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Agenda 2063 is Africa’s development blueprint to achieve inclusive and sustainable socio-economic development over a 50-year period.
Promoting Africa’s growth and economic development by championing citizen inclusion and increased cooperation and integration of African states.
Promoting Africa’s growth and economic development by championing citizen inclusion and increased cooperation and integration of African states.
Agenda 2063 is the blueprint and master plan for transforming Africa into the global powerhouse of the future. It is the strategic framework for delivering on Africa’s goal for inclusive and sustainable development and is a concrete manifestation of the pan-African drive for unity, self-determination, freedom, progress and collective prosperity pursued under Pan-Africanism and African Renaissance.
H.E. Mr. Paul Kagame, President of the Republic of Rwanda, was appointed to lead the AU institutional reforms process. He appointed a pan-African committee of experts to review and submit proposals for a system of governance for the AU that would ensure the organisation was better placed to address the challenges facing the continent with the aim of implementing programmes that have the highest impact on Africa’s growth and development so as to deliver on the vision of Agenda 2063.
The AU offers exciting opportunities to get involved in determining continental policies and implementing development programmes that impact the lives of African citizens everywhere. Find out more by visiting the links on right.
What: The Fifth Ordinary Session of the Specialized Technical Committee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Water and Environment (ARDWE).
When: 14-17 November 2023 | Time 10:30am EAT
Where: African Union Commission, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Media opportunities:
The STC high level ministerial event will be open for media. The official progamme includes:
Who: Organized by the African Union Commission through its Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy, and Sustainable Environment (DARBE), which is responsible for the Agriculture, Rural Development, Water and Environment thematic area.
Objective: The objective of the meeting is to review progress made in the implementation of AU and STC Decisions, provide policy guidance, and adopt reports, frameworks, Guidelines, and programmes, as well as recommendations that will be presented for consideration by the Executive Council of the African Union.
More specifically, the meeting will consider and validate the report on the implementation of the recommendations and decisions of the 4th STC focusing on the work under the following sectors: 2 (a) Agriculture and Food Security (b) Animal Resources (c) Blue Economy (d) Rural Development (e) Sustainable Environment.
The STC meeting will be attended by AU Member States Ministers and Experts in-Charge of agribusiness and agro-industry, agriculture, animal resources, biodiversity, blue economy, climate change, disaster risk reduction, environment, food security, food safety, food quality, forestry, infrastructure and digital agriculture, land tenure, meteorology, sustainable land management, water and sanitation, and wildlife.
The Specialized Technical Committee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Water and Environment STC - ARDWE is one of the fourteen (14) STCs established by the Decision of the Twelfth Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union (Assembly/AU/Dec.227 (XII)), which was held in Addis Ababa Ethiopia on 01-03 February 2009. The STC is composed of Ministers or senior officials responsible for sectors falling within its areas of competence. The Ministers approve projects and programmes submitted by the STC-ARDWE experts.
They also have the duty to ensure effective supervision, follow-up and evaluation of the implementation of decisions taken by the organs of the Union and the coordination and harmonization of projects and programmers of the Union.
Journalists are invited to cover the High Level Ministerial session on 17th November 2023 at 10:30am Nairobi Time-EAT.
For media enquiry please contact:
Mr. Molalet Tsedeke, Information and Communication Directorate | African Union Commission
Tel: +251 115 517 700 | E-mail: | Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Information and Communication Directorate, African Union Commission I E-mail:
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Agenda 2063 is Africa’s development blueprint to achieve inclusive and sustainable socio-economic development over a 50-year period.