An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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Commissioner Chergui's personal pledge for peace following the launch of the pledge for peace campaign

September 21, 2020

"To reiterate the call on all warring parties to immediately stop fighting and engage in a lasting ceasefire, to give a chance to peacemaking efforts; today we launch a 'Pledge for Peace' social media campaign, in which we call on every peace loving African especially the youth, to publicly commit to peace. With this campaign we urge you to make a personal pledge to peace through the #MyPledgeForPeace hashtag" - H.E. Amb.

Webinar to share good practices and information from Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean on treatment as an alternative to conviction or punishment for offenders with drug use disorders during COVID-19

September 17, 2020 to November 17, 2020

Joint webinar to share good practices and information from Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean on treatment as an alternative to conviction or punishment for offenders with drug use disorders during COVID-19. 

Event Resources: 
Concept Note: 

CESA Inter-Clusters Coordination Meeting

August 24, 2020

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: 21 August 2020: The African Union Commission’s Department of Human Resources, Science and Technology, organized a workshop with partners and stakeholders involved in the coordination of the Continental Education Strategy for Africa (2016-2025) Thematic Clusters. The 3-day workshop was held virtually from 19th to 21st August 2020.

Team Europe: Germany and European Union jointly support African Union’s response to COVID-19

September 01, 2020

The Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) today received additional 500,000 COVID-19 test kits from the German Government through the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). As part of the EU’s global coronavirus response, the test kits were delivered by an EU Humanitarian Air Bridge flight in August.


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