1. AHG/Dec. 171 (XXXVIII) Decision on the 15th Annual Activity Report of the African Commission on Human And People’s Rights 1
2. AHG/Dec. 172 (XXXVIII) Decision on the Report of the African Committee on the Rights and Welfare of the Child 1
3. AHG/Dec. 173 (XXXVIII) Decision on Lockerbie Case 1-2
4. AHG/Dec. 174 (XXXVIII) Decision on the Status Report on Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) 1-2
5. AHG/Dec. 175 (XXXVIII) Decision on the Conference on Security, Stability, Development Cooperation and (CSSDCA) 1-2
6. AHG/Dec. 176 (XXXVIII) Decision on the Place of the African Population Commission (APC) in the African Union 1
7. AHG/Dec. 177 (XXXVIII) Decision on the Place of the OAU Labour and Social Affairs Commission in the African Union 1
8. AHG/Dec. 178 (XXXVIII) Decision on the World Solidarity and Poverty Reduction Fund 1
9. AHG/Dec. 179 (XXXVIII) Decision on the Control of Arterial Hypertension in Africa 1-2 10. AHG/Dec. 180 (XXXVIII) Decision on Support for Mr Juan
Somavia 1-2
11. AHG/Dec. 181(XXXVIII) Decision on African Process For The Development And Protection of the Marine And Coastal Environment In Africa 1-2
12. AHG/Dec. 182 (XXXVIII) Decision on the Implementation and Universality of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development,
Production, Stockpiling And Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction 1
13 AHG/Dec. 183 (XXXVIII) Decision on Development in the Middle East and Palestine 1-4
14 AHG/Dec. 184 (XXXVIII) Resolution on the Return of the Pillaged African Monument the Obelisk of Axum 1-2
15 AHG/Decl. 1 (XXXVIII) Declaration on the Principles governing Democratic Elections In Africa 1-7 AHG/Dec.171 (XXXVIII)
16 AHG/Decl. 2 (XXXVIII) Declaration on developments in Angola 1
Topic Resources
Thirty-First Ordinary Session
1 – 2 July 2018
Nouakchott, MAURITANIA
As of 21 September 2020
AU STATUTORY MEETINGS From 30 September to 22 October 2020
Excellencies Heads of State and Government,
Honourable Ministers,
Invited Guests,
09 FEBRUARY 2020
Agenda 2063 is Africa’s development blueprint to achieve inclusive and sustainable socio-economic development over a 50-year period.
Africa`s Green Minerals Strategy (AGMS) represents a defining moment in the continent’s journey toward sustainable industrialization, ene