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Launch of 2017 Report on World Food Assistance

Launch of 2017 Report on World Food Assistance

July 26, 2017

Launch of 2017 Report on World Food Assistance

WHAT: The African Union Commission (AUC) and the World Food Programme (WFP) will Co-launch the New Report of “World Food Assistance 2017”: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead

WHEN: Wednesday, 26th July 2017 at 9:00am

WHERE: African Union Commission (Small Conference Hall 3)

WHO: Jointly organized by the department of Political Affairs of the African Union Commission (AUC), and the World Food Programme (WFP)

Objectives: The aim of the report is to build understanding about the scale, reach, and composition of assistance measures, the emerging challenges and opportunities facing food assistance providers and recipients.

Background: The African continent faces an unprecedented humanitarian crisis, at a time of skyrocketing humanitarian needs amid multiple complex emergencies. Given the magnitude of these hunger crises, the African Union (AU) and the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) are intensifying their response to the humanitarian and developmental challenges presented by these multiple crises, stressing the need to build resilience to prevent such calamities in the future.

The AU has undertaken efforts to end hunger on the African continent, in addition to its work to treat malnutrition, support agriculture, increase livestock production and mitigate the impact of climate change.

For its part, where WFP has adequate funding and access, the organization is preventing famine and saving lives. A new global report shows how food assistance saves lives in humanitarian crises while addressing the root causes of hunger. World Food Assistance 2017: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead also highlights the huge costs that are linked to poor humanitarian access, instability and inefficient food systems.

Journalists are invited to participate and cover the ceremony on Wednesday, 26 July 2017, at 9:00am, in Small Conference Hall 3, at the AU Commission.

The draft programme is attached:

For further information:
Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: I Website: I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

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