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Renewed Push to Boost Agriculture Investments in Angola Launch of the CAADP/ Malabo domestication process

Renewed Push to Boost Agriculture Investments in Angola Launch of the CAADP/ Malabo domestication process

August 28, 2018

August 28, 2018 (Luanda, Angola) — The Angolan Government yesterday launched a critical phase in their agriculture agenda by undertaking the process of domesticating the AU Malabo Declaration commitments into their National Agriculture Investment Plan (NAIP).

An African Union Commission and NEPAD Agency team is in the country for a three-day meeting with officials from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry; other critical line ministries, RECs, development partners and civil society organisations to evaluate and refine the county’s NAIP, the core blueprint for revitalizing crop, livestock and fisheries production, and align it to the commitments of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) and the Malabo Declaration.

CAADP was endorsed by African Leaders in 2003 and reaffirmed and expanded at the 2014 AU Heads of State and Government Summit in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea.

The AUC led NAIP appraisal and refinement process is supporting AU Member States to update and formulate their NAIPs and put in place necessary instruments and mechanisms needed for effective country specific implementation and accountability of the Malabo implementation progress.

“The NAIP remains a central tool for CAADP implementation as it translates the continental and country aspirations into an evidence based plan with clear targets, budgets and mutual accountability,” said AUC’s Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture, H.E. Amb. Josefa Sacko, while officially opening ceremony of the meeting to kick start discussions.

She added that the NAIP process was in line with the aspirations of Africa’s Agenda 2063’s Aspiration 1, “A prosperous Africa based on inclusive growth and sustainable development.”

Angola’s Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, H.E Marcos Nhunga, during the opening ceremony reiterated the country’s commitment towards implementing the commitments of the Malabo Declaration and thanked the AUC and NEPAD Agency for their support towards the Country’s CAADP and Malabo process.

The AUC team is expected, under the Angolan Government leadership to consult Government officials, private sector, civil society and development partners to come up with a roadmap detailing deliverables, roles, coordination, accountability and timeframes towards the NAIP alignment.

The Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) was endorsed at the African Union Heads of State and Government Summit in July 2003. The overall goal of CAADP is to “Help African countries reach a higher path of economic growth through agriculture-led development, which eliminates hunger, reduces poverty and food insecurity, and enables expansion of exports.” CAADP is a growth-oriented agricultural development agenda, aimed at increasing agriculture growth rates to six percent per year to create the wealth needed for rural communities and households in Africa to prosper.

In June 2014, African leaders recommitted to the CAADP principles through the Malabo Declaration on Accelerated Agricultural Growth and Transformation for Shared Prosperity and Improved Livelihoods that was adopted by African Union Heads of State and Government at the 23rd Ordinary Session of the AU Assembly. It commits leaders to a set of actions that will accelerate agricultural growth and transformation across Africa.

For more information:
Mr. Ernest Ruzindaza
African Union Commission
Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture

Ms. Carol Jilombo African Union Commission
Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture

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