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AU Media Fellows Tour National Broadcasters to Understand Media’s Role in Connecting Policymakers and Citizens

AU Media Fellows Tour National Broadcasters to Understand Media’s Role in Connecting Policymakers and Citizens

July 01, 2024

The AU Media Fellowship program understands the power of storytelling to shape a continent's narrative. This is precisely why, throughout their study tours, a key element has been visiting national broadcasters like Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation (EBC), South Africa Broadcasting Corporation (SABC), and Deutsche Welle (Germany). These visits go beyond simple sightseeing; they highlight the critical role national broadcasters play in fostering citizen engagement and propelling Africa towards achieving Agenda 2063's goals.

National broadcasters occupy a unique space in the media landscape. Unlike private outlets which may cater to specific demographics, national broadcasters have a responsibility to serve the entire population. This public service mandate requires them to deliver a diverse range of content that informs, educates, and entertains citizens from all walks of life.

The AU Media Fellowship program recognizes that Agenda 2063 cannot be achieved without an active and informed citizenry. By engaging with national broadcasters, Fellows gain a deeper understanding of how media can bridge the gap between policymakers and the public. They learn how to craft content that educates, empowers, and inspires citizens to become active participants in shaping their continent's future.

AU Media Fellow Keletso Thobega, from Botswana established networks with international broadcaster Channel Africa during the AUMF visit to SABC during a study tour. Thobega served as correspondent in Botswana during a tragic incident when 47 pilgrims from Botswana perished in South Africa. She looks forward to working with the station on Botswana elections coverage. Channel Africa is one of Africa's biggest broadcasters which shares continental news and information through radio (satellite) and online (Internet) platforms. Channel Africa broadcasts in English, French, Swahili, Portuguese, Chewa and Silozi.

During the study tour to Europe, Thobega was also interviewed by Deutsche Welle (DW) television network at the Global Media Forum (GMF) attended by the fellows. She highlighted the importance of networking among media stakeholders, and regularly converging and engaging to keep up to date with media trends, challenges and solutions in the digital era.

Content creators Melissa Babil, an AU Media Fellow from Mozambique, reported that they explored innovative news models. Melissa shared that during the guided tour, the DW teams provided templates and guidelines specifically tailored for English-speaking Africa desk publishers. She further re-counted that the fellows learned how pitch ideas for the Africa link podcast and DW Africa's TikTok channel. Melissa highlighted that these platforms broadcast in Kiswahili, French, English, Portuguese, Hausa, and Amharic.

Damaso Alonso Esono, an AU Media Fellow from Equatorial Guinea, reported on his impressions of the new EBC facilities, emphasizing the state-of-the-art equipment. He marveled at the advancements, highlighting the importance of well-funded public broadcasters.

The African Union Media Fellowship Programme (AUMF) comprises of 20 journalists and content creators from across Africa, with backgrounds in audio-visual, print, and digital journalism. This flagship AU initiative aims to transform African media by fostering ethical journalism, challenging prevailing narratives, and promoting collaboration among media professionals for cross-border coverage. The programme also engages policymakers to enhance media influence and impact.

For further media inquiries, please contact:

Janet Faith Adhiambo Ochieng | Communication Officer- Agenda 2063 | Information and Communication. Directorate | African Union Commission | E-mail:

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