An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Consultancy Services to Prepare a Solar Energy Policy Framework for Africa

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Consultancy Services to Prepare a Solar Energy Policy Framework for Africa

September 26, 2018 to October 26, 2018
Bid number: 

Section I: Letter of Invitation
24th September, 2018
Dear Sir/Madam,
REF: Consultancy Services to Prepare a Solar Energy Policy Framework for Africa
1. The African Union Commission (AUC) would like to engage the services of a Consulting Firm to provide services to Prepare a Solar Energy Policy Framework for Africa. The AUC invites interested and eligible bidders to submit technical and financial proposals for the assignment as per attached Terms of Reference (TOR).
2. A firm will be selected under Quality and Cost Based Selection Method procedures. The TECHNICAL and FINANCIAL offers must be delivered in TWO SEPARATE envelopes enclosed in an OUTER envelope to the address below. The minimum technical score required to pass is 70% to proceed for further financial evaluation.
3. The deadline for submission of proposal is 26th October, 2018 at 1500hrs East Africa Time. Late bids will be rejected and returned unopened to bidders. The Outer envelope should bear the name and address of the bidder. Language of the bid or proposal should be in English.
4. Bidders may request for clarifications no less than 7 days from the deadline for submission, from The Chairperson, Internal Procurement Committee, African Union Commission, Email :
5. Bidders must provide the following documents : (i) Certificate of Incorporation (Company Registration) (ii) At least 3 contactable references in the last five (5) years (iii) Company profile demonstrating at least five (5) years
6. The address for deposit of bids is: The Chairperson, Internal Procurement Committee, African Union Commission, Building C, 3rd floor, TENDER BOX, Roosevelt Street, and P. O. Box 3243, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Yours sincerely,
Head, Procurement, Travel and Stores Division

Topic Resources

January 01, 2025

Supply Chain Management Division Operations Support Services Directorate
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

January 01, 2024

Supply Chain Management Division Operations Support Services Directorate

February 10, 2022

Agenda 2063 is Africa’s development blueprint to achieve inclusive and sustainable socio-economic development over a 50-year period.