An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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Nigeria: In Search of Sustainable Peace in the Niger Delta through the Amnesty Programme

Paper provides an overview of the Niger Delta conflict - including background on the armed groups and a detailed description of the Amnesty process. DDR efforts (focused largely on BTVET) are described and explored and challenges both with the structural organisation and eligibility and exclusion criteria for benefits provided under the programme are identified. Issues related to TJ and the role of civil society are also discussed.


Loosening Kony's Grip: Effective defection strategies for Today's LRA

This report examines in some detail the evolution of the LRA from a Ugandan insurgent group to a force operating across the Central African region. Of interest to DDR practitioners will be the detailed discussion on the challenges and potential options for encouraging group members to 'come out' in situations where they cannot access their communities and the challenges of reintegrating them


Improving Security in Violent Conflict Settings: Security & Justice Thematic Paper

This comprehensive but succinct report explores issues related to violence and conflict in complex settings , highlighting clearly the blurred lines across which many development and stabilisation programmes have to operate. It contains an in depth analysis of DDR objectives and considers why 'traditional' DDR responses are inadequate / insufficient to deal with many of the situations in which they are often called for.


Armed and Aimless: Armed groups, Guns and Human Security in the ECOWAS Region

This lengthy report is comprehensive study of armed groups and small arms in the ECOWAS region up to early 2005. Part I contains six in-depth studies. Part II consists of a region-wide mapping of armed groups operational at that time in the ECOWAS region. It is included as the detailed analysis provided contains useful information on both cross border conflict dynamics as well as some of the drivers of participation in armed groups as well as ex-combatant recycling. Conclusions drawn (pgs.


DDRed in Liberia: Youth Remarginalisation or Reintegration?

This report questions mainstream approaches to the reintegration of youthful ex-combatants. Most ex-combatants are currently unemployed
or underemployed as the programmes initiated first and foremost prepared them for jobs
that did not exist. The authors suggest that reintegration can better be achieved through peaceful remobilization that allows the ex-combatants to make use of the skills, experiences and networks gained through the war


Listening for Change: Participatory Evaluations of DDR in Mali, Cambodia and Albania

This report summarizes the findings of a large-scale comparative research project that sought to test the applicability of participatory monitoring and evaluation and its relevance as a methodology in DDR and arms reduction schemes. Mali was one of the focus countries in which the research was conducted.


Disarming Youth Combatants: Mitigating Youth Radicalization and Violent Extremism

This article explores the complex push and pull factors behind recruitment and participation in civil conflict (including re-recruitment). It argues that as part of disarming youth combatants, the linkages between reintegration outcomes and possible re-recruitment into radical and extremist
violence must be better understood. In the authors analysis the policies guiding reintegration of child soldiers and youth should be better attuned to the relationship between


Interim Stabilization Balancing Security and Development in Post-Conflict Peacebuilding

This paper explores the concept of interim stabilisation in the immediate aftermath of conflict. As well as exploring the synergy between SSR and DDR it suggests that in many complex situations there may be a strong case for delaying DDR - arguing that the potential impact of DDR needs to be carefully considered in the early stages of a stabilisation process. Drawing on case studies from South Africa, Uganda and DRC it explores the benefits, as well as some of the potential risks of the creation of 'Interim Stabilisation Approaches' as alternatives to immediate DDR and SSR.



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Topic Resources

July 17, 2024

Draws on research on Reintegration of ex-refugees and ex-fighters in post conflict Eritrea.

July 17, 2024

Focuses on the political Economy of Eritrea in the no war-no peace stalemate that prevailed since 1998-2000 conflict with Ethiopia - spec

July 17, 2024

Brief guide on DDR for Bank staff

July 17, 2024

This useful paper explores in detrail issues related to the impact of dconflict on youth and, conversely, their impact on conflict dynami