Opening Statement by H.E Tumusiime Rhoda Peace Commissioner Rural Economy and Agriculture at the Retreat of the Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture, 3 July 2014 Nairobi, Kenya
The Director of the Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture
The Directors and Coordinators of the Specialised Technical Offices
The members of staff of the Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture
Good morning to you. Let me take this opportunity to welcome you all to this important retreat. It is now an established practice that twice a year we get together to reflect and focus on our own mandate as a Department. I would like to thank all those of you that have been working so hard to put this retreat together. I would also like to thank the Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR) for hosting us. We need to get an offer, by the time we leave here, from another specialised technical office to host our next retreat.
I am happy you all look well and healthy. I also welcome those of you who have just returned from Malabo, Equatorial Guinea to attend the AU Summit. Those of you who were there must have seen DREA at work! I wish to thank the DREAM Team under the leadership of the Director, Dr Abebe Haile Gabriel; you made us proud. At the same time I must commend all of you for your individual and collective contribution to the successes achieved at the AU Summit and especially the areas concerning us given that the theme was ours.
We come in for a period. As we start thinking of winding up our stay, we will be vry happy. When I came in we used to sit and fit around a table. But now the department has grown in numbers, in business and in delivery. This foundation we have built together will take DREA to greater heights for the good of the continent. We should all think more about what happens at the grassroots.
We are all pleased with the outcomes of the Malabo Summit on all the issues that were deliberated upon concerning our Department ranging from agriculture, food and nutrition security, climate change, water and sanitation to wildlife flora and fauna and related areas including specialised technical committees, intra-African trade, Africa Agenda 2063, and post-2015 Development Agenda, among others.
I am sure you all know that the outcomes of the Summit place heavy responsibility on our shoulders especially in respect of developing the roadmap for implementing the Assembly decision and declaration on African Agricultural Growth and Transformation, which the Commission is required to present to the next Summit in January 2015.
This, as you are aware, also coincides and falls perfectly within our Departmental Strategic and Operational Plan whose implementation starts this year and we are expected to enhance our efforts and partnerships to deliver results and impacts in the areas of food and nutrition security as well as sustainable development. Once again, I thank you all for your active participation and valuable inputs in the formulation and finalisation of our Strategic Plan and for the efforts you are already deploying towards its implementation.
I trust that you are all ready to hit the road for its implementation in earnest and in the process, the implementation of the relevant decisions of the AU Policy Organs, particularly those emanating from the 23rd Ordinary Session of the AU Assembly held in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea.
As you continue to work hard you will be required to pay extra attention to reporting in a timely fashion and as per the formats agreed on. For managers, you will continue to coordinate and guide our work. All members of staff will be expected to enhance our interaction and mutual support to deliver on our common mandate.
With these few remarks, I am now opening the retreat officially and I wish you all the success.
Thank you.