An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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AUCIL Studies and Other Activities


The AUCIL Members serve as Special Rapporteur, wherein the AUCIL identify and prepare draft instruments and studies in areas which have not yet been regulated by international law in the African continent or been sufficiently developed in the practice of African States.

The Special Rapporteur shall perform such functions as may be assigned to him or her from to time by the plenary including:

  • Undertaking preliminary studies on the topic(s) assigned;
  • Preparing progress reports on such topics;
  • Presenting such reports to the plenary, working group(s), or rafting committee (s) as appropriate;
  • Making recommendations on the outcome of his/her topic assigned
  • Assisting and contributing to the working group and or the Drafting Committee on the topic; and
  • Elaborating commentaries to draft articles.

Pursuant with Rule 4 of the Rules of Procedure of the Specialised Technical Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs, the Special Technical Committees shall “consider studies and draft legal instruments developed by the [AUCIL]”. The AUCIL shall thereafter submit to the Assembly through the Executive Council.

The following studies have been or are being undertaken by the Special Rapporteurs:




Prf. Blaise Tchikaya

Preliminary study on the research and appropriate studies on the juridical basis of reparation for slavery and other related matters inflicted on the African continent (finalized)

Dr. Mohamed Barakat

Study on the immunities of State Officials under the Statute of the International Criminal Court (ongoing)

Amb. Prof. Cheikh T. Thiam

study, findings and recommendations on delimitation and demarcation of boundaries in Africa (ongoing)

Am. Prof. Cheikh T. Thiam

Study on the development of a continental legal framework on Migration in Africa (ongoing)

Amb. Prof. Cheikh T. Thiam

Study on an area of law with extensive state practice, precedent and doctrine among member states in Africa for codification (Principle on the intangibility of borders) (ongoing)

Mr. Ebenezer Appreku

Study, findings and recommendations on the revision of OAU/AU treaties (finalized)

Amb. Juliet Semambo Kalema

Promoting the teaching, study and dissemination of international law and African Union law in the African continent (ongoing)

Prof. Hajer Gueldich

Developing a Study and a draft Continental Convention on Avoiding Double Taxation (ongoing)

Prof. Hajer Gueldich

Development of an African Convention on Judicial Cooperation and Mutual Assistance (ongoing)

Justice Naceesay Salla-Wadda

Developing a Study and Draft Model Law for the domestication of the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa (ongoing)

Prof. Boniface Obinna OKERE

Developing a Study and Draft Model Law for the domestication of the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ongoing)

Mr. Rafaa Ben Achour

Preliminary report on the study, findings and recommendations on the harmonization of ratification procedures in AU (finalized)

Justice Kolisani Solo

Preliminary study on working methods, competences, future programmes of work and strengthening the capacity of AUCIL (finalized)

Amb. Menilik Alemu

Draft AU model law for the implementation of the African Union convention for the protection and assistance of internally displaced persons in Africa (finalized)



AUCIL has also provided legal opinions upon request on the following matters:

Topic Resources

February 10, 2022

Agenda 2063 is Africa’s development blueprint to achieve inclusive and sustainable socio-economic development over a 50-year period.

September 30, 2024

Climate change is arguably the greatest challenge facing humanity in the 21st century.