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Statement by the AU Commissioner for Political Affairs in commemoration of the International Day of Democracy

Statement by the AU Commissioner for Political Affairs in commemoration of the International Day of Democracy

September 15, 2019
AU Commissioner for Political Affairs

Addis Ababa, 15 September 2019: This year, the world celebrates the International Day of Democracy under the theme “Participation”. On behalf of the African Union Commission, H.E. Minata Samate Cessouma, Commissioner for Political Affairs, welcomes this theme, which provides a golden opportunity to reaffirm the role of the people in the promotion and sustenance of democracy in the world and Africa in particular. 

The Commissioner reaffirms that participation is not only a key principle undergirding democracy, but it the life-blood of democracy itself. Successful democracies are about people. They are by the people. They are for the people. She therefore urged AU Member States, Regional Economic Communities, all African Union (AU) Organs and Institutions as well as the international community to redouble efforts towards the realization of aspiration 3 of Agenda 2063 which envisions an Africa of good governance, respect for human rights, justice and the rule of law. 

Further, the Commissioner recognizes the progress made so far in entrenching and nurturing democracy in Africa and encourages all key stakeholders to sustain this momentum. She specifically takes this opportunity to commend all AU Member States who have signed and ratified and/or submitted their State reports on the implementation of the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance and urge the rest to do so. She also notes that there are still challenges to democracy-building on the continent. These challenges include weak democratic institutions and limited participation of marginalized social groups in decision-making structures including women, youth, minorities and people with disabilities. “It is our collective responsibility as key actors in the promotion and sustenance of democracy in Africa to step up efforts to ensure inclusive, participatory and accountable governance.

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