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African Union Special Envoy on Youth Solidarity visit to South Sudan to commemorate Africa Youth Month

African Union Special Envoy on Youth Solidarity visit to South Sudan to commemorate Africa Youth Month

November 23, 2020

“Young people of South Sudan are demanding the dialogue to be intergenerational; we urgently need solidarity between generations to ensure co-leadership in the peace process”, she said The African Union Special Envoy on Youth, Ms. Aya Chebbi, during a 3-day solidarity mission to South Sudan to commemorate the Africa Youth Day. The goal mission was to advocate for the ratification of the African Youth Charter, exploring modalities for the operationalisation of the Youth centre of excellence and innovation alongside the youth framework on silencing the guns campaign.During this visit she engaged youth groups, government officials, civil society organisations and other stakeholders. 

Recalling that the South Sudan national dialogue was initiated by President Salva Kiir in 2017, with the aim of approach to solving conflicts and attaining peace sustainability in South Sudan, the AU special envoy on youth visited Rumbek, where voluntary disarmament has taken place in Lakes State, accompanied by the Minister of Youth Dr. Albino and Minister of Labour Hon. James Hoth Mai and the Governor and state officials. She also has the opportunity to Rumbek, she visited young entrepreneurs, young peace builders and artists as part of the African Union theme of the year 2020, “Silencing the Guns”

To ensure youth inclusion at all levels of governance in South Sudan the AU youth Envoy to present the Report on Greater Inclusion of African Youth in Public Service and Governance  to the Vice President for Gender sector H.E Mme. Rebecca Nyandeng Garang  during the Inter-Ministerial Meeting held on 2nd November   where they two digitates discussed discuss various programs under the youth and gender cluster as well as the ratification of the Africa Youth Charter

Ms. Chebbi was also invited to join the South Sudan National Dialogue conference which was attended by the Vice President for Services sector, General Haseeb Abdul Baqi, and the Vice President for Gender sector H.E Mme. Rebecca Nyandeng Garang, as well as the diplomatic corp where she urged South Sudan leaders to increase youth participation in the Transitional Government of National Unity.

As a representative and advocate for the voices and interests of African youth, during her visit, she took the opportunity to host two round tables discussion at both the Defy Hate Compound and the University of Juba, where youth shared their experiences especially during COVID-19 pandemic, their challenges including concerns in participating in the decision making and peace processes. She also announced the launch of the Sauti صوتي Blog and Publication, South Sudan chapter, making it the first country to domesticate the Sauti صوتي project. The Sauti blog is a platform to give space to young African women to feature young African women initiatives, support young African women creative and feature their artworks and lastly showcase and reinforce the linguistic diversity of Africa. 

Media Contacts

Ms. Raghda Elshaloudy| Communication assistant| Office of the Youth Envoy| African Union Commission | | Addis Ababa | Ethiopia Follow Us: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Youtube

Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: I Website: I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia Follow Us: Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Instagram | Youtube

About the African Union Youth Envoy

Ms Aya Chebbi, is the first African Union Youth Envoy and the youngest diplomat at the African Union Commission. The AU Youth Envoy is mandated to serve as a representative of and advocate for the voices and interests of African youth to the relevant African Union decision-making bodies. Since her appointment on November 1st, 2018, the AU Youth Envoy’s office has engaged African Youth on the continent and in the diaspora to draw them towards supporting and promoting positive social change, intergenerational dialogue and concrete action for Africa’s development as underscored in Agenda 2063.

The AU Office of the Youth Envoy is a Pan-African collaborative movement with a committed AU Youth Advisory Council supporting the office mandate and spearheading regional engagement. As mandated by the chairperson, the AU Youth Envoy launched the2019/2020 Action Plan. The OYE supports the work of the African Union, Department Human Resources, Science and Technology Department (Youth Division) on youth mainstreaming and advocacy for the implementation of progressive policies and impactful actions that promote youth participation, engagement and leadership towards the realization of real transformation for youth development.

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