An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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In addition to the weekly brief on the spread of COVID-19 and the actions that Africa CDC is taking to help member states, Africa CDC has begun to share a weekly brief detailing the latest changes in scientific knowledge and public health policy changes, as well as updates to the latest guidance from WHO and others. Contents of this document are not intended to serve as recommendations from the Africa CDC; rather, it is a summary of the fact base to help inform Member States. It is important to note that the outbreak is evolving rapidly and that the nature of this information will continue to change. So, we will continue to provide regular updates to ensure member states are informed of the most critical developments in these areas.

Changing Fortunes: Women's Economic Opportunities in Post-War Northern Uganda

Forms part of a wider comparative study on women's political participation in countries emerging from conflict undertaken in the Great Lakes region by International Alert, together with the East African Sub-Regional Support Initiative for the Advancement of Women (EASSI) For more useful documents, Check the Website:


From Civilians to Soldiers and from Soldiers to Civilians, Mobilization and Demobilization in Sudan

This documents aims to provide a complex and in depth analysis of mobilization processes in armed groups and the dynamics that affect individual involvement in armed groups. It argues that there is a need to move beyond technical discussions on DDR and that programming should be better informed by an analysis of the dynamics of post-conflict security and how stakeholders can influence and impact on these.


Reintegration Assistance for Excombatants: Good Practices and lessons for the MDRP

Comprehensive and practical information on lessons learned from the design and implementation of reintegration programmes including models of support for reinsertion, vocational training and programme management. Case studies at Annex C on the Namibian experience of setting up 'development Brigades and institutional structures for DDR in Ethiopia.


Uganda Demobilization and Reintegration Project Beneficiary Assessment

Document reports findings of this project review. Includes a useful description of a four dimensional approach to assessing the success of reintegration efforts exploring factional, political, economic and social dimensions. Explores particular challenges faced be female ex-combatants in social reintegration and factors driving this.



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Topic Resources

April 02, 2021

This report details how African Union and Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) has collaborated with the UNDP

November 17, 2020

In addition to our Weekly Outbreak Brief on the spread of COVID-19 and the actions that Africa CDC is taking to help African Union Member

November 03, 2020

In addition to our Weekly Outbreak Brief on the spread of COVID-19 and the actions that Africa CDC is taking to help African Union Member

October 20, 2020

In addition to our Weekly Outbreak Brief on the spread of COVID-19 and the actions that Africa CDC is taking to help African Union Member

April 02, 2021

“I Belong To Me” is a celebration of the African History and Heritage on Girls’ and Women’s Human Rights and the path towards the elimina

April 02, 2021

This report details how African Union and Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) has collaborated with the UNDP

November 17, 2020

In addition to our Weekly Outbreak Brief on the spread of COVID-19 and the actions that Africa CDC is taking to help African Union Member

November 03, 2020

In addition to our Weekly Outbreak Brief on the spread of COVID-19 and the actions that Africa CDC is taking to help African Union Member