An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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Déclaration du Président de la Commission sur le processus électoral en République Démocratique du Congo

December 15, 2018

Addis Abéba, le 15 décembre 2018: Le Président de la Commission de l’Union africaine, Moussa Faki Mahamat, suit de près le déroulement de la campagne électorale pour les élections présidentielle, législatives nationales et provinciales prévues le 23 décembre 2018 en République démocratique du Congo.

Dr. Edward ADDAI, New representative of UNICEF to the African Union, presents his Letters of Credence to the Chairperson of the AU Commission

December 14, 2018

Addis Abeba, 13 December 2018 – The Chairperson of the African Union Commission Moussa Faki Mahamat received the credentials of Dr. Edward Addai, Representative of United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) to the AU and UNECA, at the AU Commission Headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia today.

Chairperson Faki commended the longstanding partnership between the two institutions and expressed his satisfaction on the meeting that he held with UNICEF Executive Director, Henrietta Fore, on the margins of the 2018 United Nations General Assembly in New York, USA.

Statement Following the AUHIP’s Consultations on the Roadmap Agreement

December 13, 2018

Addis Ababa, 13 December 2018: On 25 September 2018, the AU High Level Implementation Panel for Sudan and South Sudan (AUHIP) wrote to the Signatories of the Roadmap Agreement proposing that the Agreement be revised to focus on the forthcoming constitution making process and the 2020 national elections.

The Signatories of the Roadmap Agreement are: the Government of Sudan, the National Umma Party, the Justice and Equality Movement, the Sudan Liberation Movement – Minni Minawi, and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army-North.

AU Commission Calls to create a deep awareness on the relevance of the Maputo Protocol to secure the universal ratification

December 13, 2018

Addis Ababa, December 12 2018- The African Union (AU) Commission Women, Gender and Development Directorate, in collaboration with the Solidarity for African Women’s Rights (SOAWR), the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) is holding a High-Level Consultation meeting (12-13 December 2018) to accelerate the ratification, domestication and implementation of the Maputo Protocol and Celebrating the 15th Anniversary of the Maputo Protocol on 14 December, 2018.

AUCIL 2018 Forum to attain the Agenda 2063 Goals of Commodity Markets and new legal partnerships for exploitation and exploration of natural resources

December 10, 2018

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, December 10, 2018: The status of natural resource management in Africa is an old and recurrent problem. The abundance of natural resources sometimes contrasts tragically with the positive impact on received by the African populations and States. Natural resources can contribute to economic growth, employment, and fiscal revenue.

The new Ambassador of the Republic of Austria to the African Union presents his Letters of Credence to the Chairperson of the African Unon Commission

December 14, 2018

Addis Ababa, 13 December 2018 – The Chairperson of the African Union Commission Moussa Faki Mahamat, received the credentials of H.E. Mr. Roland Hauser, incoming Ambassador of Austria, at the AU Commission Headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Prior to his posting to Addis Abeba, Ambassador Hauser served in Bulgaria. His previous tours of duty include Kenya from 2005 to 2009 with regional responsibility for 10 African countries, and Kuwait and Qatar.

Cost of Hunger in Africa Study Workshop Convenes Experts on Food Health and Nutrition

November 28, 2018

Debrezeit, Ethiopia 28th November 2018: The African Union in collaboration with World Food Program, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa held the Cost of Hunger in Africa Study (COHA) Workshop. The meeting was held in Debrezeit, Ethiopia on 28th November 2018.The workshop main goal was to discuss the recommendations of the fourteen Cost of Hunger in Africa studies that have been completed , and brainstorm on the next steps of how to support member states in t moving forward with the implementation of the outcome recommendations of the studies.

H.E. Minata Samate Cessouma, Commissioner of Political Affairs in a group photograph with Ministers for the Decentralization and Local Governance during the opening session of the STC 8 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

December 05, 2018

H.E. Minata Samate Cessouma, Commissioner of Political Affairs in a group photograph with Ministers for the Decentralization and Local Governance during the opening session of the STC 8 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on Wednesday, December 5, 2018


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