An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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Executive Council Seventeenth Ordinary Session


1. EX.CL/Dec.556(XVII) Decision on the activity report of the PRC Sub-
Committee on Multilateral Cooperation
Doc. PRC/Rpt (XX) 2
2. EX.CL/Dec.557(XVII) Decision on the report of the commission on
Cooperation with some countries and some
International Organizations - Doc. PRC/Rpt(XX) 1
3. EX.CL/Dec.558(XVII) Decision on the Situation of Refugees,
Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons in
Africa Doc. PRC/Rpt(XX) 2
4. EX.CL/Dec.559(XVII)
Decision on the African Union Conferences and
Programmes - Doc. PRC/Rpt(XX) 2
5. EX.CL/Dec.560(XVII)
Decision on the establishment of Pan-African
University - Doc. EX.CL/579(XVII) 2
6. EX.CL/Dec.561(XVII)
Decision on the Public Service in Africa - Doc.
EX.CL/579(XVII) 1
7. EX.CL/Dec.562(XVII)
Decision on the Report of the Fourth African
Ministerial Conference on Science and
Technology (AMCOST IV) -Doc. 1
8. EX.CL/Dec.563(XVII) Decision on the Report of the Commission on
the Second Conference of African Ministers in
charge of Border Issues - Doc. EX.CL/585(XVII) 2
9. EX.CL/Dec.564(XVII) Decision on the African Common Position and
the 2010 Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs) Report - Doc. EX.CL/586(XVII) 2
10. EX.CL/Dec.565(XVII) Decision on the Implementation of the African
Charter on Statistics - Doc. EX.CL/586(XVII) 1
Adopted by the Seventeenth Ordinary Session of the Executive Council in Kampala, Uganda, on 25 July 2010
11. EX.CL/Dec.566(XVII) Decision on the Report of the Third Conference
of the African Ministers in Charge of Youth
Doc. EX.CL/588 (XVII) 1
12. EX.CL/Dec.567(XVII) Decision on the Implementation of the Plan of
Action for the Outcomes of the Special Summit
on Refugees, Returnees and Internally
Displaced Persons in Africa - Doc.
EX.CL/591(XVII) 1
13. EX.CL/Dec.568(XVII) Decision on the Report of the Special Session
of the African Union Conference of Ministers of
Health (CAMH4) on Maternal, Infant and Child
Health in Africa- Doc. EX.CL/592(XVII) 2
14. EX.CL/Dec.569(XVII) Decision on the Report of the African
Committee of Experts on the Rights and
Welfare of the Child (ACERWC) - Doc.
EX.CL/602(XVII) 1
15. EX.CL/Dec.570(XVII) Decision on the Activity Report of the African
Union Advisory Board on Corruption
Doc. EX.CL/603(XVII) 1
16. EX.CL/Dec.571(XVII) Decision on the Status of Signature and
Ratification of OAU/AU Treaties
Doc. EX.CL/605(XVII) 2
17. EX.CL/Dec.572(XVII) Decision on the situation in Palestine and the
Middle East - Doc. EX.CL/609(XVII) 3
18. EX.CL/Dec.573(XVII) Decision on the Africa Institutional Architecture
for Infrastructure - Doc. EX.CL/610(XVII) 1
19. EX.CL/Dec.574(XVII) Decision on the Report of the Commission on
the Continental Launch of the African Women’s
Decade (2010-2020) - (DOC. EX.CL/613 (XVII) 1
20. EX.CL/Dec.575(XVII) Decision on the Report of the Commission on
the Implementation of the African Union Solemn
Declaration on Gender Equality in Africa
Doc. EX.CL/614 (XVII) 1
Adopted by the Seventeenth Ordinary Session of the Executive Council in Kampala, Uganda, on 25 July 2010
21. EX.CL/Dec.576(XVII) Draft Decision on the Establishment of an
African Integration Facility 1
22. EX.CL/Dec.577(XVII) Decision on the Staff Regulations and Rules of
the African Union - Doc. EX.CL/580(XVII) 1
23. EX.CL/Dec.578(XVII) Decision on the First Quarterly Report of the
Commission on the 2010 Budget Execution 1
24. EX.CL/Dec.579(XVII) Decision on the Report of the African Union
Commission on International Law (AUCIL) -
Doc. EX.CL/604(XVII) 1
25. EX.CL/Dec.580(XVII) Decision on the Contribution of Members States
Doc. PRC/Rpt(XX) 1
26. EX.CL/Dec.581(XVII) Decision on Economic Social and Cultural
Council (ECOSOCC) - Doc. Ex.Cl.599/(XVII) 1
27. EX.CL/Dec.582(XVII) Decision on the Scale of Assessment
Doc. EX.CL/595(XVII) 1
28. EX.CL/Dec.583(XVII) Decision on the Twenty-Eighth Activity Report
of the African Commission on Human and
Peoples’ Rights - Doc.Ex.CL/600(XVII) 1
29. EX.CL/Dec.584(XVII) Decision on the item Proposed by the Republic
of Senegal “A Partnership For The Elimination
of Mother-Child Transmission of HIV in Africa”
Doc. EX.CL/615(XVII) Add. 1 2
30. EX.CL/Dec.585(XVII) Decision on the Item Proposed by the Republic
of Senegal on “Accession of African Countries
to the United Nations Convention on
Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of
Certain Conventional Weapons Which may be
deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to have
Indiscriminate Effects (CCW)” - Doc.
EX.CL/615(XVII)Add. 2 1
Adopted by the Seventeenth Ordinary Session of the Executive Council in Kampala, Uganda, on 25 July 2010
31. EX.CL/Dec.586(XVII) Draft Decision on the Item Proposed by the
Republic of Senegal on “The Institution of 3rd
April as Africa Renaissance Day”
Doc. EX.CL/615 (XVII) Add. 3 1
32. EX.CL/Dec.587(XVII) Decision on the Item Proposed by the Republic of Uganda on “Social-Economic Transformation
and Infrastructure Development in Africa: Energy,
Railway, Road And ICT Sectors”
Doc. EX.CL/615(XVII) Add. 4 1
33. EX.CL/Dec.588(XVII) Decision on the Item Proposed by the People’s
Democratic Republic of Algeria on the
“Establishment of an African Framework for
Constitutional Justice”
Doc. EX.CL/615(XVII) Add. 5 1
34. EX.CL/Dec.589(XVII) Decision on the item proposed by the People’s
Democratic Republic of Algeria on “The Third
African Conference on the Application of Space
Sciences and Technologies for Sustainable
Development” - Doc. EX.CL/615(XVII)Add. 6 1
35. EX.CL/Dec.590(XVII) Decision on the item proposed by the Republic
of Kenya Integration of the African Regional
Standardization Organization into the African
Union Structures - Doc. EX.CL/615(XVII) Add. 7 1
36. EX.CL/Dec.591(XVII) Decision on the item proposed by the Republic
of Malawi on “A Medium Term Policy
Framework and Strategy for a Food Secure
Africa and Commemoration of “Africa Food and
Nutrition Security Day” - DOC. EX.CL/615(XVII)
Add. 8 1
37. EX.CL/Dec.592(XVII) Decision on the item proposed by the Arab
Republic of Egypt on “Promotion of
Cooperation, Dialogue and Respect for
Diversity in the Field of Human Rights” - Doc.
EX.CL/615(XVII) Add. 9 1
Adopted by the Seventeenth Ordinary Session of the Executive Council in Kampala, Uganda, on 25 July 2010
38. EX.CL/Dec.593(XVII) Decision on the item proposed by the Great
Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya on
“Reconsideration of Decision
Assembly/AU/Dec.263(IXII) on the
Transformation of the African Union
Commission into the African Union Authority” -
Doc. EX.CL/615(XVII)Add.10 1
39. EX.CL/Dec.594(XVII) Decision on the item proposed by the Great
Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
“Convening of Mid-Year Sessions of the
Assembly of the African Union (July Sessions)”
Doc. 615(XVII)Add.11 1
40. EX.CL/Dec.595(XVII) Decision on the Activities of the NEPAD
Planning and Coordinating Agency - Doc.
EX.CL/601(XVII) 1
41. EX.CL/Dec.596(XVII) Decision on Election of a Member of the African
Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights
Doc. EX.CL/616(XVII) 1
42. EX.CL/Dec.597(XVII) Decision on the Election of Members of the
African Committee of Experts on the Rights and
Welfare of the Child
Doc. EX.CL/617(XVII)
43. EX.CL/Dec.598(XVII) Decision on the Election of Judges of the
African Court on Human And Peoples’ Rights
Doc. EX.CL/618(XVII) 1
44. EX.CL/Dec.599(XVII) Decision on African Candidatures Within the
International System - Doc. EX.CL/596(XVII) 1

Friday, July 23, 2010 - 11:00

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