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The African Union Working Group on Space Meeting

The African Union Working Group on Space Meeting

August 27, 2013

Press release Nº137/2013
The African Union Working Group on Space Meeting

19 -20 August 2013, Addis Ababa - In March 2010, the Fourth African Ministerial Conference on Science and Technology (AMCOST IV) recommended the setting-up of a Space Working Group to develop a draft African Union Space Policy and Strategy. This is a timely decision since the policy and strategy will mobilize African countries to exploit their space resources in a more coordinated and systematic manner. Africa has to build its capabilities in space and harness space for its socio-economic development. In November 2012 (in Brazzaville), the Ministers attending AMCOST V took note of the terms of reference of the Working Group and further provided details and guidance on its membership and mandate. This is the third meeting of Working Group after meeting in Pretoria in December 2012 and Abuja in 2013. The Working Group agreed on a draft African Space Policy and a framework for developing a draft Space Strategy. These documents will be considered by the Ministers in charge of space matters in the continent and recommend them for adoption by the AU relevant policy organs.

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