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The African Union Commission participates in the Mining On Top Africa (MOTA) 2015

The African Union Commission participates in the Mining On Top Africa (MOTA) 2015

June 29, 2015

The African Union Commission participates in the Mining On Top Africa (MOTA) 2015

London, United Kingdom, June 25th 2015 – The Department of Trade and Industry of the African Union Commission (AUC) participated on 24-26 June 2015, in the Mining On Top Africa (MOTA) in London under the theme “Connecting nations, investors and industry leaders to drive economic and social development in Africa through mining”. The African Union Commission (AUC) and the African Minerals Development Centre (AMDC) were the associate sponsors of the event.

Mining On Top Africa - London Summit is the most definitive African mining conference for Europe, uniting Minister’s from Africa’s most established and emerging mining economies with global mining executives, investors and service providers to connect and encourage greater stakeholder engagement that will enable Africa to meet its wider, social and economic development agenda through mining. It brings together all the stakeholders to chart the path for developing the continent’s rich mineral wealth to everyone’s benefit. The African Union Commission’s presence at the MOTA has been a priority this year, and provides an opportunity to showcase its activities through an exhibition stand and connect leaders in the extractives industries in both public and private sectors while encouraging continent-wide developmental growth through mining. Adopted by African Union (AU) Heads of State in 2009 and spearheaded by the African Mineral Development Centre (AMDC) since 2013, the Africa Mining Vision (AMV) initiative calls for a structural transformation of the minerals sector in Africa through enhanced linkages with the local economy, increased value addition, promotion of local content and empowerment, and a judicious and prudent use of mineral revenue to build up other forms of capital that can outlast the currency of mining.

Delivering the keynote address of the Summit on behalf of the Commissioner for Trade and Industry, H.E. Mrs. Fatima Haram Acyl, the Senior Industry Advisor, Mr. Frank Dixon Mugyenyi pointed out that major African treaties including the Lagos Plan of Action, the Abuja Treaty that established the Economic Community of Africa and the Constitutive act that established the African Union, all proclaimed that development in Africa could only be achieved by a decreased reliance on raw material extraction, industrialization and global equality in trade relations alongside an increase in development aid from the international community. “The Africa Mining Vision, therefore, mandates the African Union Member states to use their natural resources optimally in order to self-propel the much needed social and economic structural transformation that will lead to inclusive growth and sustainable development”, he emphasized. He reminded the participants that African Union Agenda 2063, which was adopted by the Heads of State and Government in January 2015, is an approach to how the continent should effectively learn from the lessons of the past, build on the progress now underway and strategically exploit all possible opportunities available in the immediate and medium term, so as to ensure positive socioeconomic transformation within the next 50 years.

Mr. Mugyenyi also recalled the need for strong and broad partnerships that has always been emphasized by several African policy organs and the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, H.E Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma who have all called on stakeholders to work together towards “shared benefits”. He finally called on partners and Member states to support the efforts made by the Africa Minerals Development Center (AMDC) in domesticating the AMV through the implementation of the Country Mining Vision at the country and sub-regional levels. “AU member states and partners including the private sector, need to encourage the ongoing AUC/AMDC efforts in key areas such as: geological data and information, developing and harmonizing coherent policies that support industrialization, inclusive growth and sustainable development, prudent legal and fiscal frameworks, building infrastructure, building the capacity of member states to be able to negotiate complex contracts, supporting artisanal miners and SMEs to be integrated in regional and global minerals value chains, establishing governance systems that ensure mutual transparency and accountability, stop illicit financial and capital flows so that mineral revenues can be used for development of Africa, among others”, he concluded.

In the spirit of continuing the conversation about the AMV, the African Union Commission and the African Minerals development Center also hosted an Evening Cocktail Reception with all the participants.


For further information please contact: Mr. Frank Dixon Mugyenyi, Senior Industry Advisor, Email:

Media contact: Patient Atcho, Department of Trade and Industry, Email:

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