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Inaugural bureau meeting of the AU-STC8 on Public Service, Local Government, Urban Development & Decentralization

Inaugural bureau meeting of the AU-STC8 on Public Service, Local Government, Urban Development & Decentralization

March 30, 2023

The Department of Political Affairs, Peace & Security (Secretariat of the African Union Specialized Technical Committee (AU-STC 8) on Public Service, Local Government, Urban Development and Decentralization) held its inaugural bureau meeting followed by a handover between the outgoing & incoming chairpersons of the AU-STC8 on Public Service, Local Government, Urban Development & Decentralization on 27-28 March 2023 in Kampala, Uganda.

The meeting’s overall objective was to: ensure effective transfer of information and archives to the newly elected Chairperson of the STC No8 as well as efficient implementation of the decision of the Fourth Ordinary Session held on 29-31 August 2022 in Cairo, Egypt; provide the opportunity for holding a bilateral working session between the new Chairperson and the Secretariat for a better smooth coordination mechanism of activities of the STC No8; and introduce new modus operandi for the best functioning of the STC No8 and its Sub Committees as well as prepare the working documents to serve for the handover event.
In her Welcome Remarks, Ms. Patience Zanelie Chiradza, Director for Governance & Conflict Prevention on behalf of the Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace & Security welcomed everyone and thanked the government of Uganda for hosting this important event. She mentioned that the AU-STC8 has a specific mandate to operationalise the AU integration agenda and vision; promote member states’ efforts for effective governance and development, service delivery and sustainable human settlements and urban development. She highlighted that the mandate calls for the establishment and demonstration of the nexus between the three (3) sectors in delivering the seven (7) aspirations of Agenda 2063, the Sustainable Development Agenda and its seventeen goals as well as the New Urban Agenda which the continent has ascribed to. She informed the meeting that in an effort to deliver this mandate, the AU Commission has ensured consistent commitment, mobilised resources and provided the necessary political guidance for the ratification of the charters, the adoption of the African Urban Agenda, the establishment of the AU-STC8 commemorative days and capacity building initiatives to member states.
In his Remarks, H.E. Prof. Sejanamane Mafa Mosothoane, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Lesotho to the African Union on behalf of the Minister of Local Government, Chieftainship, Home Affairs and Police conveyed his appreciation for the cooperation and support accorded to Lesotho since the country assumed chairmanship of this esteemed Committee. He mentioned that through a concerted efforts, the AU-STC8 managed to push the transitional agenda and addressed the human resource and financial matters which laid a good foundation for the smooth functioning of this committee. He highlighted that to enable the work of the AU-STC8 to move forward successfully there is a need to ensure strong collaboration with the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) for a well-coordinated regional implementation as well as the private sector for providing the economic and financial opportunities needed to develop the African continent. He concluded by thanking the AU and the government of Uganda for this opportunity and wished the new Chair, success in their mandate.
In her Opening Statement, H.E. Mrs. Judith Nabakooba, Minister of Lands, Housing and Urban Development of the Republic of Uganda expressed appreciation to the entire AU-STC8 for giving Uganda the baton of chairing this Committee as well as the trust placed on Uganda to run the Chairmanship of the Bureau in the absence of a substantive chair from North Africa. She congratulated the outgoing chairperson for ably steering the 3rd Bureau of the AU- STC 8 and for the progress so far made. She called upon the new members of the Bureau to spare no effort for the effective continuity of the activities of the AU-STC8.
She acknowledged the difficulties affecting the African economies, including the negative effects the COVID-19 pandemic and urged the committee to take those challenges as lessons and a springboard from which key fundamental challenges of Africa can be addressed. She urged the meeting to strategize and have a common voice at the upcoming UN- Habitat General Assembly in Nairobi at the beginning of June 2023. She then concluded her remarks, by informing the meeting about Uganda’s vibrant urban fora especially in the cities and municipalities which could host continental forums.
The main highlight of the event was the symbolic handover between the representative of the outgoing chairperson and the incoming chairperson held on 28 March 2023.
For further inquiries, please contact:
Mr. Issaka Garba Abdou | Ag. Head of Governance & Human Rights Division| Political Affairs, Peace & Security Department | African Union Commission | Tel: +251 115 517 700 | E-mail:
Mr. Gamal Eldin Ahmed A. Karrar | Senior Communication Officer | Information and Communication Directorate | Email:

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