Latest Documents
Silencing The Guns Special Feb‘20 Newsletter
This newsletter highlights events held on the sidelines and during the 33rd Ordinary Summit of the African Union in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in February 2020, where the AU theme of the year - “Silencing the guns: creating conducive conditions for Africa’s development”, was formally launched.
Taking a Gender Perspective to Strengthen the Multi-Country Demobilization and R
From October 31 to November 2, 2005, the World Bank/MDRP Secretariat and UNIFEM held a consultation workshop aimed at strengthening gender in the MDRP national programs. Includes an analysis of the situation faced in each country and recommendations for gender mainstreaming.
Child soldiers and Disarmament, Demobilization, Rehabilitation and Reintegration
This document is a synthesis of Lessons Learned following program interventions with child soldiers in Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone and contains recommendations on how to avoid re-recruitment, ensure personnel is better able to respond to children's needs and how their reintegration needs may be more effectively addressed.
Support to Former Child Soldiers: Programming and Proposal Evaluation Guide
Document is intended to act as a guide for those preparing proposals for CIDA to assist with the reintegration of child soldiers. Included here as it provides in clear format an explanation of legal considerations (based on international standards) and a series of matrices related to risk analysis and best practice that may be of value to practitioners.
COVID-19 Scientific and Public Health Policy Update – 28 July 2020
In addition to our Weekly Outbreak Brief on the spread of COVID-19 and the actions that Africa CDC is taking to help African Union Member States. Africa CDC shares a weekly brief detailing the latest developments in scientific knowledge and public health policy from around the world, as well as updates to the latest guidance from WHO and other public health agencies.
Strategies for managing acute shortages of personal protective equipment
Recommendations for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) are detailed in the Africa CDC guidance on the use of personal protective equipment for different clinical settings and activities. However, due to disruptions in the global supply chain, some African countries may face the risk of an acute shortage of PPE.
Transitional Justice and Social Reintegration
Paper Focuses on the relationship between transitional justice and DDR arguing that if properly applied they may be mutually supportive and assist social reintegration in particular. Table of conclusions and recommendations at the end of the document linking TJ measures with potential DDR approaches.
Security Promotion in Fragile States: Can Local Meet National?
Explores the Connections between Community Security and Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR) programs - contains recommendations on potential approaches for more effectively linking community security with DDR planning and programming.
United Nations Policy for Post-Conflict Employment Creation, Income Generation a
Outlines approach for generating employment opportunities in post-conflict situations - including guiding principles. Includes consideration of emergency employment programs, start-up grants, and promotion of longer-term employment opportunities and decent work standards. Of relevance to DDR. Annex 2 : considers specific challenges associated with the creation of opportunities for Youth and Annex 3: considers Gender specificities.
Soldiers Returning Home, Children's perspectives on reintegration, A Case study
A report detailing the experiences of children returning from the Lords Resistance Army.
Young Female Fighters in African Wars. Conflict and Its Consequences
Provides a comprehensive overview of the role of young women in conflict and post-conflict situations in Africa including their role in armed groups, in DDR, and post-conflict reconstruction. Draws extensively on case examples. A useful checklist for policy and decision-makers on page 42.
The Impact of the COVID-19 Outbreak on Governance, Peace and Security in the Hor
Through the lens of governance, peace and security, the brief provides an overview of the Government responses to COVID-19, state of the economy, livelihoods, food security and public health, the impact of COVID-19 on bilateral country relationships, regional borderlands dynamics and initiatives taken by African regional institutions. The brief concludes with a set of recommended regional action for consideration.
Africa's Governance Response to COVID-19
Review of international financing arrangements for disarmament, demobilization a
Phase II report of this study commissioned by the SIDDR that explored international financing arrangements for DDR and issues related to harmonization and policy coherence.
Understanding the DDR-SSR Nexus: Building Sustainable Peace in Africa
Issue Paper developed for the United Nations Office of the Special Advisor for Africa as a contribution to the 2nd international Conference on DDR and Stability, Kinshasa, 12-14 June 2007 For further related documents, please follow the link b
Practice Note - DDR of Ex- Combatants
Although heavily focused on DDR interventions running alongside Peace Support Operations the document provides comprehensive (if now somewhat dated) practical guidance for DDR policy makers and practitioners covering all aspects of DDR programming. Explores linkages with SSR, national ownership, interrelationship between reintegration and work with IDP's and other conflict affected groups.
Citizens and Diaspora Organizations (CIDO) Newsletter
It is my pleasure to welcome you to our very first newsletter. The Citizens and Diaspora Organizations Directorate (CIDO) has the mandate of linking citizens and diaspora organizations to the African Union (AU) and its organs. CIDO implements various initiatives to facilitate the engagement of citizens and diaspora organizations in the AU’s processes and programmes and to make the AU a people-centred union.
Identifying lessons from DDR experiences in Africa
Report on August 2004 Accra workshop on DDR Presentations covered trends in DDR, relationships with PSO, planning, and coordination, and working with special groups. Includes an analysis of issues related to Dealing with Commanders and the role of DDR within wider post-conflict recovery frameworks. Examples are drawn from a number of countries.
Guns, Camps and Cash: Disarmament, Demobilization and Reinsertion of Former Comb
Identifies and explores issues related to DDR in a number of political and security contexts. Specifically explores issues related to disarmament and the use of weapons buyback programs, approaches to the cantonment, and their impact and approaches to the provision of Financial Reinsertion Assistance. Country examples provided from a number of locations.
Assessing the Reintegration of Ex-Combatants in the Context of Instability and I
Drawing on CAR, DRC, and South Sudan as Case Studies the paper explores issues related to economic reintegration. Comparative analysis drawn identifies the fact that in many post-conflict settings informal economic activity provides the bulk of opportunities for ex-combatants and the general population.
Reintegrating ex-combatants in the Great Lakes region - Lessons learned
This wide-ranging report is built around an in-depth and complex analysis of three DDR processes in the Central African Republic (CAR), the Republic of Congo and Liberia. It explores issues related to all three main aspects of DDR and, in particular, has a useful analysis on issues related to weapons collection and the provision of reintegration support.
From Rebel to Taxpayer? Working together for successful DDR
Conference report from the Carlton Beach II Conference (2007): "From Rebel to Taxpayer? Working together for successful DDR". Explores a range of issues related to all stages of DDR including its role in underpinning wider peace and recovery frameworks and associated challenges with reintegration targeting and assistance.
The War Within: A Critical Examination of Psycho-social Issues and Interventions
Explores a variety of psychosocial issues impacting ex-combatants and communities and outlines recommendations for improving psychosocial support in future DDR programming. Case studies presented from Rwanda and Somaliland.
Post-conflict mental health needs: A cross-sectional survey of trauma, depressio
Report of a study conducted to measure PTSD and depression amongst the conflict-affected population in Juba, South Sudan. High levels of mental distress were found amongst ex-combatants and the report includes recommendations for increasing access to social and psychological assistance and services.