An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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African Union Commission Commemoration of International Women’s Day

March 08, 2017

The AU Honours African Women during the Commemoration of International Women’s Day


Addis Ababa, 10 March 2017: This week, the African Union Commission (AUC)’s Women, Gender and Development Directorate (WGDD) hosted the 2017 International Women’s Day (IWD) celebrations under the theme: “African Women, Especially Young Women Succeeding in the Changing World of Work: 50:50 by 2063”.

Third Forum on International Law and African Union Law

December 01, 2014 to December 02, 2014

The theme for the Third Edition of the AUCIL forum was: “Codification of International Law at the Regional Level in Africa”.

The Forum contributed to and shaped the development of international law by considering further codification of the international law of Africa in fields where there has already been extensive State practice, precedent and doctrine in the African continent.


Second Forum on International Law and African Union Law

November 11, 2013 to November 12, 2013

The theme for the Second Edition of the AUCIL forum was: “Law of Regional Integration in Africa”.

Regional integration remains a key strategy for Africa. Following the Abuja Treaty which provided the guiding principles for Africa’s current integration agenda, the continent has been striving to strengthen its Regional Economic Communities (REC) with the view to establishing the African Economic Community (AEC). Several of these RECs have established mechanisms and frameworks that led to the creation of free trade areas and customs unions.

Event Programme: 


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