed for adoption at the 23rd Ordinary Executive Council meeting.
Excellencies. Distinguished Guests,
You will recall that the 22nd Ordinary Session of the Executive Council in January 2013, requested the Commission to complete work on the draft Budget for 2014. Much progress has been recorded on this.
Significantly, the draft Budget is based on the draft Strategic Plan 2014-2017 and in conformity with the Decisions of the Executive Council to integrate Operational budget and Programmes into one single budget (EX.CL Dec.278 (IX) adopted in Banjul, in June 2006.
We will present a progress report to the Extra-Ordinary Council. Since the draft Budget for 2014 can only be finalized once we agree on the approach to the Strategic Plan, the full budget will be tabled for adoption at the 23rd Executive Council in May.
Excellencies, Distinguished Guests,
The celebration of the Golden Jubilee of the founding of the OAU and AU offers the continent a rare opportunity to reflect on the last five decades, on our prospects, futures and the challenges confronting Africa.
In line with Assembly decision Assembly/AU/Dec.422 (XIX), the Commission is working in close collaboration with the Ethiopian Government, Member States, the Regional Economic Communities as well as other AU Organs to organize various activities that are people-centred and memorable.
The Commission and the PRC have been preparing the approach to the anniversary and the activities, as contained in the 50th Anniversary Project document that will also serve before you today.
Whilst we will have the main Anniversary Summit on 25 May 2013 in Addis Ababa, hosted by the Ethiopian government and people, we expect that the anniversary will be a year-long and continent-wide event.
We therefore urge Member states and RECs, Civil society and the Diaspora to use the Project document as a guideline, adding their own innovations and initiatives so that we use these events to reflect, asses and lay the foundations for the future.
During lunch today, we will present the 50th Anniversary torch to the host country, Ethiopia, symbolically kicking off the preparations for the celebrations. We will also hand over anniversary torches to each Member state, which you should light at an event in your country during the coming months as a sign of our continent-wide celebrations.
Excellencies, Distinguished Guests
The Summit in July 2012 adopted the theme for 2013 as Pan Africanism and the African Renaissance. It is also the theme for our 50th commemorations.
Pan Africanism and African renaissance reflect the long history of African civilizations as the cradle of humankind, and is at the heart of the formation and existence of the OAU and now the AU.
The approach to Pan Africanism over the centuries took different forms, but shared a common notion of a united, politically and economically integrated continent with its own institutions.
It is our view that the Discussion Paper should help stimulate a rich and productive debate on the importance of Pan Africanism and African Renaissance past, present and future. It must help to inform and mobilize the African citizenry, all sectors of society, young and old, men, women and the Diaspora behind our vision of an integrated, prosperous and peaceful continent.
Our 50th Commemoration activities must enable us to develop and grow our own narrative: the stories of pre-colonial history of great civilizations, our struggles against slavery and colonialism, our struggles for self-determination and self-reliance and our process of nation-formation, social transformation and state building over the last fifty years.
It must help us to demystify, appropriate and popularize our history, our shared values, our narrative about the state of Africa today, in honor of the generations that went before us and to inspire current and future generations.
The discussions on Pan Africanism and African Renaissance will also enable us to engage in debates on an accelerated Africa-wide Agenda 2063 that would chart actions and strategies for the integration, peace and development of the continent for the next fifty years.
Your Excellencies,
We are of the view, that even though we have the discussion on the Theme paper on the agenda, it would probably be more interesting for Ministers at this Extra-Ordinary Executive Council, to have a free-flowing discussions on their own reflections and experiences of Pan Africanism and African Renaissance, instead of being confined to what is already in the paper.
These reflections, along with the inputs from the Regional PRC consultations and other consultations with different sectors before May, will help with the continual enrichment and expansion of the discussion paper.
So a free-flowing discussions, because we want your own ideas to enrich the paper.
Excellencies, this is an opportune moment to thank your Heads of State and Government, who responded to the Summit decision to submit their contribution for the Jubilee book. However, we have not received all the expected statements and we wish to remind Your Excellencies that the absolute deadline is the end of this week. We wouldn’t like to publish a book that is not completed where some Heads of State and Government are not included, at the same time we will not miss the opportunity of this historic event to publish the book.
Excellencies, Distinguished Guests
Over the last two decades we have seen the potential for Africa’s renaissance. Our fortunes are changing for the better, with improvements in the political governance, the peace and security situation and economic performance and development. Many African countries are experiencing unprecedented economic growth, with a booming natural resource sector and growing internal markets, in the face of uncertainty triggered by the global financial and economic crisis, soaring debt and recession in other parts of the world.
However, this trajectory cannot be sustained unless we have a skills revolution, a green and agricultural revolution, an industrial and trade revolution, and unless we connect our countries through road and rail, air and sea and information technology. In our recent Retreat with the Regional Economic Communities, we agreed on a process of prioritization, action and joint work in these areas, and we will report at the next Ordinary Session.
Peace and security issues, though not on the agenda today, continue to be of major concern to our Union. Your last session took place against the background of sustained efforts to address the crisis in Mali. Since then, progress has been made. The challenge now is to consolidate these gains, and to continue to pursue holistic approaches to the challenges in Mali and the Sahel.
We must in this process address the root causes of the conflicts, including the utilization of the country’s resources to the benefit of all its peoples, the issues of governance and political inclusion. This will help to create conditions that will make it possible to complete the current transition and ensuring lasting and sustainable development and peace. We call on the AU member states to continue to stand by Mali in a spirit of true African solidarity.
We are also pleased to note the progress made in a number of other situations. The relations between Sudan and South Sudan have improved over the past months. I commend the leadership of both countries for their commitment and spirit of responsibility. We acknowledge the continued facilitation role of the AU High-Level Panel and the Chairperson of IGAD.
While the remaining challenges are daunting, Somalia nonetheless remains on the path of progress as well. Also worth mentioning is the signing of the Framework Agreement for Peace, Security and Stability in the Great Lakes Region.
One of the disturbing developments since your last session relates to the situation in the Central African Republic, with the seizure of power by the armed group Seleka. This is a direct challenge to the leaders of the region, who facilitated the conclusion of the Libreville Agreements. It is also a challenge to our Union and the numerous instruments adopted over the years to ban unconstitutional change of Government. The AU will spare no efforts towards ensuring the rejection of the unconstitutional change of government and therefor the need to return to constitutional order. In so doing, we will continue to work with the Economic Community of Central African States. I seize this opportunity to call on the international community to lend full support to the African-led efforts.
Our ability to effectively address the peace and security issues depends on the existence of a functional African Peace and Security Architecture. The offensive launched by the Malian armed groups in early January of this year was illustrative of the challenges that continue to face us in this respect. This is why the Commission has, during the period under review, paid sustained attention to the operationalization of the Rapid Deployment Capability of the African Standby Force. At the end of this month, we will be convening a meeting of the Ministers of Defense of Member States to look at ways as means of speedily operationalizing this important component of the ASF. The recommendations that will emerge from the meeting will be submitted to the forthcoming Summit of our Union.
I also wish to take this opportunity to congratulate the people of Kenya for their peaceful and highly participative elections, President-elect Uhuru Kenyatta for the confidence the people expressed in him, and our appreciation to His Excellency Odinga for accepting the final verdict of Kenya’s Judiciary.
Your Excellencies
The celebration of the 50th Anniversary provides us with an opportunity for a new paradigm; an opportunity to strengthen our belief in our capacity to become prosperous and peaceful, and to take our rightful place in the international arena.
This meeting today is a manifestation of our collective aspiration and commitment to forge together and advance the course of Africa. Our destiny is in our hands.
On behalf of the Commission, we undertake to play our role and do our utmost to facilitate your work at this meeting and accompany you on this pathway to Africa's destiny.
Je vous souhaite une bonne session
Asante sana
Muito obrigado
I thank you for your kind attention
Statement By H.E. Dr. Maxwell M. Mkwezalamba, Commissioner For Economic Affairs at the Closing of the Experts’ Meeting of the Sixth Joint Annual Meetings of The AU Conference of Ministers of Economy and Finance, 24 March 2013, Abidjan, Côte D’ivoire
Statement By H.E. Dr. Maxwell M. Mkwezalamba
Commissioner For Economic Affairs
African Union
At The
Closing Of The Experts’ Meeting Of The Sixth Joint Annual Meetings Of The Au Conference Of Ministers Of Economy And Finance And The Eca Conference Of African Ministers Of Finance, Planning And Economic Development
24 March 2013
Abidjan, Côte D’ivoire
Excellence M. Abdallah Hamdok, Secrétaire exécutive adjoint de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique,
Professeur Lambert Bamba, Président du Bureau du Comité des Experts,
Honorables Représentants des Communautés Economiques régionales, des organisations régionales et africaines, des banques centrales africaines et des institutions internationales,
Honorables délégués, Mesdames et Messieurs,
1. Je voudrais, au terme de cette Sixième Conférence des Ministres de l’Economie et des Finances de l’Union Africaine et de la Conférence des Ministres africains des Finances, de la Planification et du Développement économique de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique, vous adresser mes chaleureuses félicitations pour la qualité du travail accompli et la pertinence des propositions faites pour, enfin, permettre à l’Afrique de réussir son programme d’industrialisation.
2. Comme vous le savez, le faible niveau d’industrialisation du continent constitue un des principaux obstacles au développement économique et social du continent africain. Il était par conséquent temps, je dirais même indispensable, de revisiter notre programme d’industrialisation. Les échanges et résolutions prises à l’issue de cette conférence s’inscrivent dans cette dynamique.
Honorable Ladies and Gentlemen,
1. The meeting of the Committee of Experts had interesting and important issues to deliberate on, as usual. In particular, I wish to point out the discussion on the Millennium Development Goals and the post-2015 development agenda, which is an on-going global debate at the moment. Evidence shows that Africa is not in a position to attain all the MDGs by 2015. The 2013 Africa MDGs Report that was presented to the meeting of the Committee of Experts, like previous Reports, shows that Africa has made limited progress in attaining some very crucial targets , including child and maternal health, and provision of safe drinking water and sanitation facilities.
2. It is in recognition of the likelihood that Africa will not attain all the MDGs by the target date of 2015 that consultations have been undertaken with African stakeholders to identify Africa’s priorities for the post-2015 development agenda. The outcome document from the consultations was shared with the Committee of Experts and a draft African common position on the post-2015 development agenda will be presented to Ministers for approval before submission for adoption by the AU Summit in May 2013.
3. The African common position should serve as a reference document for the African voice in the crafting of a post-2015 development agenda. This position will feed into the global process that is currently underway through a High Level Panel on the post-2015 development agenda that was set up by the United Nations Secretary General. It is, therefore, imperative for us to ensure that the consultations that were undertaken in Africa are reflected in the global outcome document of the High Level Panel through an African common position. I wish also to agree with the meeting that we define goals, targets and indicators for the post 2015 development agenda that reflect Africa’s priorities.
4. The debate on the theme of the Conference was intense and the Committee came up with some concrete recommendations that, if implemented, will lead to the accelerated industrialization of Africa. It is gratifying to note that the Committee of Experts acknowledged the Accelerated Industrial Development of Africa Action Plan as central to the industrial development of African countries. I am convinced that implementation of the Action Plan will ensure coordination of industrial policies and help accelerate implementation of our regional and continental priorities.
5. Some key issues were raised that were deemed pertinent for industrialization and value addition. One was the need for countries to promote technological innovation through research and development. Another was the need for adequate resources to finance the industrialization process, and that requires massive resources mobilization. The issue of financing leads me to highlight the importance of finalizing the issue of Alternative Sources of financing the African Union as soon as possible.
6. Other issues that have been on the agenda for several years which require finalization are the establishment of a Pan-African Stock Exchange and the African Monetary Fund. The Commission wishes to call upon to Member States to provide their comments at their earliest opportunity.
7. I would also urge the member states to sign and ratify the African Charter on Statistics. As of today, 27 countries have signed whereas only 8 have ratified the Charter. I would also like to call upon Member States to allocate adequate resources to National Statistics Offices for the production of quality statistics in the framework of the Strategy for the Harmonization of Statistics in Africa (ShaSA).
Honorables délégués, Mesdames et Messieurs,
8. Pour terminer mon propos, je voudrais remercier les équipes de la Commission de l’Union Africaine, de la CEA et du Comité National d’organisation pour les efforts appréciables consentis dans l’organisation de cette conférence. Mes remerciements vont également aux interprètes pour l’excellent travail abattu, et tous les délégués pour leurs remarques et contributions constructives.
9. Enfin, je voudrais vous adresser à vous, Monsieur Président du Bureau du Comité des Experts, mes sincères félicitations pour avoir dirigé avec efficacité nos débats. Vous méritez notre reconnaissance et tout notre soutien.
10. As I am attending my last meeting in my capacity as Commissioner for Economic Affairs, I wish to call for your support – invite you to support my successor, Dr. Anthony Masuping of Lesotho.
11. Honorables délégués, Mesdames et Messieurs, je vous remercie de votre attention.