An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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Latest Documents

  • Summary report First Senior Regional Course for the PVE
    July 07, 2022
  • Update on the ongoing Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Global Epidemic, Brief #129
    July 05, 2022

    Outbreak Update:  As of 4 July 2022, a total of 546,114,042 COVID-19 cases and 6,335,599 deaths (case fatality ratio [CFR]: 1.2%) have been reported globally by 232 countries and territories to the World Health Organization (WHO).




  • AU Climate Change and Resilient Development Strategy and Action Plan (2022-2032)
    June 28, 2022
  • Policy Frame work African Peer Review Mechanism
    June 06, 2022


  • Expanding The Use Of Administrative Data Sources And New Data Types
    May 31, 2022
  • JLMP-Priority Project: Independent Joint Mid-Term Evaluation Report
    May 31, 2022
    May 31, 2022
  • African Health Practitioner Migration and Mobility Study
    May 31, 2022
  • Concept note Nutrition and Food Security
    May 25, 2022

    In a bid to achieve the goals of the 2022 theme of nutrition, the Commission and other stakeholders have commenced the implementation of the roadmap including the various communication and activities for the theme in 2022.

  • AU Extraordinary Summit : Calendar of Side Events
    May 25, 2022
  • Integrated African Strategy on Meteorology (2021-2030)
    May 18, 2022
  • Update on the ongoing Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Global Epidemic, Brief #122
    May 17, 2022

    Outbreak Update:  As of 13 May 2022, a total of 518,879,315 COVID-19 cases and 6,265,568 deaths (case fatality ratio [CFR]: 1.2%) have been reported globally by 227 countries and territories to the World Health Organization (WHO)




    May 12, 2022
  • Migration and Health
    May 04, 2022

    Migration and Health

  • Update on the ongoing Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Global Epidemic, Brief #117
    April 12, 2022

    Outbreak Update:  As of 11 April 2022, a total of 496,874,896 COVID-19 cases and 6,178,438 deaths (case fatality ratio [CFR]: 1.2%) have been reported globally by 227 countries and territories to the World Health Organization (WHO).




  • Update on the ongoing Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Global Epidemic, Brief #116
    April 05, 2022

    Outbreak Update:  As of 4 April 2022, a total of 489,603,022 COVID-19 cases and 6,151,510 deaths (case fatality ratio [CFR]: 1.3%) have been reported globally by 227 countries and territories to the World Health Organization (WHO).




  • Africa Regional Nutrition Strategy 2015-2025
    April 01, 2022

    The current situation in terms of hunger and malnutrition in Africa is totally incompatible with the vision of the African Union (AU) and the aspirations for the peoples of Africa as held by their leaders. It is indeed, an irony of the tallest order that Africa is presently having the highest levels of malnutrition in the world as it is a continent with exceptional natural resources and experiencing rapid economic growth.

  • Africa Health Strategy 2016 – 2030
    April 01, 2022
  • The Cost of Hunger In Africa (COHA) Continental Report
    April 01, 2022

    Over the past few years, the increase in global food prices, followed by the economic and financial crisis, have pushed more people into poverty, vulnerability and hunger. Even though the number of undernourished people has fallen globally by 13.2 percent from 1 billion to 868 million in the last 20 years Africa’s share in the world’s undernourished population has decreased from 35.5 percent in 1990 to 22 percent in 2019.

  • Continental Nutrition Accountability Scorecard
    April 01, 2022
  • Sustainable School Feeding Programme
    April 01, 2022
  • The Business in Africa Narrative Report
    March 28, 2022

    Last year, African Development Bank President Dr Akinwumi Adesina told an audience of African Ambassadors in Washington that a concerted effort to change the narrative on Africa in the United States was necessary to attract increased US investments into the continent.

  • How African Media Covers Africa Report
    March 28, 2022

    Coverage of African countries in African media not only serves to inform readers what is happening on the continent but
    may also shape perspectives about the continent and countries therein.

  • How to Write About Africa
    March 28, 2022

    Storytelling is the most powerful way
    for donor and non-governmental organisations to convey their work because
    stories allow audiences to connect on both intellectual and emotional levels. However, much of the storytelling about development work in Africa is unethical and perpetuates harmful and stereotypical narratives about the continent.