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African Agribsiness Youth Strategy Online Consultation Questionaire (AAYS)

African Agribsiness Youth Strategy Online Consultation Questionaire (AAYS)

May 19, 2021

The Africa Union Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy and Sustainable Environment with Support from GiZ is developing the African Agribusiness Youth Strategy (AAYS) as part of the implementation plan for the broader Continental Agribusiness Strategy for Africa and the Malabo declaration

The objective of this strategy, with a focus on young men and women, is to determine strategic intervention and to inform the implementation of Agriculture youth strategies at the National and Regional Levels as well as identifying strategic actions to be implemented at the continental level up to 2025 and beyond to create an enabling environment for the youth to engage in Agribusiness
Click here to find the draft strategy………………………..
This consultation Will be used to further elaborate the strategy, which Will then be submitted for peer review by African Union member states, before its finalisation and approval by the African Union STC in October 2021

The draft strategy identifies a Framework with key areas and pillars for recommandations building on the empowerment of Young agripreneurship as the fulcrum of the strategy. AUC-DARE would welcome suggestions or proposals to further elaborate This draft, in particular addressing the following questions:

1. Do You think That the strategy adresses the key issues affecting Young entrepreneurs and employment in agri-Food system?

2. If not, please cite the top 3 issues not included in the strategy, That affect Young entrepreneurs and employment in agri-Food system?

3. Are There any major omissions or gaps in the draft strategy?

4. Can You identify 2 or 3 Most relevant entry points to help Young agri preneurs engage and successfully build their businesses?

5. Are topics Under-or over-represented in relation to their importance? If yes, which ones (2 to 3)? And why?

6. Are You aware of existing strategies at country or regional level That aim to create an enabling environnement for youth to engage in agri business? If yes, give 2 or 3 examples (add the links or attach the file if possible); If no, do You think This AAYS Will fulfill This gap?

Your comment can be sent by e-mail to:

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