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The role of the Media in advancing anti-corruption practices remains critical: AUABC
The African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption provides a framework which State Parties can follow to combat corruption. Article 12 of the Convention calls upon governments to fully engage the Civil Society and Media in the fight against corruption.
Getting to Zero Female Genital Mutilation in Africa Report
Addressing the Impact of Climate Change on Human Mobility at the center of PAFOM deliberations in Kigali
The African Union (AU) in collaboration with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and the Republic of Rwanda launched the 7th Pan African Forum on Migration (PAFOM), in Kigali, under the theme: “Addressing the Impact of Climate Change on Human Mobility in Africa: Building Adaptation Strategies and Resilient Communities” on 18 October 2022, to provide a more focused engagement with all relevant Migration stakeholders including Regional Economic Communities (RECs), AU Member States, Ambassadors, private sector, academia, parliamentarians, African diaspora community and civil so
Presentation of credentials by H.E. Mr. Zuhain Abdallah AbdalKareem Ensour, Ambassador of the Hashimite Kingdom of Jordan to Ethiopia and Permanent Representative to the African Union

Meeting with H.E. Mohammed Arrouchi, Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Morocco to the African Union

Meeting with H.E. Mr Pierre Juste Mounzika-Ntsika, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Congo to Ethiopia and to the African Union

Statement of the AU Commission Chairperson on Ethiopia
15 October 2022, Addis Ababa: The Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat, is following with grave concern, reports of increased fighting in the Tigray Region of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.
The Chairperson strongly calls for an immediate, unconditional ceasefire and the resumption of humanitarian services.
Message from H.E. Commissioner Josepha Sacko on the occasion of the 2022 IDRW
Statement by H.E. Dr. Monique Nsanzabaganwa, Deputy Chairperson of the African Union Commission At Ground-breaking Ceremony - Africa Hall Project
- His Excellency, Amb. Tesfaye Yilma, the State Minister for Political and Economic Diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia;
- His Excellency, Mr. Antonio Pedro, Acting Executive Secretary of UNECA;
- Her Excellency, Amb. Hope Tumukunde Gasatura, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Rwanda to the AU and Chairperson of the Africa Hall Project
Advisory Board;