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Somali Displacement Crisis at a glance

East & Horn of Africa Update - Somali Displacement Crisis at a glance
3 August 2011

• UNHCR ups its July appeal to include $8.6 million to boost aid to displaced people inside Somalia.
• Plans to deliver aid to up to 400,000 people inside Somalia by the end of August.
• Ongoing Kenya operation moves more than 10,500 recent Somali arrivals to Dadaab’s Ifo camp.
• Arrivals continue to average 1,300 daily at Kenya’s Dadaab camps; slow to 270 daily in Ethiopia’s Dollo
Ado camps.
• July arrivals in Dadaab camps top 40,400, the highest monthly rate in the camp’s 20-year history.
• One in three children arriving in Ethiopia is acutely malnourished.
• Mortality rate increases in July, with up to 1.8 deaths per 10,000 at Dadaab’s Ifo camp.
• Malnutrition rates remain a concern iamong refugee new arrivals in Ethiopia and Kenya.
• Africa Union to host pledging conference on the crisis in the Horn of Africa.



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