An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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Statement by H. E. Anthony Mothae Maruping Commissioner for Economic Affairs, African Union Commission

H. E. Anthony Mothae Maruping
Commissioner for Economic Affairs, African Union Commission.

His Majesty the Emir of Kuwait
Hon Ministers
Ladies and Gentlemen
Good morning to you all.
I am speaking on behalf of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission Chairperson, Her Excellency Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma> She was very eager to attend this important event between the two friendly regions personally; but she has been held up in the Sahel region, on a close study tour, together with the UN Secretary General, the World Bank Group President and other relevant dignitaries. The objective being to forge an initiative that approaches attainment of enduring peace and stability from the development ankle. It is on the belief that lasting peace and stability can be secured through inclusive socio – economic development. It is an exercise which, in my humble opinion is paving way towards realization of the objectives of this Forum.

From the word go I wish to commend the organizers and co-ordinators of this important event; of this Africa – Arab Economic Forum: Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development, the African Union Commission (AUC) and the Arab League; the “three musketeers with their slogan “…one for all and all for one…”. May we commend them for the work well done so far. Mai applaud the generosity of Kuwait Fund for its warm hospitality , especially on the resources side. Above all and with all humility gratitude goes to His Majesty the Emir of Kuwait for his high patronage of this highly pertinent and timely event.

I have been thinking that instead of good friends arguing on whether to call this Arab – Africa or Africa – Arab Forum, why not just use the acronym: AAA for Accelerated Arab-Africa or Africa-Arab Forum. Your Excellencies you will agree that AAA is the top most ranking in the credit market. That is how our partnership should be. It should reach the highest of rankings among all inter- regional partnerships. It is based on strong foundations of close bonds between Africa and the Arab world. Those strong bonds are based on ancient trade, ethnic and cultural background, linguistic bonds, shared monotheist and revealed faith, geographical proximity. Ours to strive to realize the full potency of these bonds through effective and meaningful co- operation on the ground.

This AAA co-operation between two friendly regions seeks to move on all fronts, as evidenced by those present here, It is the public sector leadership on financial and economic matters and other closely related fields in socio – economic development, pertinent regional and international organizations, specialized and relevant African and Arab institutions, intellectuals, private sector leadership, and civil society.
We are called upon to be faithful to the Theme and Focus of the Forum. We have to resolutely tackle the set objectives shown in the concept note .The overall theme of.:“Beyond Promise : Moving Forward Towards An Effective Arab – African Partnership” with emphasis on “ Beyond Promise”, “ Effective” and on “Partnership” is tell-tale. It is indicative. It is instructive. It is action oriented, practical and entirely hands – on. I commend those who formulated it.
We are invited to focus on: probing and agreeing on inter-regional development co-operation issues in the areas of investment, infrastructure including energy, on agriculture and food security, trade and environment. We are invited to examine regional and global considerations that impact on economic development of the two regions and find ways of dealing with them jointly. We are urged to consider investment flows in both directions. We are nudged a little to put the roles of non-governmental organizations and civil society on a new and higher plateau. In short, we are urged by stakeholders to harness full energy on all fronts which is at our disposal in the two friendly regions and put it to work full throttle to accelerate broad based co-operation.
It is of interest that recently Kuwait Fund celebrated 50 years of operations according to the literature given to us. African Union also is in the midst of celebrating her 50th Anniversary. We moved from OAU which was essentially about liberation ( more political) to AU which is now more focused on socio – economic development. AU has a clear vision, has adopted solemn declaration during the 50th Anniversary Summit in May 2013. In everyone’s lips talk is about Sustainable Development Goals and Post 2015 Development Agenda, following the MDGs era. Africa is articulating her own expectations and road map through one common position on the post – 2015 development agenda and African Agenda 2063. Both are based on consultations with the stakeholders .May I be allowed to give just a glimpse the thinking of African stakeholders: African stakeholders wish for:
- Economic transformation by attending resolutely to infrastructure in its broad context, agriculture to address food security and nutrition but also to provide requisite raw materials, accelerated industrialization using clean technology, strengthening services sector, developing the private sector, to make private sector a credible partner in development, especially if it follows concept of what is called inclusive business, which means business involving those in the bottom of social pyramid in the value chain. Then acceleration of integration and trade, both intra-Africa trade and between Africa and partners such as the region we are in now.
- Then enhancement of human development through education, health, social protection and access to sanitation and clean water. Kuwait Fund and other national funds have been active in this areas. Hence the objectives of this Forum are in perfect harmony with the expressed aspirations of the African stakeholders. They rhyme!
- Then research and development: Technology development, transfer, diffusion and innovation.
- Of course enablers, such as peace and security, good governance a, empowerment of youth nd many others should be borne in mind. They should also be addressed and met.
Then comes the question of financing implementation of all these noble programmes. That is where relevance of this Forum comes into full bloom. Partnerships have to refined to ensure not only ODA, which far from adequate to provide adequate funding, but also investment flows, both foreign direct investment (FDI) and equity flows. It also calls for domestic resources mobilization, improved management of remittances and adopting other forms of innovative financing including the built – operate – and – transfer (BOT) and PPPs etc.

Partnership with Africa should be in the form of just ODA but also FDI, equity investment, joint ventures and trade in goods and services. That is, co-operation along the entire value chain.
On its part, the African Union Commission, through her own Economic Affairs Department, is compiling African Business Directory, formulating harmonized investment code, promoting private sector development, facilitating public – private sector dialogue, inching towards Pan-African virtual stock market. In good time when conditions permit, establishment of Investment Bank, African Monetary Fund, and the African Central Bank.
Statistics challenge is enormous in our continent. Need for adequate (in scope), accurate and timely statistics to enable policy formulation and monitoring and evaluation, is of utmost importance. There is dire need to build capacity in this area as a matter of urgency.
Let me assure our partners gathered here to-day that they are dealing with a re-branded and very serious Africa which is continuing to re-brand. Africa is ready for serious business!
Africa’s economy is due to drive global economy as it is the only place with high potential that is not yet realized. We invite our friendly Arab partners to invest in Africa. Africa has resources, is a growing market and is yearning for value addition, which should be job creating leading to poverty eradication and socio – economic development. Sound, sustained, stable and inclusive economic growth is the aspiration, as it would lead to faster, inclusive and resilient as well as sustainable socio-economic development.
Together, as partners, let us make it a reality. No more talk shops for their own sake. Action! Action! Action! Do busy networking during this week. Ensure follow-up action hereafter.
Once again allow me to commend organizers and co-ordinators for the job well done. All those working feverishly behind the scenes to make this Forum a success are commended.
May I thank you all for your kind attention!

November 11, 2013

Statement of Her Excellency Mrs. Tumusiime Rhoda Peace, Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture, African Union Commission on the Occasion Of the Ministerial Segment of the African Consultations on Sustainable Development Goals




Your Excellency, Dr Carlos Lopez, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
Honourable Sufian Ahmed, Minister of Finance and Economic Development of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia;
Dr. Anthony Maruping, Commissioner for Economic Affairs of African Union
Honourable Ministers;
Excellencies, Ambassadors and Heads of Diplomatic Missions;
Excellency Wu Hongbo, United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Economic
and Social Affairs;
Excellency Maged Abdelaziz, UN Special Adviser on Africa,
Excellency Gilbert Houngbo, Deputy Director General of the ILO;

I have the honour to address Honourable Ministers and other distinguished delegates. I, first of all, convey to you warm greetings and best wishes from Her Excellency Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, Chairperson of the African Union Commission. The Commission of the African Union is pleased to be continuing to work closely with the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa and other partners in supporting AU Member States’ harmonisation of policies and coordination of implementation of various development programmes and projects.

We are, this time round, happy to be working together in carrying on the tradition of ensuring that Africa goes to the international arena as a unified strong force speaking with one voice, that is loud and clear. We saw that this approach work well for us in respect of the Rio+20, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development and also in Conferences of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, among others. We remain grateful to the leadership and stakeholders of all AU Member States that have upheld this tradition. We, on our part, remain committed to providing all possible support in furtherance of this.

It is in this context that we are gathering here to contribute to Africa’s common position on Sustainable Development Goals. And, at this juncture, I wish to commend all those that have made the groundwork in preparation for this Conference, including our officials from the continental institutions as well as from member states and indeed from our Missions at the United Nations in New York, who are also represented here. This is the spirit we need to maintain in pursuit of the defence and promotion of Africa’s interest in global negotiations.

The African Union Commission considers SDGs as being extremely important in all their dimensions: social, economic and environmental. We also consider this process as complementary and converging with the Post-2015 Development Agenda. We are encouraged by the progress registered by a number of AU Member States towards attaining MDGs. We also note the unfinished business in this regard as well as the lessons learnt that we can build on for the coming phase. For example, there has been improvement in school enrolment but we need to do more to enhance the quality of education. We have registered improvement in gender equality but we need to do more on women and youth economic empowerment. Water supply and access has by and large improved but a lot more effort is needed for better sanitation. Also, some in-rods have been made in combating hunger though a lot needs to be done to reduce malnutrition and also to build resilience in the face of the impacts of climate change. We have seen many of our economies grow fast and now the call is for inclusive growth for all sections of our society to participate in delivering this growth and also to enjoy the benefits of economic growth. And as we advance economic growth and social wellbeing we remain conscious of our obligation to meet our needs while guaranteeing the needs of future generations, through sustainable management of our environment ranging from our water towers to forest reserves and others.

It is this conviction and commitment that brings all of us here together. I, therefore, salute all of you Honourable Ministers and delegates and encourage you to stay the course. We also find it opportune that this debate is taking place in the Year of Pan Africanism and African Renaissance and we are meeting at the time that we are also in advanced stages of the formulation of the Africa Agenda 2063 that AU Heads of State and Government will be considering for adoption at their Summit in January next year in Addis Ababa.

I look forward to productive deliberations and our continued collaboration in refining Africa’s common position and effectively championing it.

Thank you for your attention.

November 04, 2013

Opening remarks by H.E Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, Chairperson of the Commission of the African Union, at the 6th meeting of the support and follow-up group on the situation in Mali

Opening remarks by H.E Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, Chairperson of the Commission of the African Union, at the 6th meeting of the support and follow-up group on the situation in Mali

October 19, 2013

Opening remarks by H.E Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, Chairperson of the Commission of the African Union, at the 6th meeting of the support and follow-up group on the situation in Mali

Opening remarks by H.E Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, Chairperson of the Commission of the African Union, at the 6th meeting of the support and follow-up group on the situation in Mali

Your Excellency, Mr Mohamed Ali Bathily, Minister of Justice and Acting Prime Minister of the Republic of Mali,

Excellencies members of Government and state institutions,

Mr Kadré Ouedraogo, President of the ECOWAS Commission,

Mr Hervé Ladsous, United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations,

Mr. Said Djinnit, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for West Africa,

Mr. Albert Keonders, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General in Mali,

Mr. Hayia Lawal, representative of the Organisation of the Islamic Cooperation,

Mr Michel Reveyrand, Special Representative of the European Union,

Members of the diplomatic corps and representatives of international organisations,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

On 19 October 2012, barely four days after I officially took over my current position as Chairperson of the AU Commission, my first official visit was here to Bamako. I participated in the 2nd meeting of the Support and Follow-up Group on the situation in Mali.

Today, exactly a year later, I am here again in Bamako, participating in the 6th meeting of the same Group. Between these two meetings, many things have happened. Many things indeed!

This time last year, almost all the northern regions of Mali were under the occupation of various armed and terrorist groups. State authority was non-existent in these regions. The suffering of fleeing displaced people and refugees, especially women, children and the elderly, was palpable. Mali’s territorial integrity and national unity was called into question.

A transitional Government was in place, but was faced with challenges regarding the smooth and coherent implementation of the transitional Roadmap. In fact, that Roadmap was some three months away from its final adoption. The international community was still discussing about the best strategy of intervention.

Today, a year later, the picture has dramatically changed.

What a change: an end has been put to the occupation of the northern regions and normalcy is returning gradually; a peace agreement has been signed to pave the way for more inclusive talks; presidential elections have been successfully organised and a President invested with a big margin of legitimacy is in power. I have had the opportunity to congratulate President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita on the popular bestowed in him. We are now talking about organising legislative elections in a few weeks’ time.

A year ago, we were almost helpless vis-à-vis the economic situation and the destruction of property; today, we are talking about development and the Renaissance of Mali. One could go on with the analogies. In short, things have changed and for the better.

But this change did not happen out of the blue. It was the result of concerted efforts by various stakeholders, within Mali, in ECOWAS and in the larger international community. For us, at the African Union, we are resolute in our commitment to stand with the Government and people of Mali in this trying but promising moment of their history.


Ladies and Gentlemen

In this year which marks the 50th Anniversary of the OAU/AU, under the theme Pan-Africanism and African Renaissance, we must celebrate the contributions of Mali and its people. When we recall the ancient African civilizations, the Kingdom of Mali stands out with its contribution to governance, trade, metallurgy and mining, arts and culture, education, knowledge and the role of women.

As a founding member of the OAU, Mali played a vital role in the quest for continental unity and the completion of the decolonisation process. In reconstructing a post-independent state, it recognised the importance of managing the diversity of its peoples, with their assorted cultures, languages and religions, and the importance of peaceful co-existence and cooperation.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

As Mali therefore emerges from its recent difficulties, it must draw from these proud traditions and history, to foster peace, reconciliation and inclusion, in order to build a national compact for the reconstruction and development of the country.

As we look at the best ways and means of supporting Mali in the period ahead, we should seize the opportunity of this meeting to restate our unflinching commitment to the unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Mali. State authority has to be restored over the entire Northern part of the country. There can be no exception to this rule.

Our meeting should therefore insist that the armed groups in Kidal unconditionally and immediately vacate public buildings. We should, in no uncertain terms, insist that they embrace, and commit to, the peace and reconciliation process. In short, we have to say that enough is enough, for Mali and its people cannot continue to be held hostage to narrow considerations and interests.

We, therefore, encourage the Government and the armed groups in the North to continue the implementation of the 18 June 2013 Ouagadougou Preliminary Agreement in good faith. In this regard, we must also emphasize that lasting peace and reconstruction will not be possible without the participation of the Malian women, who constitute over half of the Malian population.

I praise President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita for the passion he has shown and for the courageous steps taken to promote confidence building in the context of the Ouagadougou Agreement. These are signs of true leadership. I assure him of the AU support and solidarity.

The Malian State is located in a region (Sahel and West Africa) that influences what happens in Mali and vice versa. This makes regional coordination a “must”. We all know that durable solutions to certain challenges faced by Mali, like terrorism and other forms of transnational crimes, integration and shared prosperity, can only be found through regional cooperation and coordination.


Ladies and gentlemen,

Following the transfer of authority from the African-led International Support Mission in Mali (AFISMA) to a United Nations Operation (MINUSMA), on 1 July 2013, the AU Commission deemed it necessary to reaffirm its commitment to Mali and the rest of the Sahel region. It is against this background that the AU established the AU Mission for Mali and the Sahel (MISAHEL), with its headquarters here in Bamako.

The focus of MISAHEL is on promoting inclusive and effective governance, mainstreaming of gender equality and regional security and cooperation. I am very pleased that former President Pierre Buyoya, our High Representative for Mali and the Sahel, has accepted to remain in Bamako as Head of MISAHEL. We are now working towards the full operationalization of MISAHEL, so that we can more effectively contribute to the efforts aimed at addressing the challenges faced by the region. Already, I am encouraged to note that the Nouakchott Process, initiated by the AU Commission in March this year, is proving particularly useful in deepening security cooperation amongst the Sahelo-Saharan countries and in operationalizing the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA) and the African Governance Architecture (AGA) in the region.

As we meet here today, we are reminded of a very welcome show of international solidarity. Let me, however, close my remarks by underscoring the importance of cooperation and consultation among the various international actors if we want our support to be effective, and avoid unhealthy competition and duplication.


Ladies and gentlemen,

Our efforts should aim at empowering the Malian state and its population, especially women and youth, to enable them to own and lead the Malian Renaissance.

I have no doubt that Mali, with its rich history and culture, its generous and proud people and its long-standing commitment to Pan-Africanism, will regain its rightful place in the community of African nations.

We need Mali, like we need every single African country, to be peaceful and stable, so that Africa can unite and invest in its people. As we mourn the deaths of African migrants who perished in Niger and countless other similar deaths, we must scale up our investment in Africa’s young men and women, so that they do not have to face such perilous journeys, leaving their countries in pursuit of an illusive mirage. There can be no African Renaissance, without the Malian Renaissance.

I thank you

November 02, 2013

Statement to All the African Youth from the Chairperson of the African Union Commission on the Occasion of the 8th Edition of the African Youth Day







On the commemoration of 2013 African Youth Day, I wish to congratulate and extend my best wishes to all the young people of this continent.

This celebration is very important to us at the Commission of the African Union, especially because it coincides with the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the formation of the Organisation of African Unity. This organisation was founded in 1963 and for the period of its existence incorporated programmes and strategies for self-reliant development and cooperation among African countries. This dream and aspiration for a self-sufficiency led to the formation of the African Union in 1999. It is for this reason that the African Union was formed and has as a vision “an integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in global arena”. It is against this background that the African Union set out the Agenda 2063, a strategic plan of action, which is aimed at ensuring that we work together to achieve the vision of the African Union in the next 50 years. Depending on how the agenda 2063 will be implemented, Africa’s development will reflect your efforts, involvement and commitment for action. Africa we want to see and deliver in 2063 will be the legacy you will handover to your children and grandchildren.

It is not enough to speak, write and disseminate a content and planned strategy to improve the development of the African continent and its people. It is not enough to involve the youth in the process. It is important and non-negotiable to ensure meaningful participation of all segments of African citizens in the implementation of the agenda 2063. There will be no excuse for anybody not taking part in this process. Each stakeholder must play its role. African Youth, be aware that you have to play your part, starting from now. Be confident that we know that YOU CAN DELIVER.

More than anything else, we, The African Union and its Commission, realise that the success of this Agenda 2063 can only be achieved with the active engagement and participation of all, especially the young people, who will be delivering to the younger generation in 2063. We realise that when we speak of a transformed Africa we speak of the Africa where the young people of today are our main players and partners for a sustainable development of the continent. We also acknowledge the fact that the resourcefulness, energy and dynamism of our young people are important assets, which should help us achieve our objectives. For these reasons, we are earnestly desirous of the full commitment of young people, both on the continent and in diaspora, to the vision of a prosperous and peaceful Africa by 2063.

A key component of our call, today, is for young people to take ownership of this vision of a prosperous and peaceful continent. As recommended by the framework of Agenda 2063, our invitation on this day is for young people to work with us at all levels for a common goal – a desire for accelerated progress on the continent. Ownership of this vision ensures that young people take their future, our collective futures, into their hands. It means that young people are active and engaged to meaningfully participate in the conception, design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of Agenda 2063.

It must be said that effective engagement and involvement in development begins from being adequately prepared, educated, skilled and trained to take action. For this reason, it is important to proactively improve our work on human capital development. We are fully committed to seeking out new ways to aggressively develop new skills and update competencies for the requirement of a modern technology and innovations on the continent. More importantly, our young people should show commitment for self-development and make themselves open to the various opportunities, which are made available to them. Action is required more than ever. We have said it all. Reports, resolutions, decisions, declarations are all adopted. Only actions, implementations, innovations are what Africa needs most. Youth United in Action towards the Agenda 2063 is and must be the one of the ways to go for positive and constructive changes

While we discuss the need for young people to take action, I want to enjoin the AU Member States to accelerate their work towards creating an enabling environment to make this happen. May I remind us of our commitment to youth engagement and the Entry into Force of the African Youth Charter and the African Youth Day, the 8th edition of which we celebrate today? I enjoin all member states to invest in youth and support activities towards the ratification and implementation of the African Youth Charter thus re-affirming their commitment towards the development of the youth on the continent.

Finally, I call on all of us, partners in development, to continue to create platforms and networks that increase participation of our young people in very concrete ways, to continue seeking opportunities and challenging yourselves so as to significantly continue to contribute to a prosperous and peaceful continent.

As we have made commitments to the future we want, I enjoin us to always remember to match our words with concrete effort and actions as we chart this new course.
All the best,

Long live African Youth!
God bless Africa!
I thank you!

November 01, 2013

Keynote Statement by His Excellency Mr. Erastus Mwencha Deputy Chairperson of the African Union Commission on the Occasion of the Commemoration of the 4th Africa Day for Food and Nutrition Security

Keynote Statement by His Excellency Mr. Erastus Mwencha Deputy Chairperson of the African Union Commission (Read by H.E. Mrs. Fatima Haram Acyl, Commissioner for Trade and Industry) on the Occasion of the Commemoration of the 4th Africa Day for Food and Nutrition Security

October 30, 2013

Opening Remarks by the Commissioner H.E. Martial De-Paul IKOUNGA during the Pan African University Steering Committee Meeting, 29 October 2013

Opening Remarks by the Commissioner H.E. Martial De-Paul IKOUNGA during the Pan African University Steering Committee Meeting, 29 October 2013

October 29, 2013

Opening Remarks by African Union Commission Chairperson, HE Dr. Dlamini Zuma to the Plenary session on ‘Leadership of Regional Integration’ at the African Economic Conference, Fourways, Johannesburg

28 October 2013, Fourways, Johannesburg

Opening Remarks by African Union Commission Chairperson, HE Dr. Dlamini Zuma to the Plenary session on ‘Leadership of Regional Integration’

Progress and challenges with integration

The launch of the African Union in Durban in 2002 saw the coming together of the two flagship integration projects – the project of political unity as espoused in the OAU Charter, and the project of economic integration as set out in the Abuja Treaty.

Since then, the Regional Economic Communities as building blocks of the AU have been making progress with the integration. Some of the highlights include:
• All accept one of the RECs have moved beyond the first stage of strengthening RECs; five out of eight have achieved stage two, which is the coordination and harmonization of activities and progressively eliminate tariff and non- tariff barriers; and five RECs have launched their free trade areas and customs unions, with East African Community leading the pack by having already achieved this third stage of the Treaty .
• The EAC/COMESA/SADC Tripartite that will see 27 countries uniting into a free trade area, collectively representing a positive step in terms of integration. However, the Tripartite is not moving as fast as expected and we should urge that we speed up the implementation of this agreement.
• ECOWAS setting the pace on freedom of movement of peoples, with both Ecowas and EAC recording improvements in intra-Africa trade.
• Increase in intra-Africa investment, with Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa amongst top foreign investors in the continent and we also see the growth of African companies with a continental footprint.
• Key continental frameworks also aimed at pooled sovereignity and therefore strengthening integration, including our infrastructure development programmes (PIDA). The Southern region for example is doing well in terms of improving transport networks in the region, but more needs to be done faster.

There are however a number of challenges that we continue to face:
• The RECs, though initially formed around economic and social integration, their agendas are increasingly dominated by peace and security issues, which are important but divert attention away from their core functions of integration and economic development.
• Integration of the RECs much slower than expected, with continued duplication of planning and processes. There is a need for greater coordination on key issues where our collective strength and pooled expertise and knowledge would make considerable difference, e.g. trade negotiations.
• Still inadequate link between continental, regional and national frameworks such as infrastructure, industrial policy, and so on. The challenges remain to ensure that our national, regional and continental frameworks are harmonized.
• The need for progress around soft issues with regards to movement of people, goods and services, and harmonization of policies.

Sovereignty at any time is exercised at three levels, at national level, between country and the rest of the world and our collective global sovereignty and our integration agenda therefore takes this into consideration.

Agenda 2063 and Integration

During the debates on the 50th anniversary, which is a yearlong celebration, it was said that today’s inheritors of Pan Africanism and African Renaissance are more than just fighters against what Africa does not like. Today’s generations must be the architects and builders of transformation, in order to make a Pan African Renaissance by 2063 possible .

The realization of our vision of an integrated, people-centred, prosperous Africa, at peace with itself is key to this Pan African Renaissance. The broad- based consultations around Agenda 2063 (by the ECA, ADB and AUC) with all sectors of African citizenry, is therefore part of the building a movement and broad-based leadership on the continent of architects and builders of this transformation. We should not only look at our Heads of State and Government as the leadership of Africa’s integration project, but leadership broadly and should involve all sectors of society, state and non-state.

The questions that Agenda 2063 the consultations address are very practical: (a) elaborating the vision for the continent by 2063; (b) the strategies and milestones to achieve this vision; and (c) the role of each stakeholders towards this vision. The Agenda 2063 Framework, which the AUC, ECA and ADB are coordinating will then be presenting to Heads of States and Government in January 2014, then taken for further consultations before finalization by July 2014.

We have to move from a situation of Africa as the least integrated continent, especially with regards to trade and infrastructure, towards pooling our collective resources, skills, markets, industries, experiences and other strengths.

Continental integration is therefore critical to all aspects of Agenda 2063, towards realization of a Pan African Renaissance and to the medium term priorities of the AU Commission. These priorities are:

a) Ensuring a skills revolution through investment in education, research, science and technology and innovation. This includes the Pan African University and the harmonization of university curriculums project, in order to build continental centres of excellence and the mobility of skills and of African students. This also requires linkages with industry in key growth sectors so that we can engage the private sector on the kind of skills required, on their contribution to training and skills development, and providing job and artisanal opportunities for young graduates.

b) Building Africa’s collective food and nutrition security through investment in agriculture, developing agro-processing, agricultural infrastructure and extension services, and infrastructure to expand trade in agricultural and food products amongst African countries.

c) Speeding up infrastructure development that address key economic and social needs (transport, ICT, energy and other social and economic infrastructure) and that also help to link economies and countries. The PIDA priority projects are important in this regard and cooperation amongst and across countries on these critical projects will also strengthen the foundations and drive for integration.

d) Investment in youth and women, who make up the majority in all countries and the benefits of such investments to growth, development and social cohesion and inclusion is critical.

e) The industrialization of the continent through value-addition and beneficiation of our natural resources, building manufacturing and services around our growing population needs, our domestic market and the development of regional production chains. Encouraging intra-Africa tourism.

f) Mobilising domestic resources, and pooled resources to speed up continental development and leverage external resources. Scale of many of the projects and programmes required pooled resources, planning, implementation and management.

We need to speed up progress on integration issues such as integrating the RECs, building the regional and continental common markets, free movement of people, services and goods and harmonization of policies.

However, integration will gain greater traction when we see greater cooperation in implementing our infrastructure projects; grow our agricultural and agro-processing sectors; industrialize and diversify our economies, increase trade amongst ourselves, build Pan African businesses, people to people links and harmonize our vocational and higher education sectors to allow for mobility of skills and proffssions in the continent.

Leadership on regional integration should therefore happen, not only at government level, but at all levels of African society and all institutions – whether business, civil society and private sector.

Thank you

October 28, 2013

Statement by H.E. Dr. Aisha L. Abdullahi (Amb.) Commissioner for Political Affairs African Union Commission at the Opening Ceremony of the 54th Ordinary session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR)

Statement by H.E. Dr. Aisha L. Abdullahi (Amb.) Commissioner for Political Affairs African Union Commission at the Opening Ceremony of the 54th Ordinary session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR)

October 22, 2013

Statement of the Deputy Chairperson at the launch of IPSA Project Oversight Committee (IPOC), Johannesburg 21st October 2013

Statement of the Deputy Chairperson at the launch of IPSA Project Oversight Committee (IPOC), Johannesburg 21st October 2013
Your Excellencies,
President, Pan-African Parliament
President, African Court of Human and Peoples' Rights
Chairperson, African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights
CEO, NEPAD Planning and Coordination Agency

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to Johannesburg and to have this rare opportunity to meet you at this launch of the implementation phase of the International Public Sector accounting Standards within the AU.

As you will recall, in January this year, the Assembly of Heads of State and Government adopted the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) as a basis of accounting and financial reporting for the entire Union. The objective is to harmonize financial reporting practices, improve transparency, promote efficiency, and comparability of our financial statements.
I am sure; you also received my communication in July 2013, which constituted into the IPSAS Project Oversight Committee so that the processes of operationalizing the project are led at the highest levels within the AU.
Your Excellencies, let digress a bit into history.
The AUC processes improvement programme started with the Institutional Transformation Process (ITP), launched in 2005 with the dual objective of:

• Modernizing financing and accounting systems and introducing computerized MIS and knowledge management systems; and
• Strengthening the capacity of the AUC to manage and coordinate effective links with the different organs and stakeholders of the African Union

The ITP achieved some significant milestones, notably the introduction of a strategic planning process, the introduction of a results based planning and management system and the introduction of SAP-an Enterprise Resource Planning System.

Another initiative was the 5 Pillar Institutional Audit covering Accounting Standards, Internal Control Standards, Internal Audit Charter and reporting, procurement and grant awards procedures. I am happy to let you know that the AUC which started at the needs improvement level, is now rated “Satisfactory” on 4 of the five Pillars. We are working on the accounting standards to complete the exercise and this will happen when we are IPSAS compliant.


As you know, most Governments and Public International organizations, including the United Nations (UN) and its Specialized Agencies have adopted and have either completed implemetation or are in the process of implementing IPSAS. Need I therefore stress that the Union should not to remain behind but be in tune with comparable organisations since we mobilise resources from the same sources?

IPSAS is composed of credible, high quality, independently produced accounting standards, underpinned by a strong due process and supported by governments, professional accounting bodies, and international development organizations. It is not just a list of standards but a critical tool to make credible partners for doing business with. IPSAS represent best practice for governments’ and international inter-governmental organizations and the AU systems can only overlook it its peril.

I know our technical people will outline to us the key benefits of the adopting IPSAS which include:

a) Improved stewardship and transparency with respect to recording of all assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses;

b) Improved quality, comparability and credibility of AU financial statements to Member States, donors and staff, by enhancing accountability, transparency and good governance.

c) More comprehensive and consistent information about income and expenditures which better support Results Based Management, and

d) Improved consistency and comparability of financial statements over time and across different organizations.

We should not under estimate the task, for the adoption of IPSAS involves considerable challenges and complexities, involving the review of Financial Rules and Regulations, accounting policies, review and improvement of information systems. Furthermore, it also entails a significant cultural change in the way management and staff understands and uses financial information. The successful transition to IPSAS therefore hinges on strong senior management support and engagement, dedicated intra-organ task forces and the adoption of a project management approach to implementation. This exactly explains why we need to lead the process from the front.

It is therefore critical that we move in unison for leaving behind anyone of us will affect the rest. Moreover, the Assembly decision covers all the Organs of the African Union. It must be a joint project into which we all have a stake. Just as we shall work together at the oversight level, our personnel must do the same at the implementation level so that we meet our target of being fully compliant end of 2014.

Excellencies, let me now draw this Committee’s attention to the proposed revisions to the Financial Rules and Regulations to support the adoption of IPSAS. These proposed revisions, accompanied by explanations of the proposed changes, will be submitted to the PRC for consideration later this year and for approval during the January 2014 summit. I understand that the draft have been circulated to all organs for comments. The proposed changes are the outcome of a collaborative effort led by the IPSAS Implementation task Force and supported multi-disciplinary team on administrative policies to ensure that it reflects a union-wide document.

Let us carry out our oversight role with complete commitment and dedication which will require that we constantly monitor progress and ask the following questions:

a. Have all IPSAS issues been identified and IPSAS-compliant policies formalized within our various systems?
b. Have our procedures been fully integrated and made IPSAS-compliant?
c. Have our systems been tested, integrated and made IPSAS-compliant?
d. Have structures been set up to provide ongoing support to everybody involved in these processes?
e. Have all stakeholders been informed, prepared, trained and equipped for IPSAS adoption?
f. Is there a robust framework to support staff, management and our field offices during data collection and clean-up?
g. Have all impacts on the Financial Rules and Regulations (FR&R) been considered?
h. Have all policy decisions been supported by the Board of Auditors as well as the PRC?

In conclusion, let me draw you to the documentation the outlining the responsibilities of the IPSAS Project Oversight Committee, please read them and always keep them at the back of your mind as we embark on this work. While acknowledging that there will be challenges, we have to remain committed to the full implement IPSAS by end of 2014.

I thank you once more for attending this important meeting.

October 24, 2013


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