An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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Key Note Address for H.E Tumusiime Rhoda Peace Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture African Union Commission at the International Conference on Revolutionising Finance for Agricultural Value Chains

Key Note Address for H.E Tumusiime Rhoda Peace
Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture
African Union Commission
at the International Conference on Revolutionising Finance for Agricultural Value Chains
14-18 July 2014,
Nairobi, Kenya

Prof. Kinandu Muragu, Executive Director, Kenya School of Monetary

Dr. Evans Kidero, Governor, Nairobi County

Prof. Njuguna Ndung’u, Governor, Central Bank of Kenya

Millison Narh, Chairman of the African Rural and Agricultural
Credit Association (AFRACA) and Deputy Governor, Bank of Ghana

Luca Alinovi, Representative, Food and Agriculture
Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), Kenya

Michael Hailu, Director, The Technical Centre for Agricultural and
Rural Cooperation (CTA) of the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States

H.E Ambassador Lodewijk Briet, Head of Delegation, European Union

Honourable Felix Koskei, Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries,

Honourable Akinwumi Ayodeji Adesina, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development,

Honourable Ministers from other AU Member States

Excellences, Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen,

I. Introduction

It is an honour for me to be part of this landmark dialogue on Revolutionising Finance for Agricultural Value Chains. Let me register the appreciation of the of the African Union Commission. I thank the Government and people of Kenya for graciously hosting this dialogue, for generous hospitality and for the excellent facilities placed at our disposal. Let me also, at this juncture, express gratitude to the Governor of the Central Bank of Kenya for the invitation. I also wish to commend the Bank’s collaboration with the African Rural and Agricultural Credit Association and the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation in organisng this dialogue. The African Union is proud to partner with you because your initiative complements the efforts we are championing on the continent in the framework of Accelerated African Agricultural Growth and Transformation in line with the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP).

It is, therefore, my singular honour to deliver this statement on behalf of the African Union Commission.

II. Importance

I need not over-emphasise the importance of agriculture because the high turn up of participants at this international conference is eloquent testimony of the value that leaders, stakeholders and partners accord to agriculture. This commitment and enthusiasm is encouraging and promising that this time African agricultural transformation will materialise just like the green revolution in Latin America and Asia.

Let us, all the same, remind ourselves of a few pertinent facts about the driving role agriculture plays in the economic development and future growth of the African continent. You are aware that the agricultural sector remains the predominant sector in most AU Member States. We cannot tire to talk about this. It accounts for up to 80% of employment, 20% of total exports, and 40% of GDP. It has been established that agriculture, and agriculture related industries in Africa, are the top winners, above all other sectors, for a broad base of African citizens and from the perspective of returns on investment.

So, if the most important resource that Africa has are its own citizens and if for most of our citizens the occupation is agriculture, which other sector would deserve more attention than agriculture and supporting industries if we want to raise the standard of living of our people in pursuit of prosperity which is part of the vision of the African Union that aspires for: “An integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in the global arena.’’….?

III. Support

Since it goes without saying that agriculture needs, deserves and must have support, it is imperative that we agree on the kind of investment needed for agriculture and effective and efficient mechanisms for delivering this investment for agriculture to produce the results and impacts we desire for the Africa We Want as captured in Africa Agenda 2063:
“A Shared Strategic Framework for Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development & A Global Strategy to Optimize the Use of Africa’s Resources for the Benefit of all Africans”. Our convening here for the International Conference on Finance for Agriculture acknowledges that agriculture is a business, which begins on the farm and continues through building value-chains that defines the steps toward achieving the Africa where every citizen would like to live and not to migrate from.

The critical support that Africa’s agricultural sector requires is five-fold:

(i) To coordinate from a multi-sectoral approach public sector investment with rural economies at the centre where small holder farmers are empowered to evolve into enterprises that can contribute to and benefit from their sweat. Smallholder farmers have been the bedrock of African agriculture and should, therefore not be taken for granted or marginalised but rather empowered ;

(ii) To attract African financial capital into agriculture and supporting industries to strengthen agriculture value chains while at the same time improving financial sector performance culminating in resilient economies and societies. Governments need to put in place an enabling institutional and policy environment to encourage private sector finance and investment in agriculture;

(iii) To foster African innovation and entrepreneurship to catalyse Africa’s agricultural transformation while reducing risks from climate change and market shocks; to build a resilient citizenry

(iv) To focus across the board on women access to productive resources especially land and finance so that they can move from being farmworkers towards producers and owners of agribusiness;

(v) To harness the energy, quick-learning, and creativity of the youth and channelling them towards agricultural entrepreneurship. Mechanization of farming and value chain development are instrumental in attracting the youth to agriculture. And as you know definitely we shall not attract our youth to farming when we still use a handhoe.

This support needs to be implemented simultaneously, and not piecemeal, if it is to deliver the desired results and impacts in an accelerated manner. This is the only way to capture the moment that Africa has in its history for renaissance in line with the Theme of the just-concluded 50th Anniversary of the OAU/AU: Pan Africanism and African Renaissance.

If you look at resource allocation, how much goes to agriculture? Suppose this amount was increased, imagine what impact it would have on households, communities and nations, their economies and stability. And as you know, food security is really political, it brings crises.

Africa needs to learn from the West; we do not have to reinvent the wheel. Look at the U.S the world's leading economy, its foundation is agriculture. They invested in research, they invested in agribusiness; and in fact in the entire agricultural value chain. Up to now they still subsidise their agriculture; and which developed economy in the world does not subsidise its agriculture? Isn't it time that we put our money where our mouth is, as the saying goes? Why should we say no to subsidies for agriculture when even the developed countries like USA and others do subsidise their agriculture?

We have, in fact, seen that the non-oil economies that are registering fast growth, are those that are investing significantly in agriculture – am not going to mention them but they are there in Africa. They are investing in extension services, agricultural credit, targeted fertilizer subsidies, and so on. This is an example worth emulating.

IV. Opportunities

Fortunately, we are favoured with the following opportunities to tap for agricultural transformation:

(i) The agricultural vision, the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) underscores the importance of agriculture and serves as a rallying framework for all AU Member States, Regional Economic Communities and their stakeholders and partners to work together to achieve the Accelerated African Agricultural Growth and Transformation. Over two thirds of AU Member States have signed CAADP Compacts and formulated National Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Investment Plans, ready for implementation, and in some cases already under implementation.

(ii) Africa has 60% of the world’s uncultivated arable land which when responsibly managed will underpin world-class agricultural transformation in Africa;

(iii) Africa has abundant water resources sufficient for irrigated agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture and sanitation for a healthy and productive population;

(iv) Africa’s population heralds huge and dynamic consumer markets given that by 2050, Africa will be home to one-fifth of the world’s population;

(v) Africa has the world’s youngest population that is dynamic and innovative who offer prospects for agricultural transformation and prosperity;

(vi) Africa is urbanising at an unprecedented rate opening opportunities for agribusiness and agroprocessing as part of the agricultural value chain;

(vii) The momentum towards the establishment of the Continental Free Trade Area by 2017 will boost intra-African trade dominated by African agricultural products because that is where Africa has a comparative advantage;

(viii) The operationalization of the Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA) will also boost intra-African trade dominated by African agricultural products. Intra-African trade requires appropriate infrastructure.

(ix) The purchased inputs business in Africa is ripe for investment given the lowest rank that Africa occupies in the world in the use of fertilisers, certified seeds, irrigation equipment and others;

(x) The market for African produced agricultural products will equate to at least USD40 billion which is the price tag for Africa’s current annual food imports. This money we donate it to buy food from outside and we also end up donating our jobs. And with world food production needing to rise by 40% over the next 30 years, Africa could be an important part of the solution.

These opportunities illuminate what is possible when you, the leaders, stakeholders and partners work together in public private partnership in pursuit of transforming Africa’s agriculture and economy.

V. Conclusion

Your Excellences, Honorable Ministers, Ladies and Gentlemen, I trust that, in the spirit of Pan Africanism and African Renaissance, you are all committed and determined to double your efforts to take advantage of the opportunities I have enumerated and more, in order to stem chronic hunger and malnutrition, water borne diseases, dependency on food imports, and food supply uncertainty. When we achieve the Accelerated African Agricultural Growth Targets we will ensure an unshakeable foundation for agriculture and Africa’s national, regional and continental economies in a way that perpetually fosters innovation, public and private investment in agriculture, and is fertile ground for Africa’s youth to realize their dreams and ambitions. This vision was expressed at the 23rd Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union, held in June 2014, in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea. Further, the overwhelming participation here of over 800 persons, from 80 countries as we have heard at this landmark Finance for Agriculture meeting, indicates the tremendous alignment in today’s Africa that agriculture is the priority sector for wealth building and prosperity of Africa’s citizens, today and long into the future.

I look forward to a lively and productive dialogue during this week so that we all return with insights that we can apply toward increasing African investment in agriculture and accelerating African agricultural transformation and growth.

I thank you for your kind attention.

July 15, 2014

Statement by H.E Dr. Anthony Mothae Maruping Commissioner for Economic Affairs, African Union Commission at the Experts Meeting of the Seventh Conference of African Ministers In Charge of Integration (COMAI VII)




14-16 JULY 2014

Excellencies, Distinguished, Ladies and Gentlemen,
On behalf of the African Union Chairperson, H.E. Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, It is both an honour and privilege to welcome you all to the Experts Meeting of the 7th Conference for African Ministers in Charge of Integration (COMAI VII), taking place in this beautiful city of Ezulwini. It is gratifying to see you in large numbers today, a testimony of the great importance you attach to the realization of Africa’s integration agenda.
To begin with, permit me to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to His Majesty King Mswati III of the Kingdom of Swaziland, the entire Government and people of Swaziland for the warm hospitality accorded to all delegations and for agreeing to host this Conference at a very short notice. Your brotherhood undoubtedly bears witness to the continued commitment of the leadership of the Kingdom of Swaziland to stand in solidarity with the African Union and support it in its realization of our integration agenda.

Excellencies, Distinguished, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Our theme for the Conference, ‘‘Infrastructure and Integration in Africa’’, could not have been placed on your agenda for the Conference of African Ministers in Charge of Integration, at a more appropriate time when our vision for the next fifty years, Agenda 2063, The Africa we Want, is adopted.
We are already in Year One of the fifty years horizon of Agenda 2063. We are therefore paying particular attention to those priority areas that will propel our Agenda forward in the first decade. Amongst the things our citizens called for during the consultations and which we ourselves prioritized in our four year Strategic Plan include: the revolution in education, skills, science, technology and innovation; and our young people are calling for harmonized curricula so they can study and work anywhere in the continent; the free movement of Africans; the Continental Free Trade Area; industrialization and economic development; and connecting all capitals and commercial centres through infrastructure, rail and roads, energy and ICT.
As we shift gear towards implementation of Agenda 2063, we urge all concerned parties, especially Member States and RECs, to be fully engaged and committed to contribute to the achievement of Africa’s vision in 50 years.
In fact, the theme of this Conference is very apt in the sense that it captures the dual nature of the challenges facing Africa which is how infrastructure development can contribute to boosting the integration Agenda in Africa, with a particular emphasis, on ensuring that it is both people-centered and relevant to the needs and aspirations of African citizens.
Excellencies, Distinguished, Ladies and Gentlemen,
There is emerging consensus on the continent that we have a window of opportunity to set Africa on the path towards integration, prosperity and peace. This growing confidence is founded on the economic growth experienced over the last decade, improvements in our human development indicators and progress in governance, creating peace and stability. It is reinforced by our continental endowments (a youthful and growing population, the potential unleashed by women’s empowerment, urbanization) and our natural resources (land, minerals, energy and marine resources), which if harnessed in the interest of Africa’s people, bodes well for the future. It is also conscious of the fact that despite the progress recorded, we continue to face immense challenges: structural underdevelopment and dependency; huge backlogs in infrastructure, basic services and human resource development and the need to build people-centred, inclusive and development public and private cultures and institutions.
In fact, Infrastructure deficits remain a serious challenge with limited financing for regional projects. For example, Africa requires 68 billion USD over the eight year period for the implementation of current PIDA priority projects. This represents 0.2-0.4% of the continental GDP in 2011 and 1% of combined national budgets for the same year.
This is despite the turn-around we are beginning to see, with increased national government and private sector expenditure and planned expenditure on infrastructure. At the same time, we know the potential economic impact that national, regional and continental infrastructure projects will have – in transport and energy especially, but also in other economic and social infrastructure areas – on the continent’s economies.
To illustrate the magnitude of the challenges, let me bring to you attention the following statistics:
• The road access rate in Africa is only 34%, compared with 50% in other parts of the developing world and transport costs are 100% higher.
• Only 30% of Africa’s population has access to electricity, compared to 70-90% in other parts of the developing world.
• Water resources are underused with only 5% of agriculture under irrigation.
• The Internet penetration rate is a mere 6% (2012), compared to an average of 40% elsewhere in the developing world.
• Deficient infrastructure in today’s Africa has been found to sap growth by as much as 2% a year.
Consequently, intra-African trade also remains abysmally low at about 12 percent compared to rates of up to 60 percent in Europe, while the pace of movement towards FTAs remains slow. You will also agree with me that without good road networks, railway systems ports and telecommunications and power, it is very difficult to achieve both our regional and continental integration objectives.
At the same time, we know that being aware of opportunities and challenges is not enough. We have today continental frameworks, such as PIDA, policies and often strategies in virtually every area of importance to our development. We are also aware that we do not start on a clean slate, that we have fifty years of experience from which we must draw lessons.
However, I must also stress that we need not to be discouraged by this situation because Africa is a developing continent and integration is an on-going process. Nevertheless, we must lend momentum to the process by continuing to debate and come up with bold measures to accelerate integration, while also drawing from success stories outside the continent. I believe with a clear-cut vision and determination to succeed, we can foster the fundamental change that is key to moving us forward, in the journey to realize a fully integrated continent.
I believe that the theme of this Conference is a topical issue that both intriguing and exciting as it determines to a large extent, how far we can take the integration of our continent forward. We hope that each and every one of you here will have the opportunity to provide valuable comments on it, with a view to charting a way forward for the integration of our continent.
To capture the gist of the theme of the Conference, we are expected, among others, to honestly provide our opinions, on some of the innovative ways to make African citizens have full ownership of the integration process, as a way of ensuring that it both relevant and value-adding to their welfare and prosperity.

Excellencies, Distinguished, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Stakes are high, and key decisions must be taken if we are to move forward. The major concern is the fact that most of our commitments and agreed actions remain just on paper, and are often never implemented. As you will agree with me, achieving African integration is not an end itself. It must have a purpose for the citizens of Africa. It must offer them prosperity, security, freedom and endless opportunities form their nation-states single handedly. An important point to bear in mind is that the ultimate objective of both regional and continental integration is to enable African countries to benefit from economies of scale, reduce transaction costs and use trade as an engine of sustained economic growth and development. This requires greater trans-boundary cooperation and joint projects and alignment of our priorities.
We must continue to focus on how best to accelerate the integration of our continent as well as how we can achieve a more intensified economic transformation by making full use of natural endowments, common objectives and global opportunities.
Our vision for a transformed and integrated African economy with first class infrastructure, borderless economic space with no barriers to movement of goods, services and persons, is, I believe, a key foundation for a sustainable and job-creating economy for the betterment of the lives of our people.
I am aware that a number of RECs have made substantial progress in a number of key areas and this success is not uniform across all the five (5) regions of Africa, and a great deal of work remains to be done.
In this respect, allow me, to applaud our leaders, for the establishment of the COMESA-EAC-SADC FTA Tripartite in 2008, which I consider to be an important milestone in the integration process towards the creation of a single Free Trade Area embracing 26 countries. In line with the historical decision of establishment of a Continental free trade Area (CFTA) by the indicative date of 2017, a lot remains to be done collectively in order to make this objective achievable. A progress report will be presented to us on this issue.

Excellencies, Distinguished, Ladies and Gentlemen
As has been the standard practice, this meeting will examine the Status of Integration Report as well as the Follow-up Report on the Implementation of Recommendations from the 6th Conference of African Ministers in Charge of Integration.
You will recall that the Last Conference held in Mauritius in April 2013 requested the AUC to develop a harmonized framework to scientifically assess the implementation of the integration process, using integration indicators and Common Benchmarks of evaluation and assessment, based on the AU wide Development Plan. In this respect, I would like to inform you that the AUC and UNECA have started working on implementing this recommendation. In this respect a first draft of the ‘’African regional integration index’’ was presented during the Joint Conference of AU Ministers of Economy and Finance and the UNECA Conference of Ministers of finance, planning and Economic development held in March 2014, in Abuja, Nigeria. The document was enriched by the comments and inputs and will be presented during this conference for consideration and adoption. The index of African regional integration can become an indispensable reference for African Governments, enabling them to see how much progress they are making towards realizing the agreed vision of an integrated Africa, and in which areas of the integration agenda they might be lagging behind.

Excellencies, Distinguished, Ladies and Gentlemen
In conclusion, I would like to reiterate that the central pillar of Africa’s integration process should be anchored on her people. Ordinary citizens should enjoy the benefits associated with regional integration, and in this connection allowing for free movement of persons across the continent needs to be made possible. Connected to this, is the need to put in place favourable conditions that enhance the skills and capabilities of our labour force, especially, those of the youth and women.
It is also my considered opinion, that, for Africa to become an active player in the global economy, the process of integration must focus on our competitiveness, integrating markets through trade liberalization, harmonizing policies, infrastructure development and promoting public-private partnerships. For this to happen, expanding and interconnecting Africa’s infrastructure is critical. I want also to believe that regional integration is a political as much as an economic project. The lack of sustained political commitment to put in place agreed policies and plans has been one of Africa’s major shortcomings, and in the context of the African Union, this is an issue that needs to be addressed.
Our agenda is loaded, and so on this note, let me thank all of you for sparing some of your valuable time for attending this very important Conference.
Thank for your kind attention!

July 14, 2014

Statement of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma to the 25th Ordinary Session of the Executive Council

Statement of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma to the 25th Ordinary Session of the Executive Council

Malabo, 23-24 June 2014

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, and Chairperson of the Executive Council; His Excellency Ahmed Ould Teguidi

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Equatorial Guinea, His Excellency, Mr. Agapito Mba Moku
Your Excellencies Members of the Executive Council;
The Deputy Chairperson of the African Union Commission,
Mr. Erastus Mwencha;
Dr. Carlos Lopes, Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa
Leaders of AU Organs
Representatives of the Regional Economic Communities
Commissioners of the African Union Commission;
Representatives of International Organisations
Vice President of the African Development Bank
Excellencies, Ministers, Leaders of Delegations and Ambassadors and Members of the Diplomatic Corps
Distinguished Officials from Capitals
Distinguished Invited Guests
Ladies and Gentlemen
A warm welcome to this 25th Ordinary Session of the Executive Council of our Union.

Let me again sincerely thank the President, the Government and the people of Equatorial Guinea for their kind hospitality and for putting at our disposal the excellent conference facilities.

We warmly welcome the delegation of Egypt, our dear brothers and sisters, back home. We will hopefully soon also welcome back the delegation of Guinea Bissau.

Your Excellencies

We are holding this meeting and the Summit on the theme Agriculture and Food Security, at a time when our vision for the next fifty years, Agenda 2063. The Africa we Want, is taking shape.

Agriculture and Food Security, correctly so, is a critical priority for Africa. If we get this right, it has the potential - along with what we do with the Blue economy - not only to propel us towards our goal of eradicating poverty and hunger in one generation, but also to contribute towards the industrialization through agro-processing and the development of infrastructure.

At the same time, agriculture and agribusinesses are critical to the empowerment of people, especially women and youth, and in the Summit debate we must look at the practical actions necessary to achieve this, including modernizing and mechanizing agriculture.

We are already in Year One of the fifty years horizon of Agenda 2063. We are therefore paying particular attention to those priority areas that will propel our Agenda forward in the first decade.

Amongst the things our citizens called for during the consultations and which we ourselves prioritized in our four year Strategic Plan include: the revolution in education, skills, science, technology and innovation; and our young people are calling for harmonized curricula so they can study and work anywhere in the continent; the free movement of Africans; the Continental Free Trade Area; industrialization and economic development; and connecting all capitals and commercial centres through infrastructure, rail and roads, energy and ICT.

We look forward to the Extra-ordinary AU Summit on Employment that will be held in Ouagadougou in September this year.


Without a strong Union and Regional Economic Communities as the building blocks, it will be more difficult to move our agenda forward effectively. Your Session must therefore of necessity deal with the institutional issues.

The Commission is presenting its 2015 Budget for approval in the context of the ongoing discussions on Alternative Sources of Funding of the AU. It is a matter that has been referred to the Ministers of Finance and Economic Planning, and we look forward to their progress report and recommendations. At the same time, the financing of the Union, the stemming of the illicit capital flows and domestic resource mobilization must continue to occupy the attention of the Executive Council.

The Summit will also consider amendments to protocols of critical AU organs, such as the Pan African Parliament (PAP), the African Court for Human and People’s Rights and discuss the draft statutes of the African Monetary Fund. The proposals on the table seek to strengthen the contributions of these institutions to Africa’s integration, and to build African capacity to deal with its issues.

During the Agenda 2063 consultations, we witnessed the enthusiasm of the civil society and citizens organisations to be part of the Pan African movement for change. We must therefore do more to ensure that the election of the new Executive of ECOSOC takes place soon, so that it can play its critical role as a voice of civil society in our Union.

As we reported in the January Summit, Excellencies, we are paying continuous attention to the effectiveness and efficiency of Commission. We introduced changes to make our travel policy more efficient, all administrative structures required in the Staff rules are operational, we are on course with the implementation of the international finance and accounting standards and with the review of the Financial Rules.

Our turnaround time on recruitment is improving, with special attention to the quotas of under-represented countries, and moving the AU staff profile closer to gender parity. We will also before the end of the year conclude the review of the Commission’sorganizational structure and take stock of the skills of Commission staff.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen

There is a general sense that the continent is moving forward: our economies are growing, we are all focusing on infrastructure development; agriculture and food security; domestic resource mobilization; industrialization, investments and growth; education, skills, jobs, the health of our peoples and on regional economic integration.

As we shift gear towards implementation of Agenda 2063, we urge the Executive Council to remain engaged and hands-on, so as to ensure that we stay on course.

Since the beginning of 2014, we have had elections (at Presidential, Local or Parliamentary levels) in Algeria, Benin, Egypt, Guinea Bissau, Malawi, Mauritania and South Africa.

The normative framework of the AU Charter on Democracy Governance and Elections remains our guide, supported by the AU Elections observer missions, including long-term observers. They are deployed on the ground to work with Member states and the National Electoral institutions to ensure peaceful elections that reflect the will of the people.

We recognize that some challenges remain, but we are moving forward. For the rest of 2014, we must ensure that we continue to have peaceful and successful elections.

Despite the general positive trajectory, we remain deeply concerned about the situations in Central African Republic, and South Sudan; the massive loss of life, the scourge of sexual violence, and the damage inflicted on the populations of these countries.

IGAD, the African Union, and the international community remain seized with these matters. We must continue to work tirelessly for the seize fire in South Sudan to hold and for the violence in CAR to stop.

We urge all parties to help create the conditions for peace, reconciliation and development; so that the people can bury and mourn their dead, can rebuild their lives, plough their fields and heal their communities.

We strongly condemn the acts of terrorism against Kenya and Nigeria, and the killing and kidnapping of innocent civilians. Unless we work with the governments to stem this tide, we are all vulnerable because terrorism, extremism and intolerance endanger Africa’s march towards prosperity, peace and integration.

Excellencies, the negotiations on the post-2015 Development Agenda will start soon. The High Level Committee has done a lot of work since the January Summit to ensure that the Common African Position is finalized and popularized. We must also ensure that our Ambassadors in New York negotiate on the basis of this Common African Positions. We are also moving towards the important 2015 Climate change negotiations.

The critical matter of Africa’s trade with the world, in the post-Bali context and at bilateral level with the EPAs and AGOA, remains high on the agenda, as we seek to build trade partnerships that will aid African industrialization and integration, its agricultural development and its drive for shared prosperity.

In March, we had the Africa-EU Summit, and we will be guided by your deliberations on preparations for the Africa-US and Africa-Turkey Summits in the coming months. It is important that we seize these opportunities to speak with one voice and advance the agenda of the continent. Africa therefore continues to navigate its way in global matters, resolute about furthering its common interests.

Your Excellencies, you have a heavy workload ahead of you.

I wish you fruitful deliberations and thank you for your attention.

Merci beaucoup!
Muito obrigado!
Muchas gracias!
Shukran jazilan!
Asante sana!

June 23, 2014

Statement by H.E. Dr. Nkozasana Dlamini ZUMA, Chairperson of the African Union Commission, at the 31st NEPAD Heads of State and Government Orientation Committee (HSGOC)

Statement by H.E. Dr. Nkozasana Dlamini ZUMA
Chairperson of the African Union Commission
At the 31stNEPAD Heads of State and Government Orientation Committee (HSGOC)

Malabo, 25 June 2014

Excellency, Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, President of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania and Chairperson of the African Union

Excellency, Macky SALL, President of the Republic of Senegal and Chairperson of the NEPAD Heads of State and Government Orientation Committee

Excellencies, Members of the NEPAD Heads of State and Government Orientation Committee

Excellency, John Koufor, former President of Ghana and Special Envoy of the UNSG on Climate Change

My brothers and Sister, Dr. Carlos Lopes, Executive Secretary of the UNECA, Dr. Ibrahim Mayaki, Chief Executive Officer of the NEPAD Agency and Dr. Rosetta Silva from APR

Dr. Jose da Silva, Director General of FAO

AUC Deputy Chairperson Erastus Mwencha and other Commissioners

Distinguished Heads of Regional Economic Communities and International Organizations

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am honored to address this 31th Session of the NEPAD Heads of State and Government Orientation Committee (HSGOC).

A warm thank you to the Government and the people of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea for the kind hospitality accorded to all delegations since our arrival in the beautiful city of Malabo.

Our continued gratitude to the African Leaders in the Orientation Committee for their unwavering commitment to the implementation of NEPAD.

As we enter the next fifty years of our continental Union, the elaboration of Agenda 2063, The Africa we Want, marks a leap forward. It builds on our proud Pan African movement, that gave us the OAU Charter, Monrovia Declaration, the Lagos Plan of Action, the Abuja Treaty and NEPAD, with each of these as building blocks towards Africa’s renaissance.

The NEPAD Agency is a critical instrument of the Union, and will be a driving force for the implementation of Agenda 2063, building on the experience of its work in agriculture, science and technology, economic transformation and resource management and mobilisation, regional integration, and infrastructure and human development.

Having completed the Agenda 2063 work on aspirations and objectives for the next fifty years, we are shifting gear towards action on those immediate areas that will take our transformation to the next level, as NEPAD since its adopted in 2001. This includes Agriculture, Agro-processing and Food Security; it includes the skills, science and technology revolution and industrialisation and value addition. More specifically, we are looking at faster action on critical infrastructure issues: in energy, transport, ICT, irrigation, ports and exploring Agenda 2063 flagship projects, including the integrated high-speed rail network to connect our capitals in line with PIDA transport vision and a Pan African e-university, using technology to massify skills development.

Our annual theme is dedicated to Agriculture and Food security provides an opportunity to think and act together on the practical issues for take-off for our belated agrarian revolution, and build resilience against climate change. This must of necessity include the modernisation and mechanisation of agriculture. I was told that on average our farmers are 50 years and older. Agriculture is not attractive to the next generation, because it is still agriculture of yesteryear. We must also therefore faster on irrigation infrastructure; expanding women and young people’s access to land, capital and agricultural inputs; infrastructure for storage, transport and agribusinesses and developing our human resources, including training scientists and agronomists.

Your Excellencies, amongst NEPAD’s areas of expertise is in resource mobilisation, including the recent Dakar Finance Summit for Africa’s infrastructure held under the leadership of His Excellency President Macky Sall, which looked at various domestic financial instruments such as tax revenues, pension funds, remittances, earnings from minerals and fuels, sovereign funds, international reserves, stock exchanges and bond markets.
As we build the African Development Bank’s Africa50 Equity Fund, we must therefore call on Member States and the African private sector to invest in African infrastructure, where the returns are so much higher than elsewhere. In the same vein, we must support the initiatives of other regional financial institutions, the private sector, RECs and the investments by Member states in infrastructure in their countries and regions. It is encouraging to see how many countries are putting national resources into infrastructure, but this is not enough.

As we engage the rest of the world to attract foreign direct investments and build trade partnerships, this must be done in a manner that aid African industrialisation, that helps infrastructure development, its fair market share of global trade, beneficiation of its natural resources and economic transformation.
Excellencies, we will achieve our aspirations by acting together and learning by doing.
I thank you for your kind attention and wish the 31stNEPAD Heads of State and Government Orientation Committee fruitful deliberations.

Thank you.

June 25, 2014

Keynote Speech By H.E. Rhoda Peace Tumusiime, Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture onthe occasion of the Celebration of the hundred years of Dr Norman Borluag, Jinja, Uganda

Keynote Speech By H.E. Rhoda Peace Tumusiime, Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture
on the occasion of the Celebration of the hundred years of Dr Norman Borluag
Jinja, Uganda
10th July 2014

Your Excellency Edward Ssekandi, Vice President of the Republic of Uganda
Your Excellency NicéphoreDieudonnéSoglo, Former President of the Republic ofBenin and Member of the Board of the Sasakawa Africa Association
Honourable Professor Ruth Oniang’o, Chairperson of Sasakawa Africa Association and Sasakawa Africa Fund for Extension Education

Honourable Tress Bucanayandi, Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries of Uganda
Dr John Hardman MD, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Carter Center
MrYoheiSasakawa, Chairman of the Nippon Foundation
DrAmit H Roy, President and Chief Executive Officer ofthe International Fertiliser Development Centre (IFDC)
AmbKenneth Quinn, President of the World Food Prize FoundationSsekitoleko…
Honourable Victoria Sekitoleko, Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries of Uganda
Distinguished Participants, Ladies and Gentlemen,
I have the honor, on behalf of the African Union Commission and on my own behalf, toregister appreciation for the opportunity to participate in this important Symposium on the Borlaug Legacy. I would like to thank the Government and people of the Republic of Uganda for the warm welcome and hospitality as well as the excellent arrangements for the success of this symposium and associated events. Starting from Makerere University on 8 July and then yesterday with the youth and later at the Agricultural and Trade Show in Jinja, the events do mark the road to ‘taking science, research, innovation and technology to the farmer’.
While I thank Uganda for graciously accepting to host this Symposium, I also wish to commend Sasakawa Africa Association for choosing Uganda to host. Uganda is one of the 40 AU Member States to have signed the Country Compact for the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) which as you know isour overarching continental framework for increasing agricultural production and productivity, improving food and nutrition security and eradicating poverty. We also saluteUganda for having formulated a credible Agriculture Sector Development Strategy and Investment Planthat is already under implementationto advance the agricultural transformation agenda. Furthermore, Uganda is nearly on track to reach the MDG target of halving hunger. In 1990, the child malnutrition prevalence was 20.6 percent. It has decreased since then, falling to 17.2 percent in 2007 and it has been continuing to decrease. For these and many other reasons the choice of Uganda for this Symposium is a perfect one.Indeed, Uganda is one the AU member States where the Borlaug legacy for agricultural transformation is being pursued. I must point out at this juncture that a number of AU member States where Sasakawa Africa Association has made interventions are emerging as champions of African agricultural transformation. And we find their best practices and success stories encouraging particularly theirremarkable work in supporting and promoting crop productivity enhancement, post-harvest loss reduction and agro-processing; public private partnership and market access; human resource development for agriculture and monitoring and evaluation for results and impact and especially promoting smallholder farmers and agricultural technologies. The African Union is keen to see these models upscaled and replicated especially in this 2014 Year of Agriculture and Food Security in Africa. Through the work of SasakawaAfrica Association and others we have noticed that Africa can make it the way Latin America, Asia and other parts of the worldmade it.Placingimportance on smallholders and the kind of relevant supportive policies, together with the inclusion of supportive institutions i.e. for inputs, for marketing, extension, for value chain development etc made countries like India attain the green revolution.
Distinguished Participants, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Fortunately, Africa has the potential and the opportunities are abound. Currently, Africa spends more than 40 Billion US Dollars a year on food imports but just imagine if this amount was invested in agricultural production!Africa’s population is growing by about 3 percent per year, among the fastest in the world, and so is their demand for food and hence a market for agriculture. The African market is now close to one billion people, including 123 million middle class consumers.Africa’s economic growth is strong, with 7 out of the 10 world’s fastest growing economies being in Africa. In addition, the growing urbanization in AU Member States augurs well for the agri-business and agro-processing industry, which in turn further catalyze agricultural production. All these are opportunities adding to the fact that Africa is endowed with abundant agriculturally suitable land that is yet to be fully and optionally utilized. It also has abundant water resources that can stimulate agricultural production through irrigation. Currently, only 4 percent of available water resources are being used for agriculture and only 6 percent of arable land is irrigated.
In addition, available technologies including those championed by SasakawaAfrica Association can significantly contribute in increasing agricultural productivity both on African farms and across different stages of agri-food value chain. A bulging population of increasingly educated youth and women are eager to be involved in innovative and gainful entrepreneurship and employment in this sector. Engaging and empowering them in order to bring their dreams into reality is a core objective of the AU through CAADP and is supportive of the long-term vision of Africa encapsulated in Africa Agenda 2063.
All these notwithstanding, Africa still leads the rest of the world as the most seriously affected by food insecurity: 1/4 of the world’s undernourished, despite progress made in the last 20 years; there are more stunted children in Africa today than there were 20 years ago.

Food insecurity is primarily a rural phenomenon but, urban populations are also increasing enduring the risk of food insecurity due to growing urban dwellers and the pace of food production being outmatched by the rate of population growth. As we heard at Makerere University, if food production is growing at a lower rate than population growth, there is a gap and it is a problem.

Therefore, we all need to deliver significant results and demonstrate impact to end hunger by 2025.

Distinguished Participants, Ladies and Gentlemen

Aware of the potential of agriculture in eradicating hunger and poverty on our Continent, the African Union Heads of State and Governement endorsed CAADP in 2003 in Maputo where they committed to allocate at least ten percent of their annual public budget to agriculture.
In this continous effort to reduce hunger and poverty on the continent through an accelerated Agricultural Transformation, The Year 2014 was declared by our leaders as the African Union Year of Agriculture and Food Security to mark the tenth anniversary of CAADP. In taking this forward, since January 2014, the African Union Commission in collaboration with other Pan African institutions and with support from partners, has engaged in a series of major events for achievingbetter awareness and wider engagement with African Citizens on advancing agriculture for food and nutriton security as well as poverty eradication. African leaders have renewed their commitment by adopting an AU Declaration to sustain the CAADP Momentum through achieving specific goals and targets for agricultural transformation. Also, commitments have been taken by Partners in aligning, harmonizing and coordinating their program support and Mutual Accountability for results and impact on n the ground.

At the 23rd Ordinary Session of the African Union on 27 June 2014 in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, our Heads of State and Government adopted the Malabo Declaration on Accelerated Agricultural Growth and Transformation for shared Prosperity and Improved Livelihoods. The Commitments of our leaders included:
• The Recommitment to the principles and values of the CAADP process;
• The Commitment to Enhancing Investment Finance in Agriculture;
• The Commitment to Ending Hunger in Africa by 2025;
• The Commitment to halving poverty, by 2025, through inclusive agricultural growth and transformation;
• The Commitment to boosting intra-African Trade in Agricultural Commodities and services;
• The Commitment to enhancing resilience of livelihoods and production systems to climate variability and other related risks;
• The Commitment to Mutual Accountability to Actions and Results.

Committing to zero hunger would require that African Union Member States:

• At least double current agricultural productivity levels through inputs quality and affordable inputs for crops, livestock, fisheries, knowledge, information and skills, irrigation and mechanization;
• Reduce post-harvest losses (PHL) at least by half by 2025;
• Integrate measures for increased agricultural productivity with social protection initiatives focusing on vulnerable social groups through food and cash reserves, early warning systems, identified communities for interventions, and increased consumption of locally produced food items;
• Improve nutritional status, particularly for children who are the present and future of our continent that is rising.

Our leaders’ commitments and recommitments reflect the aspirations ofthe African citizens as we gathered from the consultations we; the African Union Commission, conducted with governments, private sector, civil society and our partners across the continent prior to the Malabo AU summit. This further reinforces the fact that the AU professes to be people centred in pursuit of the goal of a united, strong and prosperous Africa, a dynamic force in the global arena. The prusuit and achiement of these goals will also be in line with the Theme of the just concluded 50th Anniversary of the OAU/AU, which is Pan Africanism and African Renaissance. It is also part of the Africa Agenda 2063 on the Africa We Want.

Distinguished Participants, Ladies and Gentlemen

Today, Sasakawa Africa Associationis celebrating the centenary of Doctor Norman Borlaug, the father of the “Green Revolution” in Latin America and Asia and an eminent personality of agricultural research and development in Africa through his leadership in conducting the work of Sasakawa and other similar dedicated approaches in other regions of the World.
His research on wheat and his efforts in strengthening the capacities of scientists and extension workers to bring the technologies and innovations to the farmers resulted into higher yield in wheat production in developing countries through double wheat seasoning, increased disease resistance among others.
Because of his achievements to use quality seed, fertilizer, appropriate technologies and irrigation to prevent hunger and povertyglobally, one has reason to believe what has been said by some that Dr. Borlaug has "saved more lives than any other person who has ever lived."
We highly commend Sasakawa Africa Association’s Mission in furtherance of the Borlaug legacy to transform African extension advisory services in partner countries to assure greater family food security and more profitable participation in commercial activities along the value chain, while respecting natural resources contributes to the Continental efforts in ending hunger in Africa.
Distinguished Participants, Ladies and Gentlemen

This year, the AU Member States reaffirmed their commitment to the CAADP principles, and to new investments in agriculture that embrace the full value chain, improve markets and trade, and provide finance at a scale to meet the wealth and job creation potential of the continent.

As education levels rise, civil societies become more vibrant and progress achieved in political and economic governance on the continent, Africans are beginning to and will demand more of their political leaders over the coming decade.

Political leadership is essential in the next decade to discern opportunities and threats, implement the vision for African development, and execute a strategy to both respond and lead others to take the steps necessary.

The African Union Commission pledges to the Republic of Uganda and all AU Member States, civil society organizations such asSasakawa Africa Associationand other agriculture sector actors commitment to the already mentioned goals for an Accelerated Agricultural Growth and Transformation for shared Prosperity and Improved Livelihoods in Africaandcontinuedsupport toaccelerate the Countries CAADP National Agricultural Investment Plans and CAADP priority programmes implementation to end hunger in Africa by 2025.

Let us all contribute in eradicating hunger on our continent by 2025.
Definitely together we can do that.
I thank you

July 10, 2014

Statement By H.E Mrs. Tumusiime Rhoda Peace Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture African Union Commission at the Opening of the Meeting of the Taskforce of the African Ministerial Conference on Meteorology (AMCOMET)





26 – 28 MAY 2014

- Mr. Chairman,
- Honourable Saviour Kasukuwere, Honourable Minister of Environment, Water and Climate of the Republic of Zimbabwe and Chair of the African Ministerial Conference on Meteorology (AMCOMET)
- Honourable Minister Mukhtar Abdulkarim Adam, Minister of Environment, Forestry and Physical Development of Sudan
- Honourable Yamfwa Mukanga, Minister of Transport, Works, Supply and Communication of Zambia
- Ambassadors of Zambia and Namibia
- Honourable Ministers and Members of the AMCOMET Taskforces here present
- Dr. Amos Makarau, Director, Department of Meteorological Services, Zimbabwe and Chair of the Experts, African Ministerial Conference on Meteorology (AMCOMET)
- Dr. Joseph R. Mukabana, Executive Secretary, AMCOMET Secretariat
- Eminent AMCOMET Experts and Permanent Representatives of WMO
- Representatives of the Regional Economic Communities here present – SADC, COMESA, CENSAD, ECOWAS, EAC, ECCAS, IGAD, AMU here present
- Representatives of the African Regional Institutions - ACMAD, AGRHYMET here present
- Representatives of the AU Commission, AMCOMET Secretariat
- Representatives of the Development Partners – UN agencies – WMO, here present
- Members of the Diplomatic Corps
- Members of the Press and Media Corps
- Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen

It is a pleasure and honour for me on behalf of the African Union Commission to address Honourable Ministers, members of the Taskforces of the African Ministerial Conference on Meteorology (AMCOMET) meeting here in Harare from 26 – 28 May 2014 in preparation for AMCOMET Bureau meeting that is holding back to back from 29 – 30 May 2014.

Mr. Chair, let me begin first and foremost, by transmitting the warm wishes of Her Excellency, Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, Chairperson of the Commission and my own personal greetings to you all. I would have loved to be personally here but I had to attend to some unavoidable pressing urgent matter . Allow me to take this opportunity to express our deep appreciations to the government and the people of Zimbabwe for hosting these meetings of the AMCOMET Taskforce and Bureau here in Harare.

Mr. Chairman, at this juncture, let me recognize and welcome all delegates – Honourable Ministers – Chair and Members of the AMCOMET Bureau, Taskforces and eminent experts from the Member States, Regional Economic Communities (RECs), African Regional Institutions and Development Partners participating at these meetings. Permit me also to use this forum to commend the AMCOMET Secretariat – the World Meteorological Organization for our continued collaborations; and for engaging Consultants to support the AMCOMET Taskforces – to develop the draft Implementation and Resource Mobilization Plan; and the facilitation of the establishment of the Regional Climate Centre in Central Africa in preparation for the Third AMCOMET session that is scheduled to hold this year. I have no doubt that the Consultants have done a thorough work and I am glad that the AMCOMET Secretariat would be reporting on progress at this meeting.

Honourable Ministers, I am delighted that AMCOMET in collaboration with the African Union Commission is implementing the Decision of the AU Executive Council adopted in January 2013 on the Report of the Second Session of the African Union Conference of Ministers responsible for Meteorology and the African Ministerial Conference on the Meteorology (AMCOMET) held in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe from 15 to 19 October 2012. Allow me to take note of the various meetings held in February 2014 at the Headquarters of the African Union that assisted the Experts and Stakeholders’ to discussed the draft Implementation Plan and the subsequent meetings held at the level of the Regional Economic Communities (RECs), first – East African Community (EAC) in Arusha, Tanzania, from 5 – 7 May 2014; and in Banjul, The Gambia, from 15 – 16 May 2014 that brought together RECs and Member States from the Economic Community of Western African States (ECOWAS) along with the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS); and the Arab Maghreb Union (AMU), which have facilitated the RECs to validate the draft Implementation and Resource Mobilization Plan.

Honourable Ministers, Mr. Chairman, the convening of the meetings of the AMCOMET Taskforces and Bureau are very unique and at a period in time when the AU Commission is hosting and co-convening many activities. The meteorology meetings would no doubt add value to the work of the Commission and facilitate the improvement of meteorological and earth observation data in the African continent thereby leading to poverty alleviation, improved livelihood of the rural populace and sustainable development.

Honourable Ministers, Mr. Chairman, allow me before I conclude to brief you that the Addis Ababa Declaration on implementation of the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) in Africa included the establishment of the Regional Climate Centres in Africa; and I would like to implore the Taskforce to consider the designation of Climate Centres of Excellence in the five regions of Africa, where inexistence including the Indian Ocean for effective implementation of the Integrated African Strategy on Meteorology and improved climate services.

Honourable Ministers, Mr. Chairman, I would not want to take much of your time since you have a heavy agenda ahead for the next two days but to end my brief remarks by assuring you all that the AU Commission is fully committed to support AMCOMET activities particularly the implementation of the Integrated African Strategy on Meteorology (Weather and Climate Services); the Implementation and Resource Mobilization Plan; the establishment of the Regional Climate Centre in Central African Region; the African Regional Space Programme; and the Implementation of the Global Framework for Climate Services in Africa.

Honourable Ministers, Mr. Chairman, Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen, I wish you productive outcomes at these Meetings of the AMCOMET Taskforces and Bureau.

I thank you all for your kind attention.

Asante sana!

May 26, 2014

Statement By H.E Mrs. Tumusiime Rhoda Peace, Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture, African Union Commission at the Opening of the Meeting on Harmonization of Regional and National Strategies with the Integrated African Strategy on Meteorology





15 – 16 MAY 2014

- Honourable Mass Axi Gye, Minister of Fisheries and Water Resources
- Madam Chairperson, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Fisheries and Water Resources
- Chair of African Ministerial Conference on Meteorology (AMCOMET) Expert (Dr. Amos Makarau ably represented by newly elected Chair of ECOWAS Committee of Directors of Meteorology, Mr. Bernard Gomez from The Gambian Meteorology
- Dr. Johnson Boanuh, Director, ECOWAS Commission
- Dr Joseph R. Mukabana, Executive Secretary – AMCOMET Secretariat
- Eminent Experts from African Union Member States
- Representatives of the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and African Regional Institutions - ECOWAS, ECCAS, AMU, ACMAD, AGRHYMET and CILSS here present
- Representatives of the AU Commission, AMCOMET Secretariat
- Representatives of the Development Partners – UN agencies – WMO, here present
- Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen

It is indeed a great pleasure and honour for me to address the eminent gathering of experts gathered here in this beautiful city of Banjul at the opening of the Meeting on Harmonization of Regional and National Strategies with the Integrated African Strategy on Meteorology (Weather and Climate Services) and the Validation of the Draft Implementation and Resource Mobilization Plan on the margins of the 11th Meeting of the Committee of ECOWAS Directors of Meteorology taking place from 15 – 16 May 2014.

Honourable Minister, Madam Chairperson, let me begin first and foremost, by transmitting the warm wishes of Her Excellency, Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, Chairperson of the Commission and H.E. Mrs. Rhoda Peace Tumusiime, Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture of the African Union to you all. The Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture would have loved to be personally here but she had to attend to some pressing official work. I also want take this opportunity, on behalf of the Commission of the African Union to express our deep appreciation to the government and the people of The Gambia for hosting these two meetings here in Banjul. Allow me to particularly convey our profound appreciation to the Honourable Mass Axi Gye, The Gambian Minister of Fisheries and Water Resource for making time available to be at the opening of this meeting despite the Minister’s tight schedule. This is an attestation of the passion that The Gambia places on the issue of Meteorology. I would like to further use this medium to express our deep appreciation to the ECOWAS Commission for facilitating the organization of this meeting.

Honourable Minister, Madam Chairperson, permit me to welcome all delegates – the eminent experts from the Member States, Regional Economic Communities (RECs) – ECOWAS, ECCAS and AMU, African Regional Institutions and Development Partners attending this meeting. I would like to state that we value your presence at this meeting that would be discussing the Harmonization of Regional and National Strategies with the Integrated African Strategy on Meteorology (Weather and Climate Services) and the Validation of the Draft Implementation and Resource Mobilization Plan. I also want to once again acknowledge the excellent work done by the Commission of ECOWAS in preparation for this meeting; the Secretariat of the African Ministerial Conference on Meteorology (AMCOMET) and the World Meteorological Organization for engaging Consultants to support the work of AMCOMET in preparation for the Third AMCOMET meeting that is scheduled to hold this year.

Honourable Minister, Madam Chairperson, allow me at this juncture to recall that the Executive Council at the Twentieth Session of the African Union Assembly in January 2013 adopted the Decision on the Report of the Second Session of the African Union Conference of Ministers responsible for Meteorology and the African Ministerial Conference on the Meteorology (AMCOMET) held in Victoria Falls, Republic of Zimbabwe from 15 to 19 October 2012. The EXCO Decision – EX.CL/Dec.744(XXII) endorsed amongst others things; the Integrated African Strategy on Meteorology (Weather and Climate Services); the establishment of a Task Force to draft the Implementation Plan for the Integrated Strategy on Meteorology (Weather and Climate Services) with detailed annual operational plans; and the drafting of the Resource Mobilization Strategy for the Implementation Plan, to be submitted for consideration at the Third Session of AMCOMET in 2014. Eminent Experts, this meeting is being convene to harmonize the national and regional strategies on Meteorology with the continental strategy and also validate the draft Implementation and Resource Mobilization Plan for the continent strategy. The Experts and Stakeholders’ Meeting held in February 2014 in Addis Ababa at the Headquarters of the African Union Commission deliberated on the draft Implementation and Resource Mobilization Plan hence this meeting is therefore very timely as it would afford the opportunity for the Member States from the ECOWAS, ECCAS and AMU region to discuss validate the draft Implementation and Resource Mobilization Plan in preparation for the next meeting of the AMCOMET Bureau taking place later this month in Zimbabwe and subsequent presentation to the Third AMCOMET meeting that is scheduled to hold later this year.

Honourable Minister, Madam Chairperson, the development of the Implementation Plan for the Integrated African Strategy on Meteorology cannot be underscored as it would help to improve the generation of climate information on the African continent; enhance the capacity of our National and Hydro-Meteorological Services to explore the potential of Earth Observation (EO) technologies in monitoring droughts, floods, weather, climate, fisheries, rangelands, forests, etc as a tool for climate change adaptation and mitigation. The Project on the African Monitoring of the Environment for Sustainable Development in Africa now succeeded by the programme Monitoring of the Environment for Security in Africa (MESA) is now finalizing the Grants Preparation Stage and it is expected that MESA’s products and services will benefit Africa as regards their use in early warning systems, predictions in agricultural production, disaster risk reduction, and management of natural resource as tools for policy makers. The validation of the draft Implementation and Resource Mobilization Plan for the Integrated African Strategy on Meteorology is further timely as Africa is currently discussing the African Agenda 2063 on: Pan Africanism and African Renaissance; and in addition we are commemorating the Tenth Year of the Comprehensive African Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP).

I have no doubt that the validation of the Implementation Plan will also support our climate change negotiators in the run up to the Twentieth Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 20) that is scheduled to take place in December 2014 in Lima, Peru.

Distinguished Delegates, as you all aware, the AU Commission along with the African Development Bank and the United Nations Economic Commission for African / African Climate Policy Centre (ACPC) is also implementing a climate related programme on Climate Information for Development in Africa (ClimDev-Africa) to support the Regional Economic Communities and Member States and effectively integrate climate information and services into development planning and also ensure the mainstreaming of climate considerations into policies and programmes directed at achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the post 2015 Sustainable Development Target and sustainable development in Africa. ClimDev-Africa Programme is the collective effort of the three key African Regional institutions to foster a common and coordinated response to climate change throughout the continent. In particular, it will build the capacities of relevant African institutions for enhanced information generation; analysis; and policy-making.

The ClimDev-Africa Programme will thus help to build lasting policy capacities to adequately respond to the challenges of climate change, adding distinct value to the many ongoing activities related to climate change in Africa. As a strategic complement to these climate – related programmes and other initiatives, ClimDev-Africa seeks to directly fund adaptation projects and activities; focus on enabling climate-related information for multi-stakeholder decision-making; and funding pre-investment activities in the climate sensitive sectors.

Currently, the African Group including Ministers are meeting in Abuja to garner the contribution of Africa to the global efforts on the post 2015 Hyogo Framework for Action. Madam Chairperson, All these Programmes and events taking place at the same period set the stage for advancing a transformative development agenda that can serve the needs of climate resilient economic, environmental, and social systems in Africa, while sharing and clarifying messages from Africa regarding meteorological information, climate change and development.

Honourable Minister, Madam Chairperson, I would like to conclude by assuring you all that AU Commission is fully committed to supporting the activities of the meteorology on improved weather and climate services in Africa; the activities of AMCOMET; and the implementation of the Integrated African Strategy on Meteorology (Weather and Climate Services).

Honourable Minister, Madam Chairperson, Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen, I look forward to your active participation and the fruitful outcomes of your deliberation at this Meeting.

I thank you all for your kind attention.

May 15, 2014

Speech by H.E. Madam Rhoda Peace Tumusiime, Commissioner for Rural Econmy ond Agriculture at the Opening of the Sixth Panafrican Meeting of Chief Veterinary Officers (CVOs) on Coordinated Position on Animal Health Standards ot International Fora



• Dr. Khadija Kassachoon, Principal Secretary, representing Hon. Felix Kosgei, Cabinet Secretary for Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Republic of Kenya;
• Your Excellency Ambassador Lodewijk Briet, Head of Delegation of the European Union to Kenya;
• Your Excellency , Kelbert Nkomani, Ambassador of the Republic of Zimbabwe and Dean of the African Diplomatic Corps in Nairobi,
• Your Excellences, Ambassadors and High Commissioners to Kenya representing the different African Union and EU Member States
• Distinguished Chief Veterinary Officers and the Delegates of the 54 African Union Member States to the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE);
• Distinguished representatives of Regional Economic Communities;
• Distinguished participants from all partner organizations;
• Members of Staff of the African Union Commission;
• Distinguished guests, Ladies and gentlemen;

It is an honor and a pleasure for me to welcome you to this celebration of the partnership between the European Union and the African Union’s Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR), and the sixth Pan-African meeting of Chief Veterinary Officers (CVOs) on coordinated common positions on animal health standards.

On behalf of Her Excellency Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, Chairperson of the African Union Commission, allow me to convey to you her warm greetings and best wishes as well as her appreciation as follows::
• She appreciates His Excellency Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta, President of the Republic of Kenya and his Government for their hospitality to and continued support to the African Union, particularly the AU-IBAR and its programmes; and, as you heard from the statement made by the EU Ambassador, it is not the AU-IBAR only that the EU supports. There are for example also programmes in Somalia, whose support is coordinated in Nairobi. Let me also request, Madam Principal Secretary to transmit our greetings to Hon. Felix Kosgei, Cabinet Secretary for Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Republic of Kenya. We missed him last week in Addis Ababa during the Joint AU Conference of Ministers responsible for Agriculture, Rural Development, Fisheries and Aquaculture that prepared for the AU Summit scheduled for Malabo, Equatorial Guinea that will dedicate itself to the Theme of the 2014 AU Year of Agriculture and Food Security. We had hoped that Kenya would share its experiences at the Ministerial. I will be following up with the Cabinet Secretary especially in relation to the good programme on the Lamu corridor.
• Our appreciation extends to the people of Kenya for the warm welcome they always accord us whenever we come here since our arrival in this beautiful country; and to
• The European Union, our main donor for the various programmes currently under implementation and especially the Participation of African Nations in Sanitary and Phytosanitary Standard-Setting Organisations (PANSPSO), Reinforcing Veterinary Governance in Africa (VET-GOV) Programmes, under which the continental meeting of the Chief Veterinary Officers is funded. Your Excellency Ambassador Lodewijk Briet, I thank you for your statement on this occasion.

I would particularly like to highlight our continued partnership with the EU dating back to the days of rinderpest campaigns, during which the strong bond we are witnessing today was forged. Probably with a certain level of uncertainty as to how far the bond would last, together we endured a lot of seemingly insurmountable challenges from the Joint Programme (JP15) to the Pan-African Programme for the Control of Epizootics (PACE) programme, but today we can all celebrate the successful eradication of rinderpest from the continent and many other successes that have followed in recent years, such as the successful collaboration under the Support Programme to Integrated National Action Plans for Avian and Human Influenza (SPINAP-AHI), Vaccines for the Control of Neglected Animal Diseases in Africa (VACNADA), the Livestock for livelihoods project, the VETGOV project and indeed the PANSPSO project. It is a partnership that has lasted and passed the test of time and today we celebrate it with pride as we look at its history, its current state and the bright future ahead whose foundation it has laid.

Over the years, the partnership has been realized through the many projects that have been implemented. As we look ahead, issues of food and nutritional security are becoming cardinal and a pivot of the future state of the partnership, as highlighted in the recently concluded AU-EU Summit held in April in Brussels and as elucidated under the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP). CAADP to Africa is the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) to Europe. In order for us to make the partnership even more effective and productive, it will be prudent that we crystallize it into a programmatic approach rather than the current project approach. This way we will be able to make it more sustainable and enhance its coherence and impacts on the continent as we continue to build ownership among AU Member States..

Excellences, Ambassadors, distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, it is of great significance that we celebrate the partnership between the African Union and the European Union at the time when we have also convened the Directors of Veterinary Services or Chief Veterinary Officers from AU Member States, for the purpose of coming up with common positions on animal health and welfare standards in preparation for the 82nd General Session of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) due later this month.

During the first meeting of Chief Veterinary Officers held at this venue in 2009, I did state that the PAN-SPSO Project which aimed at facilitating the effective participation of African countries in the activities of the OIE, the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) and the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC), in the formulation of international standards for terrestrial and aquatic animal health, plant health, and food safety, was the signal of the intention of the Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture of the African Union Commission, for improved Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) capacity of the AU Member States. In fact, as we were waiting for the beginning of this meeting, we reflected on different actions required for this sector and their critical nature that calls for greater synergies within the rural development sectors. We are all aware of the fact that SPS has increasingly become an entry point for access to international markets and compliance with international SPS standards is the only assurance for accessing highly demanding, but rewarding, markets. But also for support to intra-African trade. The PAN-SPSO project has also been a pioneer example of the implementation of project-related activities between AUC institutions and the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) with the aim of strengthening technical capacities of the Member States.

As you are all aware, there is a lot of potential for the development of the livestock sector in Africa, especially through the promotion of intra and interregional trade in livestock and products, for which demand is growing annually, and we have not been able to meet this demanda; I throw the challenge to you Directors of Veterinary Services. One of the key entry points for enhancing regional and international trade is the development of coordinated policies and positions. Trade-facilitation policies, both at national and regional levels, can enormously have an important impact on the production of trade in livestock and livestock products.
Access to international markets for agricultural products requires compliance with World Trade Organization (WTO) Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) measures that are designed to promote fair trade and to protect human, animal or plant life or health.
It is only by taking an active part in the formulation of the relevant standards that countries can appreciate the importance of the standards and henceforth institute actions to comply or demonstrate compliance with the SPS measures.
Today we are meeting for the sixth time to develop common positions on animal health standards. I am aware that the level and the quality of participation of African delegates in the three international standard setting organizations have tremendously improved particularly in the OIE and also in Africa. AU-IBAR is working with Member States towards the implementation of an exit strategy that will ensure the continuity of activities after the end of the PAN-SPSO project.
Excellences, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, allow me once more to express our gratitude to European Union for the tremendous financial support they continue to render to our organisation and I further wish to reaffirm our commitment to the ideals of our partnership as Africa marks 2014 the AU Year of Agriculture and Food Security and as we project the livestock sector in the Africa Agenda 2063 with a vision of “An integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in the global arena” . And, I would like you all to contribute to this agenda as it is being debated so that we know your views on the Africa We Want.

I thank you for your attention.

May 06, 2014

Closing Statement by H.E Tumusiime Rhoda Peace Commissioner Rural Economy and Agriculture African Union Commission at the Retreat of the Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture, Nairobi, Kenya


The Director of the Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture
The Directors and Coordinators of the Specialised Technical Offices
The members of staff of the Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture
We have come to the end of two intense working days of our departmental retreat. I want to thank you all for your active participation and valuable contribution on the issues we had on our agenda.
This was not an easy period to hold a retreat. It has been extremely demanding on our time. But, the Management of the Department still thought it was necessary to have this retreat at this particular time. I know quite a number wanted to take leave and I thank you for opting to come here first.
I would also like to say that there is a paradigm shift in the way we are conducting business. I would like to appreciate that we did not delve into minor issues but strategic ones. I would like to request you to continue building on the substantive work we have built up together. It has been impressive to see you focus on issues, inputs, outputs, visioning and direction.
We have agreed on key issues in the context of the DREA Strategic and Operational Plan and the outcomes of the just concluded AU Summit in Malabo, you have all shown interest in the issues we are dealing with and these are important issues which require our individual and collective action. Let’s keep up the momentum.
Several of you may be going on leave from here; others may not. Either way, I wish to call upon you to take off time to reflect on your respective areas for action. Also guide and support one another and if one of you is not there he or she should have shown you where he or she stopped so that you carry on from there. That is the way we shall be able to accomplish the tasks that we have set for ourselves within the agreed time frames.
As you recall, we have developed a roadmap; we need to report quickly to help agreed actions move forward. The movement forward should reflect the very rich and highly interactive session we have had.
I know that there are issues of funding. I will try to do what I can at my level of responsibility though I know that begging everyday is not good.
Let me thank the specialised technical offices. I always present your case when there are high-level meetings like summits so that you attend and engage. The tendency has been to consider representational offices and not so much the specialised technical offices. This time round I made deliberate efforts to secure the extension of invitations to you as well. It was difficult but I am glad we managed and you came to the Summit in Malabo. I am sorry for those who experienced some constraints and those who had to cut short their stay. But I know that those who managed to persist and stay found it worth it.
Dr. Hassan Mahamat, Coordinator of PATTEC has thanked each and everyone while moving a vote of thanks. It has been an excellent engagement. I would like, in particular, to thank AU-IBAR, our host; they have put in a lot. I wish in particular to commend the arrangement that was made for those who were not eating with us to be able to break their fast in the evenings.
Now, as we go away, I can only say bon voyage. Coming together, thinking together and planning together is always good. I remember, Dr. Yemi Akinbamijo, former Head of Agriculture and Food Security, when he was assuming his current position as Executive Director of FARA, he told his staff something to the effect that: ‘‘we need to work together, think together, move together and deliver together’’. This message has value. I see a linkage; I have seen you all building a family relationship together, chatting; it gives me encouragement.
Please send our greetings to your families. Travel well.
Thank you very much.

July 04, 2014

Statement on the Role of Non-State Actors in Shaping Africa’s Agricultural Transformation Agenda for the Next Decade


30 APRIL 2014

Thank you, Chair,
The President of the Pan African Farmers Organisation (PAFO).
The Representative of the NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency,
Distinguished Representatives of different institutions,
Members of the Non-State Actors in all your respective categories,
The Private Sector
I welcome you all to the African Union Commission.
Let me, first of all, apologise for the late start and initial inconveniences. This was not intended. It was occasioned by the series of meeting we are servicing using strained resources. I hope you bear with us. Things will be sorted out as we go along.
It is also not my intention to leave this important meeting early. I value your presence and your contribution to our common agenda. It is only that the Conference of Ministers of Fisheries and Aquaculture is also opening within the next few minutes and I am required there. But am glad I came here first.
I wish to begin by registering the appreciation of the African Union Commission to all Actors including Non-State Actors, (especially the Farmers, the private sector, the Civil Society Organisations and others ) also complementing one another, in advancing Africa’s agricultural transformation agenda in the last 10 years of implementing the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP). It is also noteworthy that the recent provision of space to you the Non-State Actors has been followed by your accelerated role through research, advocacy , lobbying and or complementing public and private investments in agriculture all in championing CAADP implementation. Indeed, the dialogue on CAADP goals, actions and targets has not involved only governments, and donors but also Non-State Actors in individual and collective capacities. I wish to say that your contribution has brought much value to CAADP implementation.
From our side as the African Union, we have taken good note of the fact that Non-State Actors have carried out parallel research that has challenged AU Member States on meeting the commitments undertaken;
Let me mention a few examples, I know there are many, here I single out a few but are not limited to these:
- The extensive work done by Action Aid on Public Expenditure Review has shaped the recent discussions;
- The commendable work done by ‘One Campaign’ on meeting the 10% target of national budgetary allocation to agriculture;
- The analytical work by ‘One Campaign’ on Gender Gap;
- The work done by Action Aid on Making CAADP work for small-holder farmers;
- Sasakawa Global 2000 significant work on value chains in developing countries;
- The private sector doing real investments on the ground.
- We know FANRPAN and Save the Children Fund in their specific interventions;
- Save the Children has been supporting many initiatives in this sector of agriculture;
- I am also aware of the good works of SOS SAHEL on Sustainable livelihoods and Water and Land management. areas in the Sahel Region;
- To the farmers and the farmer organisations – you have been the centre and pillars of agriculture and CAADP. We really salute you in these efforts and know that the Commission will not relent its effort in supporting you
-To the other categories of the private sector, just like farmers, you are the real agriculture drivers in -countries and we appreciate the efforts that have brought you here. I know you are here with us and we will continue to work together.
This is to mention but a few of the many examples of Non-State Actors’ that are actively engaged in the process for taking forward Africa’s agricultural transformation. Because of the Non-State Actors’ work, we have noted a change in the behavior of governments and other actors, and also in the way business in the agricultural sector is being undertaken. We salute you for this significant contribution and we look forward to a more robust role you can play.
We appreciate the constructive engagements we had with the Non-State Actors during the recent CAADP Partnership Platform where one of the measures of progress we witnessed was the number, quality and the effectiveness of the representation of the private sector including farmers, from grassroots level, through PAFO, and civil society including NGOs. All engaging in continental dialogue.
Going forward, as we further roll out the implementation of CAADP and as stipulated in the CAADP Results Framework and also contained in the National Joint Sector Reviews, the new shift on engaging Non-State Actors will be to have them and other actors make commitments and use scorecards to check the delivery on results and impacts. You will thus help us to track and monitor commitments. We will rely more on Non-State Actors to ensure that those who make commitments including Non-State Actors, themselves, do meet them. We also want you really to show results.
We, on our part as the Commission of the African Union working with the NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency, before you, commit to provide due space for Non-State Actors to play their rightful role. We further commit to provide the necessary support for Non-State Actors in advancing their role.
I must add that we are moving into the next decade with goals, actions and targets as well as indicators upon which these are measured. This is to say that the phase we are going into is more challenging, and calls for double effort and more vivid inclusiveness with more private sector working closely with civil society in complementing government to advance our shared agenda for Africa’s agricultural transformation because I believe that it is agricultural transformation which is going to bring about inclusive growth.
In the course of this conference, I received a number of Non State Actors including the representatives of Farmer Organizations and NGOs and Individuals, we agreed on a number of concrete actions and a way forward. The AUC fully engages to work with Non State Actors in a more coordinated and more vigorous manner.
Having said this, I would like to officially declare this meeting open and wish you fruitful deliberations and also assure you that your recommendations will be drawn to the attention of the Honourable Ministers and subsequently to the Heads of State and Government to take into account in drawing the commitments for the next decade.
I sincerely thank you for coming and for listening to me.

April 30, 2014


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