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“It is time to embrace a digital transformation strategy for Africa”

“It is time to embrace a digital transformation strategy for Africa”

October 20, 2019

Washington DC, 20 October 2019: H.E. Dr Amani Abou-Zeid, African Union Commissioner for Infrastructure and Energy, actively participated at this year’s WBG/IMF Annual Meetings held from 14 to 20 October 2019, where the development of the regional digital transformation strategy aiming at enabling inclusive digital transformation in Africa was largely discussed.

The Launch of the Broadband for All report “A Digital Infrastructure Moonshot for Africa”, a joint report prepared by the African Union, the UN Broadband Commission and the WBG teams was the major event organized with the Vice President for Infrastructure at the World Bank. The report calls for urgent action to close the internet access gap while providing a seven points roadmap and an action plan for reaching universal, affordable, meaningful and inclusive connectivity in Africa by 2030.

The report highlights that achieving universal, affordable and good quality broadband internet access in Africa by 2030 will require connecting nearly 1.1 billion new unique users and an estimated additional $100 billion to be mobilized to reach this goal over the next decade.
“I have a challenge for you, which I think we can achieve: Let’s connect Africa before 2030 and build upon the fantastic achievements we are accomplishing everyday all over the Continent” said Dr Abou-Zeid in opening the session’s debate.

Mr. Makhtar Diop, the World Bank’s Vice President for Infrastructure explained that the working-age population in Africa is expected to increase by some 450 million people between 2015 and 2035.

“If current trends continue, less than one quarter will find stable jobs. Broadening internet access means creating millions of job opportunities. The digital agenda is first and foremost a growth and jobs agenda” said Mr Diop

The session brought together an important group of digital trailblazers in governments, the private sector, and key development institutions and was attended by more than 300 participants and explored ways needed to achieve an inclusive digital transformation in Africa. The session also highlighted good practices and critical digital inclusion enablers, and further discussed the opportunities for promoting investment into digital transformation across the Continent.

Ideas generated through this discussion will be taken forward to help shape the global debate and consultations around the said strategy.

H.E. Commissioner also addressed the Identification for Development (ID4D) Initiative’s High-level Advisory Council and shared with the participants the needs, solutions, challenges, and best practices for implementing digital ID across Africa.
“Digital ID is widely-recognized as a foundational infrastructure for the delivery of services, whether in-person or online. It promotes inclusive growth by enabling a range of development outcomes, such as financial inclusion, universal healthcare coverage, productive social safety nets, and an accessible digital economy. Our work at AUC is to make Digital IDs recognizable across borders, which means they can become a powerful driver of regional economic integration and safe and orderly migration.” explained Commissioner Abou-Zeid
She went to further highlight that “If well-designed and well-implemented, digital ID systems should exclude the greater risks for vulnerable populations such as the poor, marginalized women and girls, migrants, refugees and stateless persons. We should be mindful of data protection and privacy.”

The process of rolling out digital IDs was further discussed at the Center for Global Development where the Commissioner exposed the ongoing work of the AUC aiming at ensuring the transition to a digital economy in Africa.
“Digital ID is crucial for digital transformation and inclusion. We should look at a person as a prospect not suspect. Interoperability, cybersecurity, agility and innovation are key for a good ID” added Dr Abou-Zeid
H.E. Commissioner was also a guest keynote speaker at the Emerging Markets Advisory Council (EMAC) meeting where she addressed the opening session and highlighted the great strides Africa is making to integrate regionally and to increase its competitiveness globally to ensure well-being of all its population.

“African economies are adopting digital solutions and transforming business models making the Continent an increasingly attractive environment for global business investment. The African Union shares the excitement and brings forward the opportunities while addressing the hurdles and challenges.” voiced Dr Abou-Zeid

Talking at the Horn of Africa Initiative’s Ministerial Roundtable, the esteemed Commissioner highlighted the necessity to harmonize the work done by different partners in the region and the need to work on priority flagship projects as stipulated by the Agenda 2063.
H.E. Commissioner seized the opportunity of her participation at this international gathering to have series of bilateral meetings with top officials at the WBG and key partners to discuss fast-tracking of joint initiatives and work programmes.

Note to Editors:
The report “Connecting Africa Through Broadband A strategy for doubling connectivity by 2021 and reaching universal access by 2030” is accessible through the following link:

For further information contact
Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: I Web Site: I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

Media inquiry Contacts:
Sophia Nesri | PIDA Information Analyst | Department of Infrastructure and Energy | African Union Commission I E-mail: I Web Site: I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

Esther Azaa Tankou / Head of Information Division / AUC / Tel: +251 911361185 /

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