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JLMP, ARMP AND Government of Côte D'ivoire Validate Country’s First Report on the Labour Market Information System (LMIS)

JLMP, ARMP AND Government of Côte D'ivoire Validate Country’s First Report on the Labour Market Information System (LMIS)

July 28, 2023

The AU-IOM-ILO Joint Programme on Labour Migration governance and integration in Africa (JLMP) together with the Africa Regional Migration Program (ARMP) and the Ministry of Employment and Social Protection of Côte d'Ivoire have validated an assessment report on the Labour Migration Information System (LMIS) in the country. This significant milestone marks a crucial step towards establishing a functional LMIS that will enhance the management and understanding of labour  market dynamics and trends in Côte d'Ivoire.

The validation process took place at the commencement of a five-day workshop (24th to 28th July 2023), organized by the JLMP, ARMP and the government to strengthen the capacity of Ivorian stakeholders in producing accurate and reliable labour migration data and labour market statistics.

The report delves into the status of the LMIS in the country, assessing data collection methodologies, database management, and data analysis processes. It also highlights existing challenges as well as a series of well-considered recommendations aimed at closing the identified gaps and bolstering the LMIS's capabilities.

“The report recommendations, endorsed by the government, include improving the labour market's institutional framework through the establishment of an autonomous National Employment and Training Observatory (ONEF). ONEF was created in 2021 and is currently being operationalized with the establishment of its various bodies,” Mr. Frank Dogoh, the General Director for Employment, in the ministry, said.

Once operationalized, the LMIS will guide governance of a significant migrant population in the country, which accounts for about 22% of the total population, according to the 2021 census, the General Director noted.

Speaking at the opening of the event, Ms. Bolly Odette, the JLMP Coordinator at AUC, emphasized the Commission’s keen interest in supporting Côte d'Ivoire's endeavors to create a more inclusive, transparent, and efficient labour migration data system that can serve as a model for other Member States in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

“This will be a one-stop shop for easy access to labour market information to strengthen the governance architecture of the labour market, facilitating national policymaking, and enhancing coordination and data sharing among labour statistics producers and users,” Ms. Odette said. 

Continuing efforts to analyze data on migration impacts is imperative, aligned with the primary objectives of the Global Compact for Migration (GCM). By gaining a deeper comprehension of the disparities between skill supply and demand in the job market, the JLMP will support Member States to effectively address identified labour requirements and enhance the employability of young individuals on the move.

 “As a key destination and origin country in West Africa, this perspective [LMIS] is particularly important and immediately relevant to Côte d'Ivoire. Moreover, having real-time and updated migration data will facilitate the formulation of appropriate public policies,” Mr. David Preux, the IOM Côte d'Ivoire Chief of Mission noted.

Moving forward, the focus will be on detailing the LMIS design, reviewing raw data and meta-data, conducting LMIS training, establishing a reference database, and other relevant activities.

As per the recommendations by the Ministers of Labour at the 3rd & 4th STC on Social Development, Labour & Employment of the African Union, stakeholders will collaborate to devise a comprehensive approach with shared responsibilities for implementing the Labor Market Information System (LMIS) in Côte d'Ivoire.

Following the report validation, the event proceeded with capacity building sessions for national stakeholders on the production of LMIS indicators. These sessions focused on imparting methodologies for generating pertinent, timely, and actionable data related to labor migration and labour statistics.

The capacity building brought together various key stakeholders, including the Directorate-General for Employment, the Youth Employment Agency, the National Institute of Statistics (INS), the Directorate-General for the Economy, the National Population Office, and the Directorate of Labour Inspection. Additionally, representatives from the Ministries of the Interior and Foreign Affairs, Employers' and Workers' organizations, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Directorate-General for Social Protection to provide valuable insights tailored to Côte d'Ivoire’s specific LMIS characteristics and contribute to future endeavors in the field.

About the JLMP

The Joint Labour Migration Programme (JLMP) is a collaborative initiative between the African Union Commission (AUC), International Labour Organization (ILO), International Organization for Migration (IOM), Economic Commission for Africa (ECA). The JLMP's strategy emphasizes intra-African labor migration and aligns with the First 2023 Ten Year Plan of the AU's Agenda 2063 and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is currently implementing projects to enhanced rights-based governance for labor migration and mobility in Africa, ensuring gender-responsive regulations and protections for all migrant workers; increase availability and utilization of labour migration data & statistics by MS and RECs for evidence-based policy-making; and support MS to establish systems that promote safe, secure, and equal working conditions for migrant workers in formal and informal sectors with access to social protection and skill recognition.

For further information please contact: 

Ms. Odette Bolly, JLMP Coordinator, African Union Commission, Email:

Mr. Brian Okengo, JLMP Statistics Officer, African Union Commission, Email:

For media inquiries, please contact:

Mr. Innocent Vuga | Communication and Knowledge Management Officer -JLMP | African Union Commission | E-mail:

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February 10, 2022

Agenda 2063 is Africa’s development blueprint to achieve inclusive and sustainable socio-economic development over a 50-year period.