An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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In addition to the weekly brief on the spread of COVID-19 and the actions that Africa CDC is taking to help member states, Africa CDC has begun to share a weekly brief detailing the latest changes in scientific knowledge and public health policy changes, as well as updates to the latest guidance from WHO and others. Contents of this document are not intended to serve as recommendations from the Africa CDC; rather, it is a summary of the fact base to help inform Member States. It is important to note that the outbreak is evolving rapidly and that the nature of this information will continue to change. So, we will continue to provide regular updates to ensure member states are informed of the most critical developments in these areas.

When Do Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration Programmes Succeed?

Offers a multi-dimensional perspective on DDR and attempts to identify the key factors contributing to their success or failure. Comments on the importance of political context - arguing that there is little evidence that DDR can have an impact in the absence of the termination of the conflict, the importance of institutional arrangements, and program sequencing.


Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration in South Sudan: The Limits of Conventional Peace and Security Templates

This report explores the DDR programme in South Sudan; in particular how it has evolved, what the major challenges have been to its implementation, and assesses what it can be expected to achieve. The authors argue that standard DDR programmes are not fit for purpose in a context like South Sudan and argues that achieving security needs to be based on comprehending and changing the basic structures and mechanisms of armed mobilization and adapt security sector reform to a political environment that is constructed in terms of potential for violence and threats of destabilization.


Review of international financing arrangements for disarmament, demobilization and reintegration Phase 2 Report to Working Group 2 of the SIDDR

Phase II report of this study commissioned by the SIDDR that explored international financing arrangements for DDR and issues related to harmonization and policy coherence. Broad conclusions center around three key issues and recommendations; (a) the need to anchor DDR in wider security transformation processes; 2) steps required to harmonize and align external assistance and mandates, and 3) the identification of ways to more effectively and flexibly fund DDR. Case studies from Liberia and DRC are extensively drawn on to form and illustrate conclusions.


Assessing the Reintegration of Ex-Combatants in the Context of Instability and Informal Economies

Drawing on CAR, DRC, and South Sudan as Case Studies the paper explores issues related to economic reintegration. Comparative analysis drawn identifies the fact that in many post-conflict settings informal economic activity provides the bulk of opportunities for ex-combatants and the general population. The paper also emphasizes the importance of social capital and the presence of support networks in promoting economic as well as social reintegration.


Reintegrating ex-combatants in the Great Lakes region - Lessons learned

This wide-ranging report is built around an in-depth and complex analysis of three DDR processes in the Central African Republic (CAR), the Republic of Congo and Liberia. It explores issues related to all three main aspects of DDR and, in particular, has a useful analysis on issues related to weapons collection and the provision of reintegration support. Considerable emphasis is also placed on national ownership and the challenges associated with establishing national structures to implement programs.


From Rebel to Taxpayer? Working together for successful DDR

Conference report from the Carlton Beach II Conference (2007): "From Rebel to Taxpayer? Working together for successful DDR". Explores a range of issues related to all stages of DDR including its role in underpinning wider peace and recovery frameworks and associated challenges with reintegration targeting and assistance. Includes a DRC Case Study which explores policy and practice issues specifically related to the establishment of DDR/SSR linkages


COVID-19 Scientific and Public Health Policy Update – 16 June 2020

In addition to our Weekly Outbreak Brief on the spread of COVID-19 and the actions that Africa CDC is taking to help African Union Member States. Africa CDC shares a weekly brief detailing the latest developments in scientific knowledge and public health policy from around the world, as well as updates to the latest guidance from WHO and other public health agencies. Contents of this document are not intended to serve as recommendations from the Africa CDC; rather, it is a summary of the scientific information available in the public space to Member States.



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April 02, 2021

This report details how African Union and Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) has collaborated with the UNDP

November 17, 2020

In addition to our Weekly Outbreak Brief on the spread of COVID-19 and the actions that Africa CDC is taking to help African Union Member

November 03, 2020

In addition to our Weekly Outbreak Brief on the spread of COVID-19 and the actions that Africa CDC is taking to help African Union Member

October 20, 2020

In addition to our Weekly Outbreak Brief on the spread of COVID-19 and the actions that Africa CDC is taking to help African Union Member

April 02, 2021

“I Belong To Me” is a celebration of the African History and Heritage on Girls’ and Women’s Human Rights and the path towards the elimina

April 02, 2021

This report details how African Union and Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) has collaborated with the UNDP

November 17, 2020

In addition to our Weekly Outbreak Brief on the spread of COVID-19 and the actions that Africa CDC is taking to help African Union Member

November 03, 2020

In addition to our Weekly Outbreak Brief on the spread of COVID-19 and the actions that Africa CDC is taking to help African Union Member