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Second Extra-ordinary Session of the Specialized Technical Committee on Communication and Information Communications Technology (STC-CICT)

Second Extra-ordinary Session of the Specialized Technical Committee on Communication and Information Communications Technology (STC-CICT)

June 11, 2024 to June 13, 2024

The Second  Extra-ordinary Session of the Specialised Technical Committee on Communication and Information Communications Technology (STC-CICT)

11 – 13 JUNE 2024


The AU Commission led by the Department of Infrastructure and Energy and Information and Communications Directorate, is organising the Second Extra-ordinary Session of the Specialised Technical Committee on Communication and Information Communications Technology (STC-CICT).

About the Specialised Technical Committee on Communication and Information Technologies:
The Specialised Technical Committees (STCs), which constitute an important technical organ of the African Union (AU), were established under Article 25 of the African Economic Community Treaty (the Abuja Treaty). With the transformation of the OAU into the AU, the STCs were carried over by the Constitutive Act of the African Union under Articles 14 to 16. 2. Following AU Assembly referenced Assembly/AU/Dec.227 (XII) reconfiguring the existing STCs the STC on Communication and Information Technologies called the Committee on Communication and ICT (CCICT) has been established as one of the fourteen committees set up to work in close collaboration with the various departments of the African Union Commission (AUC) so as to provide well-informed inputs in their areas of specialization to the work of the Executive Council.

Thematic Focus of the 2nd Extraordinary Session of the STC-CICT

Harnessing the dividends of the digital era and mitigating its risks requires strategic and coordinated action from all. This extraordinary session's central theme underscores the significance for Africa to embrace its digital future and the pressing need for a coordinated approach to address the urgent challenges and opportunities arising from the digital transformation.

Today digital and emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelegence (AI) are  shaping our economic and political reality, they are underpinning critical infrastructure upon which modern societies will depend on.

The 44th Ordinary Session of the African Union Executive Council adopted the following policy documents and strategic frameworks endorsed by the Fifth Ordinary Session of the Specialised Technical Committee on Communication and ICT (STC-CICT5) held in Addis Ababa, the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia on 23rd November 2023.

(i) The Continental Strategy on Enabling Policy and Regulatory Environment for Africa’s Single Digital Market; Its Implementation Plan and M&E Framework;

(ii) The Guidelines on the Integration of Data Provision in Digital Trade Protocols;

(iii) The Policy on Child Online Safety and Empowerment;

(iv) The Conceptual Framework of the Continental Artificial Intelligence (AI) Strategy.

 While  requesting   the African Union Commission to:

  1. Develop an African Digital Compact as a contribution to the Global Digital Compact in preparation for the United Nations Summit of the Future;
  2. Expedite the development of a Continental Artificial Intelligence (AI) Strategy; and
  3. Organize an Extra-Ordinary STC on Communication and ICT in the first half of 2024 to consider and approve the African Digital Compact as a contribution to the Global Digital Compact for adoption by the AU Executive Council,

In response to the decision , the AU Commission  through collaborative and participatory processes  developed a  Draft African Digital Compact structured around key commitments  to harness digital to transform Africa economy and Society  and a  Draft Continental Strategy on Artificial Intelligence ( AI) that sets out a common vision and principles, defines strategic priorities and suitable actions to ensure a responsible, inclusive  and ethical development, deployment and use of AI systems across the continent.

Objectives, Expected Outcomes and Format of the STC Meeting

The main objectives of the second extra-ordinary session of the STC-CICT are as follows:
(i) Present the draft African Digital Compact for consideration
(ii) Present the draft Continental Artificial Intelligence (AI) Strategy for consideration

(iii) Submit the approved African Digital Compact and Continental AI Strategy to the Executive Council for consideration and adoption;

Expected outcomes of the STC

(i) Ministerial Declaration with recommendations drawn from the reports; and,

(ii) Approved African Digital Compact and Continental AI Strategy.

Dates and Format of the STC

The meeting is  scheduled to be held from 11 - 13 June 2024 virtually

(i) Experts session: 11 - 12 June 2024;

(ii) Ministerial session: 13 June 2024.

Participation at the STC

The Extra-ordinary STC on CICT will gather Ministers in charge of ICT, Post and Communication and Information and their respective experts from AU member States, African and International Organizations, African and International Partners of Africa dealing with Communication and Information Technologies, Private sector, academia and NGOs.  

For further information, please contact:

Ms. Souhila Amazouz, Senior  Digital Policy Officer | Infrastructure and Energy Department, African Union Commission | E-mail:

For media inquiries, please contact:

  1. Ms. Bezayit Eyoel| Department of Infrastructure and Energy| African Union Commission| E-mail:|
  2. Mr. Gamal Eldin Ahmed A. Karrar | Senior Communication Officer | Information and Communication Directorate (ICD), African Union Commission | E-mail:

Information and Communication Directorate, African Union Commission I E-mail:
Web: | Addis Ababa, Ethiopia | Follow Us: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube




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