An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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Priority Plan for Peace Building in the Comoros

Interesting example of what might be considered a simply articulated Transitional Results Framework for Peacebuilding in the Comoros Context - developed by the Government of the Union des Comores with external support. Highlights proposed DDR interventions within the context of wider stabilisation efforts centered around other risk groups - makes linkages to wider PRSP and sectoral policies.


Nigeria: In Search of Sustainable Peace in the Niger Delta through the Amnesty Programme

Paper provides an overview of the Niger Delta conflict - including background on the armed groups and a detailed description of the Amnesty process. DDR efforts (focused largely on BTVET) are described and explored and challenges both with the structural organisation and eligibility and exclusion criteria for benefits provided under the programme are identified. Issues related to TJ and the role of civil society are also discussed.



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Topic Resources

October 18, 2024

Draws on research on Reintegration of ex-refugees and ex-fighters in post conflict Eritrea.

October 18, 2024

Focuses on the political Economy of Eritrea in the no war-no peace stalemate that prevailed since 1998-2000 conflict with Ethiopia - spec

October 18, 2024

This useful paper explores in detrail issues related to the impact of dconflict on youth and, conversely, their impact on conflict dynami