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The First Meeting of the Bureau of the Specialised Technical Committee on Transport, Transregional and Interregional Infrastructure, Energy and Tourism (STC-TTIIET)

The First Meeting of the Bureau of the Specialised Technical Committee on Transport, Transregional and Interregional Infrastructure, Energy and Tourism (STC-TTIIET)

July 25, 2017 to July 26, 2017

The Bureau of the AU Specialized Technical Committee on Transport, Trans-Regional and Interregional Infrastructure, Energy and Tourism convene its first meeting

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 25 July 2017: The First Meeting of the Bureau of the Specialized Technical Committee on Transport, Transregional and Interregional Infrastructure, Energy and Tourism (STC-TTIIET) of the African Union (AU), convene today, 25 July 2017, at the AU Headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

In her welcoming remarks, H.E. Dr. Amani ABOU-ZEID, Commissioner of Infrastructure and Energy of the AU Commission, said the AUC is pursuing a comprehensive program in the fields of transport, energy, tourism and infrastructure. “The main objectives of the Union in these sectors is to speed up integration and socio-economic development of Africa through enhanced intra-African trade and cross-border investments, in the context of AU Agenda 2063” she added.

Highlighting some of the major priority programmes and flagship projects of the Agenda 2063, in the fields of transport energy, ICT, and tourism, however, the Commissioner noted that the Ministerial Bureau is expected to address the key challenges that limit the achievement of set goals in these important program of the continent, among others.

“In particular, the support of the Bureau will be required to champion efforts for mobilisation of resources from public and private sector for implementation of infrastructure projects of the Agenda 2063 flagship projects including those under the Priority Action Plan of PIDA” she added. The Commissioner also noted of the lack or slow adherence of Member States to AU’s policy, strategic and legal frameworks.

Addressing the Meeting, H.E. Mr. Ninsao GNOFAM, Chairman of the Specialized Technical Committee, Minister of Transport of Togo commends in his Opening remarks, the vision of the Heads of State and Government who have deemed it necessary and appropriate to set up specialized technical committees to complement the Union's organizational architecture, to support the efforts of sub-regional economic in the search for the necessary financing for the economies of the different sectors.

Summarized the main issues to be considered by the meeting, the Chairman noted that “the different points on the agenda of this meeting address the challenges we have embarked on to translate into concrete actions the will of our leaders, in order to give concrete impetus to the transformation of the continent”.

Over two days, STC-TTIIET Ministerial Bureau First Meeting will consider and adopt the strategic and Operational Plans of Action for the implementation of AU Executive Council Decision EX.CL/Dec.970 (XXXI) and the STC- TTIIET Declaration and Plans of Action adopted in Lomé, Togo, in March 2017.

The First Meeting will conclude on 26 July, and adopt its report to be submitted to the Heads and Government at their next Summit.

About the Specialized Technical Committees (STCs)

The Specialized Technical Committees (STCs), which constitute an important technical organ of the AU, were established under Article 25 of the African Economic Community Treaty (the Abuja Treaty). With the transformation of the OAU into the AU, the STCs were carried over by the Constitutive Act of the African Union under Articles 14 to 16.
The STCs are expected to work in close collaboration with the various departments of the AUC so as to provide well-informed inputs in their areas of specialization to the work of the AU Executive Council. They should also, be involved in monitoring development programmes implementation by the AUC and Regional Economic Communities (RECs).
Therefore, the early operationalization of the STCs becomes imperative, given the overall objective of accelerating continental integration and the importance attached to the effective implementation of programmes and projects of the Union. To this end, the Assembly of the Union adopted The Decision: Assembly/AU/Dec.227 (XII) reconfiguring the existing STCs and created one on Transport, Intercontinental and Interregional Infrastructures, Energy and Tourism. The STC will meet on a biennial basis.

For further information:

Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I I I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

For further information:

Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: I Web Site: I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

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