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Statement by Dr. Maxwell M. Mkwezalamba Commissioner for Economic Affairs African Union at the 2011 Making Finance Work for Africa Partnership Forum

Statement by Dr. Maxwell M. Mkwezalamba Commissioner for Economic Affairs African Union at the 2011 Making Finance Work for Africa Partnership Forum

September 15, 2011

AFNSD: Concept Note

The main purpose of this document is to advocate and sensitize Africa’s Leaders about the essential role that Intra-African Trade can play in facilitating and sustaining Food and Nutrition Security and consequently the socio-economic development of the continent, in light of the upcoming African Food and Nutrition Security Day (AFNSD). It details the rich background of continental nutrition policies, plans and programmes and emphasizes the interrelationships between Trade and Food and Nutrition Security as well as successes accomplished through boosting Trade.

The concept note describes plans for the continental commemoration of the African Food and Nutrition Security Day (AFNSD) with this year’s theme being “Investing in Intra- African Trade for Food and Nutrition Security”. It will also serve as a source of information and working document for programme managers, implementers and local organizing committees in the Ministries of Agriculture, Health, Trade & Industry, Education, Gender, Social Welfare & Protection, Science & Technology, Economic Development & Finance as well as Local Government Offices, all other Government Agencies, Private Sector Organizations, Development partners and CSOs involved in implementing the African Food and Nutrition Security Day (AFNSD). It provides concrete ideas and strategic actions that inform member states’ commemoration of the AFNSD.


Ethiopia- Somali Refugee Emergency Update 02 September 2011

• Over 13,600 refugees relocated to Hilaweyn camp
• Slight decrease in overall mortality rate, but under 5 mortality rate
remains a concern
• Further nutritional interventions agreed to mitigate severe acute
malnutrition among new arrivals
• Measles & polio vaccination campaign completed in all camps
• Significant improvement in water supply in all camps
• UNHCR essential relief supply arrived in Gode


Statement by Dr. Maxwell M. Mkwezalamba Commissioner for Economic Affairs, African Union at the Fifth Conference of African Ministers in Charge of Integration (COMAI V)

Statement by Dr. Maxwell M. Mkwezalamba Commissioner for Economic Affairs, African Union at the Fifth Conference of African Ministers in Charge of Integration (COMAI V)

September 09, 2011

Statement by H.E. Erastus J. Mwencha Deputy Chairperson African Union Commission at the Fifth Conference of African Ministers in Charge of Integration (COMAI V) .

Statement by H.E. Erastus J. Mwencha Deputy Chairperson African Union Commission at the Fifth Conference of African Ministers in Charge of Integration (COMAI V) Intercontinental Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya 8 September 2011

September 08, 2011


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