Latest Documents
AU Reforms Report: Building a more relevant African Union
This report is the result of a review of the African Union (AU) led by President Paul Kagame of Rwanda, as mandated by the Assembly of Heads of State in July 2016.
The review was based on analysis of input from the staff of the African Union Commission and external experts from across Africa, documents made available by the African Union, and previous reviews of the institution. -
AU ECHO 2017
AXIS-Brochure__PIDA -January 2017
End of Year Report- Implementation of CIDO Work Programme 2016
Pan African Investment Code (PAIC)
Diaspora for Development Technical Work Session with the Australian Pan African
Ending Child Marriage and Stopping the Spread of HIV ...Opportunities and challe
Consultancy Services for the conduct of Technical Study on the Establishment of
3rd Congress Proceedings and Recommendations
2nd Congress Proceedings and Recommendations
1st Congress Proceedings and Recommendations
AUHRM Concept Note
African Union Human Rights Memorial (AUHRM)
Concept Note
2016-STC on Public Service, Local Government, Urban Development and Decentraliza
Addis Ababa Declaration ofthe4th Africa-KoreaForum Addis Ababa, December 7, 2016
Country CAADP Implementation Guidelines under the Malabo Declaration
AU-UN Technical Workshop on CSO Accreditation, New York, USA
Dr. Abdoulaye Bathily
Media Advisory Note for the Twenty-Eighth Ordinary Session of the Assembly Ad
Malabo Declaration - Fourth Africa-Arab Summit
Peer Reviews of NSIs, NSSs in African countries
Report of the 3rd Ordinary Session of the Standing Committee of ECOSOCC, Nairobi
ECOSOCC Bureau Meeting. Lusaka. Zambia
MDGs to Agenda 2063/SDGs Transition Report 2016
MDGs to Agenda 2063/SDGs Transition Report 2016MDGs 2016
Towards an integrated and coherent approach to sustainable development in AfricaOMD-Agenda 2063/ODD Rapport de transition 2016
Vers une approche intégrée et cohérente du développement durable en Afrique -
African Statistical Yearbook 2016