An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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The African Union and the Organization of One Laptop Per Child Sign a memorandum of Understanding.

The African Union and the Organization of One Laptop Per Child Sign a memorandum of Understanding.

February 16, 2011

Joint Press Release

The African Union and the Organization of One Laptop Per Child
Sign a memorandum of Understanding

Addis Ababa, 16 February, 2011: A Memorandum of Understanding was signed today 16th February 2011 between the African Union and the organization for One Laptop Per Child, (OLPC) whose mission is to help provide every child in the world with access to modern education. OLPC is partnering with the African Union (AU) to deliver laptops to primary school students throughout Africa.

This commitment is in line with the African Union’s strong desire to enable a generation of children to think critically, to connect with each other and to the world’s body of knowledge, and to create the conditions for real and substantive economic and social development.

OLPC is a nonprofit organization created by Nicholas Negroponte and others from the MIT Media Lap to design, manufacture and distribute laptop computers that are inexpensive enough to provide every child in the world access to knowledge and modern forms of education.

“OLPC’s partnership with the AU represents another significant step toward a world in which every child has access to a world-class education, to the world’s body of knowledge, and to each other,” said Matt Keller, Vice-President of Global Advocacy of One Laptop per Child. “The AU is dedicating itself not simply to One Laptop per Child, but to a world in which the children become agents of change – making things, teaching each other and their families and affecting the social development of their communities.”

The Director for Human Resources, Science and Technology at the African Union, Mrs. Vera Brenda Ngosi and Mr. Matthew Keller, Vice-President of Global Advocacy for One Laptop per Child signed the MoU on behalf of their respective organizations.

The vision of the African Union is that of an integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in global arena. To this end, the AU has committed itself to work with OLPC in developing large-scale laptop projects and to work with OLPC on seeking funding from prospective donors as well as recipient countries for these projects. OLPC and the AU will work together to leverage the advantages of the XO laptop in transforming primary school education and to promote strategies for better access to laptops and connectivity.

The agreement between the AU and the OLPC shall be effective from the date of signature by both parties i.e. 16 February 2011 and shall be valid for two years.

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