An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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Statement on the Meeting of the African Union (AU), regional faith-based organizations, and communities of traditional leaders: to strengthen their engagement in prevention and response to violence against women and girls and harmful practices in Africa.


Consultative Meeting to Strengthen Partnership between the African Union , Regional Faith-based Organizations, and Communities of Traditional Leaders to Strengthen their Engagement in Prevention and Response to VAW/G, SGBV, Harmful Practice and Promotion of SRH and RR in Africa

All Protocol duly observed

October 19, 2021

Meeting of the African Union (AU), regional faith-based organizations, and communities of traditional leaders: to strengthen their engagement in prevention and response to violence against women and girls and harmful practices in Africa.

October 19, 2021 to October 21, 2021

Meeting of the African Union (AU), regional faith-based organizations, and communities of traditional leaders: to strengthen their engagement in prevention and response to violence against women and girls and harmful practices in Africa.

12th Africa Day For Food And Nutrition Security : “Rediscovering Our Local African Diets for Sustained Food Systems and Nutrition”

October 28, 2021 to October 29, 2021

When:            28-29 October 2020

Time:              Technical Segment One: Thursday 28, October at 12:00-14:00 EAT

Technical Segment Two: Thursday 28, October at 15:00-18:00  

Main Event: Friday 29, October 14:00 - 16:00 EAT

WHERE:         Zoom virtual platform: Registration in advance is required for this

Register in advance for this meeting:

Event Programme: 
Concept Note: 

3rd Mid-Year Coordination Meeting Between the African Union, the Regional Economic Communities and the Regional Mechanisms

October 16, 2021
What: Official opening ceremony of the 3rd Mid-Year Coordination Meeting between the African Union, the Regional Economic Communities and Regional Mechanisms. (Videoconferencing) 
Opening statements will be delivered by:

Press Briefing of the Commissioner for Economic Development, Trade Industry and Mining

October 15, 2021


Press Briefing of the Commissioner for Economic Development, Trade Industry and Mining

Within the framework of the 3rd Mid-Year Coordination Meeting between the AU and RECs, H.E. Amb. Albert Muchanga, Commissioner for Economic Development, Trade Industry and Mining, at the AUC will on Friday, 15 October 2021 from 14:30 -15:00 hold a press briefing on the following issues:


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