An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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Speech by Jonas Helth Lønborg, representative of the Royal Danish Embassy to Ethiopia Statement at African Union Commission event (5 minutes) 21 October 2017 Commemoration of the 2017 African Human Rights Day

Speech by Jonas Helth Lønborg, representative of the Royal Danish Embassy to Ethiopia Statement at African Union Commission event (5 minutes) 21 October 2017 Commemoration of the 2017 African Human Rights Day

October 21, 2017

Speech by Jonas Helth Lønborg, representative of the Royal Danish Embassy to Ethiopia

Statement at African Union Commission event (5 minutes)

21 October 2017

Commemoration of the 2017 African Human Rights Day

Your Excellency, Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki, Your Excellency, Commissioner for Political Affairs, Cessouma Minata Samate, dear Ambassadors, colleagues and friends.

I am pleased, that I have been invited to share a few words with you on behalf of the Royal Danish Embassy at this important event.

I am also delighted to see so many young people present today. In most agendas around the world and on the African continent, youth involvement is crucial. Counting 1.8 billion, we are blessed with the worlds’ largest youth generation. They constitute a huge potential as agents of positive change. However, they can also constitute a global challenge if excluded.

Therefore, inclusion of youth is crucial in ensuring effective implementation of the Action Plan of the Human and Peoples’ Rights Decade in Africa.
I commend the African Union Commission for walking the talk and actively engaging youth through an event like this.

To Denmark, economic and political inclusion of youth is an important agenda. And we also walk the talk. The Danish minister for Development Cooperation attended the AU-EU Youth Summit in Abidjan just last week. She received recommendations for a prosperous future from 120 distinguished youth on behalf of the EU.
I believe she was very right in saying we need development not only for, but by and with youth. 
A prerequisite for economic and political inclusion of youth is basic human rights. This includes the right to your own body and the right to decide when you want children with whom.
Human rights is a main priority for Denmark at home and internationally. As you may be aware, Denmark is a candidate for the UN Human Rights Council in 2019-2021. We already enjoy the support of our Nordic neighbours and many other countries, but need all of your support too. If elected, we have pledged to focus on 3 D’s – Dignity, Dialogue and Development.
If elected, we will work for a dignified life for all - in all corners of the world. The realization of the human rights of women and young people are particular priorities for Denmark. We aim to apply a “women and youth lens” to our development cooperation, our humanitarian assistance as well as our work in the Human Rights Council.
As a small country we know the meaning and importance of dialogue. We will never achieve our goals by walking alone. We work in and for multilateral fora to ensure that everyone is heard, feels included and recognized in the final compromise. We will approach the work in the Human Rights Council the same way. Only by listening to each other and learning from each another, can we build bridges to reach one another. Therefore, Denmark also supports the UN Trust Fund facilitating the participation of Small Island Development States and the Least Developed Countries in the Human Rights Council. Everyone has a right to be heard.
The Sustainable Development Goals figure prominently in our candidature. We work with the interlinkages between SDG’s and human rights. The SDG’s have brought about important change by building bridges between human rights and sustainable development. This is an important new synergy that has the potential to bring progress on both accounts.
Dignity, Dialogue and Development. Three D’s could also well have been the motto of the ten-year action plan and the event here today. People have dignity when their human rights are respected. Through meaningful inclusion of youth we create dialogue. Together this will pave the way for sustainable development for the continent. Dignity, Dialogue and Development. Denmark hopes for your support at the elections in 2018.
I look very much forward to follow the implementation of the 10-year action plan and for us to have a frank and open discussion today. The strength of the Human Rights Council is that even though we have different traditions, cultural backgrounds and different opinions it is through exchange of views and honest discussions that we can understand each other and find a compromise.
Thank you very much for your attention.

Department Resources

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