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Partnership Forum with Trade Union Organisations, Accra, Ghana

Partnership Forum with Trade Union Organisations, Accra, Ghana

April 16, 2014 to April 18, 2014



When: 16 – 18 April 2014
Where: Accra, Republic of Ghana
Who: African Union Commission (AUC) through Citizens and Diaspora Directorate (CIDO) and the African Trade Union Unity Organization (OATUU) are holding the Annual Partnership Forumin Accra, Ghana.
Language: English/French
Background: As part of the process of implementing the Strategic Pillar on Shared Values, the Commission through CIDO established the AU-OATUU Partnership Forum. The objective of the programme was to create a structured platform for cooperation that would harness the support of organized labour to the integration and development efforts of the African Union. The Forum meets annually. CIDO, in close collaboration with the Organization of African Trade Union Unity (OATUU) has agreed to organize the 6th AU-OATUU Partnership Forum in Accra, Ghana, from 16-18 April, 2014.
Objectives: The key objective of the meeting is to provide an important opportunity for workers leaders and Trade Union representatives to discuss, among other the following:
I. update them and review developments within the AU since the last Forum;
II. present the African Union Agenda 2063 and to harness the Trade Union Organizations contributions and inputs and develop a complementary labour agenda;
III. debate on the causes and effects of insecurity in Africa and the role of Trade Unions;
IV. inform and sensitize representatives of the Trade Unions on the ECOSOCC process;
V. enable workers and the Trade Union movement to contribute effectively to AU activities, policies and programmes and foster partnership with Member States, the AU Commission and all segments of the African Civil Society.
Participants: AUC staff and OATUU Affiliates.
For inquiries please contact:
Mr. JalelChelba, Head of Civil Society Division, CIDO

Topic Resources

June 24, 2016

2nd Extraordinary Session of the 2nd Permanent General Assembly of the Economic Social and Cultural Council (ECOSOCC)

March 08, 2025

CIDO Guiding Vision

February 21, 2014

Report on the Outcomes of the Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) Consultation in Maseru on the Implementation of the Livingstone Formula

February 10, 2022

Agenda 2063 is Africa’s development blueprint to achieve inclusive and sustainable socio-economic development over a 50-year period.