Latest Documents
Official AEP Host Country Requirements for Media Accreditation
Newsletter: Silencing the Guns by 2020: Practical Steps to DDR Interventions
The newsletter focuses on the AU DDR initiatives, support to Member States, as well as Security Sector Reform, both of which are crucial elements of stabilization and recovery interventions.
Inaugural AEP Concept Note
AEP Synopsis
AEP 2017 Programme
Theme 4: Free Movement
Every moment of historic growth has generated migrants from different locations. Growth spins the chances for a new life but its distribution, particularly at the early stages of a country’s take-off, is uneven and unpredictable. It would have been absurd to propose bombing the boats that were sailing to South America full of migrants escaping the misfortunes of the two World Wars’ aftermath.
Theme 3: Industrialisation Made In Africa through Regional Value Chains
The continent has the key elements to drive and support a robust strategy to leverage on domestic resources that are essential in making trade and industrialisation key drivers of the transformation of the African continent.
Theme 1: African Skills Revolution & Reaping the Demographic Dividend
Lack of education and mismatched skills is the principal obstacle to labour markets, resulting in high unemployment across different age groups. The mismatch affects both university graduates and young people with secondary education. In this context, it becomes a critical issue to provide the required skills to Africa’s youth along the value chain of our resources.
Theme 2: Expanding Opportunities for Intra African Trade
What would it take for African countries to stop exporting the bulk of their oil, diamonds and maize to foreign countries rather than to other African countries?
Interfaith Dialogue on Violent Extremism (iDove) Intercontinental Youth Forum
AUCIL Reference Documents
Introduction to the African Union Commission on International Law
Bureau of the African Union Commission on International Law
The Bureau of the AUCIL shall be composed of the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson and the General Rapporteur, all of whom shall be elected by a simple majority of all the Members of the AUCIL present and voting.
The Bureau of the AUCIL is currently composed of:
Members of the African Union Commission on International Law
The AUCIL Members current composition is as follows:
AULA Concept Note
AU Reforms Assembly Decision - AU Dec 621 - 641 (XXVIII)
Procurement Manual
African Union Procurement Manual, version 2.0, July 2016
Report on the Proposed Recommendations for the Institutional Reform of the Afric
H.E. Paul Kagame
Protocol and Administrative Guide for the 28th Ordinary Session of the Assembly
Agenda or Program of the 28th AU Summit Meetings
Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention—what it meant for?
Establishing the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention: responding t
Medical Coverage and Advisory 28th AU Summit
Media Equipment Form 28th Ordinary Session of the Summit of the African Union Ad