An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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Assembly Of The African Union Tenth Ordinary Session


1.Assembly/AU/Dec.171 (X)
Decision on the strengthening of cooperation between Africa and the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) – Doc. EX.CL/373 (XII)-a 1
2. Assembly/AU/Dec.172 (X)
Decision on the Implementation of Science and Technology Consolidated Plan of Action – Doc. EX.CL/385 (XII) 3.
Assembly/AU/Dec.173 (X)
Decision on the Implementation of the Second Decade of Education for Africa – Doc. EX.CL/386 (XII) 1
4. Assembly/AU/Dec.174 (X)
Decision on the Establishment of an African Education, Science and Technology Fund 1
5. Assembly/AU/Dec.175 (X)
Decision on the Action Plan for the Accelerated Industrial Development of Africa – Doc. EX.CL/378 (XII) 1
6. Assembly/AU/Dec.176 (X)
Decision on Promotion of Maternal, Infant and Child Health and Development Doc. EX.CL/380 (XII) 2
7. Assembly/AU/Dec.177 (X)
Decision on the Activities of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union and the State of Peace and Security in Africa 4
8. Assembly/AU/Dec.178 (X)
Decision on Economic Integration Doc. EX.CL/378 (XII) 1
9. Assembly/AU/Dec.179 (X)
Decision on the Extension of the African Continental Shelf and Climate Change Doc. EX.CL/391 (XII) 1Assembly/AU/Dec.(X) Page ii

10.Assembly/AU/Dec.180 (X)
Decision on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 2
11. Assembly/AU/Dec.181 (X)
Decision on the Reports on the Implementation of the AU Solemn Declaration on Gender Equality in Africa Doc. EX.CL/376 (XII) 1
12. Assembly/AU/Dec.182 (X)
Decision on the International Year of Languages Proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly on 16 May 2007 1
13. Assembly/AU/Dec.183 (X)
Decision on Election of ten (10) Members of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union – Doc. EX.CL/402 (XII) 1
14. Assembly/AU/Dec.184 (X)
Decision on the Reform of the United Nations Security Council 1
15. Assembly/AU/Dec.185 (X)
Decision on the Report of the Executive Council on the Audit of the Union and the Report of the Ministerial Committee on the Union Government
Doc. Assembly/AU/8 (X) 1
16. Assembly/AU/Dec.186 (X)
Decision on the Situation in the Comoros 1
17. Assembly/AU/Dec.187 (X)
Decision on the Situation in Kenya Following the Presidential Election of 27 December 2007 1
18. Assembly/AU/Dec.188 (X)
Decision on the Situation in Chad 1
19. Assembly/AU/Dec.189 (X)
Decision on Elections of Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson Doc.Assembly/AU/2 (XI) 1
20. Assembly/AU/Dec.190 (X)
Decision on Appointment of AU Commissioners 1
21. Assembly/AU/Dec.191 (X)
Decision on the Report of Heads of State and Government Implementation Committee on NEPAD Doc.Assembly/AU/10 (X) 1
22. Assembly/AU/Dec.192 (X)
Decision on the date and venue of the 11th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union 1
1. Assembly/AU/Decl.1 (X)
Declaration on Africa’s Industrial Development – Doc. EX.CL/379 (XII) 3
2. Assembly/AU/Decl.2 (X)
Declaration on Economic Partnership Agreements (EPASs) Doc. EX.CL/394 (XII) 2
3. Assembly/AU/Decl.3 (X)
Declaration on the Situation in Somalia 2

Saturday, February 2, 2008 - 11:00

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